The nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue: what to do and what is it connected with?

One of the main concerns of parents is the health of their children. This is especially true for those mothers and fathers whose children are still very young and cannot tell what is bothering them. In this case, it is useful to know which symptoms are really dangerous so as not to miss a serious illness. Pediatricians highlight a number of alarming situations that should alert parents. For example, if the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue.

This phenomenon occurs in newborns quite often and is characteristic of both healthy children and those who have diseases. A bluish tint is caused by a sharp drop in oxygen in the blood, which can be due to various reasons. In medicine, this phenomenon is called cyanosis.

the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue

Better safe than sorry ...

In matters relating to the health of newborns, you should not show negligence, because it can turn into a real disaster. Often, diseases in children proceed much faster, so it is advisable not to delay treatment and not lose precious time. The main rule for parents is that the younger the child, the more alert you need to be.

Timely contacting a specialist will help to avoid complications. Blueing the nasolabial triangle in the baby is an indisputable reason to visit a pediatrician and consult.

Mindfulness and vigilance

Parents know their baby better than anyone and notice every change in his behavior. But sometimes, due to the lack of medical knowledge, they do not attach importance to the symptoms that appear and cannot correctly assess the degree of danger. But external changes in the color of the skin cause anxiety and panic in parents. If the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue, then it is necessary to show maximum vigilance, as this can be a symptom of a serious disease.

nasolabial triangle in a newborn

Blue causes

In the first months of a newborn’s life, the pediatrician asks the mothers a large number of different questions about the baby’s behavior and sleep, as it is very difficult to recognize the changes in appearance. The appearance of a blue tint in the nasolabial region may indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. If parents notice blue hands and feet in the baby, urgent need to urgently call.

If the baby has light and thin skin, then the situation when the nasolabial triangle turns blue may be a variant of the norm. In the early days of life, the area around the eyes can also change hue.

What explains the bluish tint?

Parents should know that heart disease is determined by this symptom. The skin turns blue due to the mixing of two types of blood: venous and arterial. As a result, the body suffers from insufficient oxygen. Very rarely, the nasolabial triangle in a newborn suddenly changes color. As a rule, the baby begins to worry. Sometimes he has a slight tremor.

If parents noticed such signs in their child, it is urgent to consult a doctor or call home help. The specialist should describe in detail all the symptoms and changes that have occurred with the baby. When the nasolabial triangle in a newborn changes color, it may be due to diseases of the nervous system or due to the incorrect structure of the heart partitions. Surgical intervention may sometimes be required, so procrastinating is very dangerous.

blue nasolabial triangle in infants

Inspection - required!

When the shade of the skin of the child changes, an examination is prescribed. It is better to start with a consultation with a pediatrician - he will evaluate the condition of the baby and tell you what actions to take next. Only after complex measures is a final diagnosis made and adequate treatment prescribed. Any suspicious changes must be told to doctors.

Blue nasolabial region in a healthy child

Sometimes it happens that the nasolabial triangle in the baby is blue , which is absolutely healthy. This may be due to hypothermia, so you should pay attention to the temperature in the room and check whether the baby is warmly dressed. This symptom sometimes appears when the baby was moved to another room, where it is much colder. Sudden changes can cause a bluish tinge of the nasolabial area.

Parents of anxious and capricious children often notice such a phenomenon in them. The tint appears due to nervous overstrain and a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood. As a child grows up, this phenomenon will disappear.

blue nasolabial triangle in the baby

Airway problems

When cyanosis is observed in a newborn, it can be caused by respiratory diseases. With pneumonia or a pathological condition of the lungs, the nasolabial triangle is blue in the baby. But in this case, other signs should be present: shortness of breath, pallor and panting. At critical moments, this area acquires a bright blue color.

the nasolabial triangle turns blue

When is immediate help needed?

Parents should call for emergency assistance if they notice a bluish tint in the baby, but he does not cry and is not worried, he is sluggish and does not respond to actions addressed to him. This can be a symptom of heart failure. When the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue, it can be extremely dangerous to delay and delay time.

But whatever the cause of cyanosis, self-medication is by no means worth it. This symptom does not tolerate negligence and carelessness. Parents are obliged to inform the doctor about this problem as soon as possible and undergo all necessary examinations.

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