Mosquito repellent bracelets for children - safe protection

Everyone loves summer, especially children - vacations, freedom, the hot sun. There would have been mosquitoes, but they appear as an inevitable evil with the first warm days. And itchy bites, which are unbearably itchy, are not the most pleasant gift from annoying insects. And what can we say about the diseases carried by them? Therefore, parents are seriously puzzled by the measures to protect their tomboys from flying parasites. Locking a fidget in the house is not an option. Gels, lotions and sprays all consist entirely of harmful chemistry. What funds remain?

mosquito repellent bracelets for children

It is worth trying a novelty - mosquito repellent bracelets for children. These bright accessories appeared relatively recently, but judging by the reviews, they managed to put together their army of fans.

What is the essence of the invention? It is simple and straightforward: mosquito repellent extracts of citronella. This is a herb that can neutralize carbon dioxide released by human skin. The latter just attracts a mosquito tribe like a signal flag. Citronella oil makes a person invisible to insects.

Some manufacturers also rely on geraniums. Bloodsuckers do not tolerate the smell of this plant, it is almost like garlic for vampires.

Children's mosquito repellent bracelets are made of either microfiber or ethylene silicone. Both materials are harmless to the body. A soft microfiber tape is impregnated with essential oil, which gradually evaporates from the surface of the bauble. In the case of ethylene silicone, the plant extract is placed in a special small container. The compartments provided with mosquito repellent bracelets for children allow you to control the repellent evaporation rate. To do this, you only need to increase or decrease the number of openings on the container.

Where to buy a mosquito repellent bracelet

Since the essential oil evaporates and loses its properties, manufacturers honestly warn customers about the specific time periods for the activity of such protective accessories. Usually they range from 170 to 240 hours. That is, after this time from the "toys" will no longer be any good.

If you want your mosquito repellent bracelets for children (and not only) to last longer, then do not throw away the sealed packaging from the goods. At home, be sure to put your bright repellers in bags and store them in a cool, dry place. But of course, efficiency will steadily decline over and over again.

And to the question of efficiency. Quality products are waterproof. With them, you can swim and run into the river. Therefore, when choosing them, give preference to trusted companies responsible for the high performance of manufactured products.

Already interested? Then information on where to buy a bracelet from mosquitoes. Undoubtedly, these are, first of all, pharmacy chains, specialized sites that sell only proven products. The supplier must confirm the quality of the protective devices.

baby mosquito bracelets

For those who have already purchased such repellents, some tips on their use. If the child is already big enough not to drag everything in his mouth, then the accessory is put on his hand. But if you went for a walk with a crumb, who is curious to try everything new and unknown for a tooth, then mosquito bracelets for children are best put on a leg. Some mummies just hang colorful rings over a stroller.

Finally, a little warning. It is known that all products contain exclusively natural plant extracts, however, they can also cause allergies. Therefore, carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to contact with essential oil.

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