Blue angelfish were bred relatively recently, but many aquarists have already come to love because of their unusual, sophisticated appearance. Filipino Ken Kennedy was engaged in their cultivation. Working with platinum scalars with a blue gene, he managed to fix it in subsequent generations. Crossing its owners, Kennedy gradually achieved the appearance of a new species - Pterophyllum scalare blue, and the gene itself was subsequently called the “Philippine blue”.
The group of fish - a scalar with a blue gene includes black angelfish (pinus), blue zebra, blue ghost, silver blue, pinus zebra, smoky blue. These include albinos with pearl scales, which are quite rare among scalars.
Description of blue scalar, appearance
Their body is disk-shaped, almost flat. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated, the ventral fins are filiform, responsible for tactile functions. Blue angelfish is an aquarium fish of impressive size. It grows to about 10 centimeters in length and 15-16 in height, so these fish need an aquarium high enough, at least 50 centimeters. Provided that it will contain 4-6 individuals, its volume should be at least 150 liters. For two or three, 100 liters will be enough. It should be remembered that the smaller the volume of the aquarium, the higher the likelihood of a subsequent struggle of the scalars inhabiting it over the territory during spawning, and the leading pair will oppress the remaining individuals.
The blue color of these beautiful fish is more of an ebb rather than a color of scales. With age, the hue becomes more saturated. In nature, scalars, striped or other colors, can also have blue rainbow, this is a hereditary sign.
Species, Morphs
In nature, these fish are painted in soft, discreet tones and have several vertical stripes on the body. Breeding forms look much more interesting.
The blue zebra scalar has three or more distinct, bright vertical stripes on its body. Thanks to the contrasting color, she looks very elegant. This is the most common color scheme. Other morphs can have two or three small stripes or even be monophonic.
Angelfish blue diamond is a breeding form obtained by purposefully fixing the selected mutation. Another name, “crumpled foil”, more fully reflects the peculiarity of the appearance of the fish - embossed scales. This effect becomes noticeable in young individuals earlier than the blue color.
Angelfish blue pearls - a very spectacular fish with blue pearl tints over the entire body.
Aquarium decoration
These fish are quite demanding on the conditions of detention, and if they are not observed, they will hurt, grow poorly and develop. In the aquarium (about the sizes mentioned above) there should be grottoes, snags, caves in which the scalars could take refuge. As a soil, it is better to use dark sand of a large fraction, fine pebbles. There should be plants in the aquarium, but you must leave the fish a place for free swimming. Scalar plants usually do not touch. They also do not like to dig in the ground.
The aquarium should be brightly lit.
Water requirements
These fish come from the tropics, so the temperature of the water in the aquarium should be at least 24 degrees Celsius. The optimal parameters are 24–29 ° C. The desired hardness is 5-20 ° dGH, pH is 6.5-7.8. It should be changed once a week, up to about 25-30% of the total volume, combining with siphoning the soil. It must be filtered. If untreated tap water containing chlorine is used, then a smaller volume should be changed, as fish may have health problems.
Scalarians do not really like direct jets of water with a strong pressure. Therefore, when changing water, diffusers must be used.
Dietary requirements
Angelfish are fish that do not mind eating more than necessary, so moderation should be observed when feeding them. Any kind of food is suitable, but these gourmets prefer its living species - live or frozen plankton (cyclops, daphnia), bloodworms, tubule makers. The tubule must be washed for several days. Before feeding, the water covering the food should remain transparent for two to three days - this is evidence that the tubule can be used.
Necessary blue scalar and plant species of food. At the same time they eat well and artificial. However, it should be borne in mind that the young generation should be fed only with natural food, otherwise the death of the fry will be more widespread than usual.
Blue angelfish can sometimes refuse food. But if they look and behave, they should not panic, as usual.
Neighborhood with other species
Blue angelfish are quite peaceful and non-aggressive. They are not too mobile. These are schooling fish, but they will not arrange fights for the territory. They get along well with most species of large and medium sizes: loaches, mesons, catfish. You should not put these fish in one aquarium with barbs that can nibble the fins of the scalar. As for the smaller species, such as neons, then the scalar is not averse to making money on its own, so this neighborhood should also be avoided.
Blue angelfish (striped or other color) becomes sexually mature at the age of about seven to eight months. Its length is seven to eight centimeters. However, it should be borne in mind that not all scalars of different sexes can get pairs. Therefore, it makes sense to acquire not two individuals, but six - eight fish, moreover, it is rather difficult to distinguish teenage males from females. Vapors usually add up to puberty.
One can distinguish “newlyweds” by the fact that they separate from the group and begin to zealously guard their corner. To produce offspring, the couple is separated separately from others into a spawning aquarium with water at a temperature of about +28 degrees Celsius and a hardness of not more than 10-12 ° dGH. An increase in water temperature stimulates spawning. Pre steam removes contaminants from the aquarium substrate.
Several hundreds of eggs rush about with a scalar onto a smooth surface. For this purpose, experts recommend placing a plate of glass or green plastic in the aquarium. Angelfish willingly use wide leaves of plants, such as echinodorus. Caviar ripening period is two days. At the same time, the fish fan its fins. After the appearance of the larvae, the parents transfer them to another plate or sheet. After a week, the larvae become fry and start independent swimming.
The aquarium in which the babies live should be thoroughly cleaned, because young scalars are very sensitive to water pollution. Feed them, as mentioned above, should only be natural food.
Interesting Facts
Angelfish are one of the most popular ornamental fish, and have been bred by aquarists for over a hundred years.
These fish are very constant in their affections. They form permanent pairs, and it often happens that blue scalar dies after the death of a partner.
Angelfish are very shy, react to loud noises, making sudden movements, and can hit glass or decoration. Over time, they will get used to the sound background of the owner’s home, but at first they should be protected from such unrest.
The article presented information about blue scalars - their origin, conditions of detention, species. These spectacular attractive fish with good care are able to live 10-15 years, which means they will delight their owners for a long time. They should be purchased only from trusted sellers, since in young individuals the blue color may not be too pronounced (the fry are painted in silver-gray), and dishonest merchants can slip cheaper fish species instead of blue scalars.