Raising a child in the family: secrets and subtleties

Raising a child in the family is the most responsible adult job. Good moms and dads are not born, they become. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

The formation of personality from an early age

raising a child in the family

From the youngest years, the child grows, develops and adopts the behavior model of his parents. Our child perceives a good or bad example as a positive experience and tries to match the image of his family. Sometimes everything happens the other way around. The child analyzes the situation and his situation, and then decides not to be like a father or mother. For example, if parents smoke or abuse alcohol, not to mention drugs. Grandparents, sisters, brothers - this is also a favorable environment in which the upbringing of a child in the family is realized.

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foster care

Raising a child in a family is not only holidays. As in war, you need to be prepared for everything. After all, a child, although small, is a person with his own shortcomings, often complexes and a bad mood. It is important to consider these factors. The main weapon is Love. You need to give it a lot, but in return you will receive it even more. It’s hard to raise your child, and it’s even more difficult for someone else’s. Therefore, raising children in a foster family is a responsible task. Not everyone can handle it.

Raising a child in a family consists of several aspects:

· Attention;

· Labor;

· Communication;

· Praise.

Dear moms and dads, do not forget to take into account these features of raising a child in the family. In this case, you must act together, developing a common line of behavior. After all, your child feels and understands everything. And in the worst case scenario, the child will no longer listen to the parents, they will feel their weakness.

features of raising a child in the family

Also, be sure to determine what type of temperament your child belongs to. After all, some children are very mobile, funny and inquisitive (sanguine type). Others are touchy and cry (melancholy type), angry, screaming, nervous (choleric type) or slow in their actions and thoughts (phlegmatic type). You need to be very careful not to injure the baby.

Useful Occupational Therapy

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