Psychologists and educators have long noticed that more and more children are becoming
unmanageable. They not only do not listen and play pranks, but simply do not hear what adults say to them. And the fault in this lies primarily with the parents themselves. Therefore, all dads and mothers should know how to communicate with children.Most parents make mistakes in communicating with their child for several reasons:
1. They believe that they should educate him, and discipline above all. Therefore, they read a lot of notations and moralizing, and they just have no time to just talk heart to heart.
2. Scolding a child, they recoup on it for their failures and troubles in life.
3. Parents believe that since they themselves were brought up in such a way, that is how they should behave with a child. After all, no one told them how to communicate with children correctly.
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Psychologists, explaining to parents how to communicate with children, emphasize that the psyche of the child is very vulnerable, so you need to carefully monitor your words. Often an accidentally thrown assessment or accusation greatly offends children. Psychologists also believe that it is impossible to talk a lot when communicating with a child. Adults are used to
conversations use a lot of comparisons, epithets and hints. But children, especially small ones, take these words for the truth.I want to believe that soon every family will be able to say: "We learn to communicate with the child correctly." In this case, there will be less conflict, unhappy children and suicides among adolescents. Parents, learn to listen to your child, and then he will hear you!