What to give a girl for 9 years? Best birthday gift for 9 year old girl

Sincere children's laughter and the eyes of a child burning with joy are the best moments for each parent. And sometimes we want to surprise our children with some interesting gift that will cause real delight and will remain in memory for many years. What to give a girl for 9 years to fully please the young lady?

Of course, it is much easier to decide on a particular gift if your own daughter or close relative has a birthday. Then you at least have an idea of ​​what the child is interested in, what is interesting to him. At nine years old, the formation of personality is already in full swing, therefore, if you want to give a girl a birthday gift for 9 years, you need to reckon with her tastes and opinions. But how to choose a presentation if you need to congratulate the child of your friends or distant relatives? After all, times are changing, and what was interesting to you at the age of nine may already be irrelevant.

what to give the girl for 9 years

Things that are best not to give

What to give a girl for her birthday (9 years) if she already has everything she needs? First of all, you need to determine what should not be presented. The worst solution is to give money. The fact is that regardless of the amount of money donated, the child will not be able to fully appreciate the significance of the presentation, since he still does not fully understand the value of these colored pieces of paper. A birthday present for a girl for 9 years should be a surprise - then the event will be remembered for many years.

A bad solution for congratulations is a gift card for buying goods in a store. After all, a thing that a child will like can cost much more than the amount the certificate is designed for - and then the baby will be upset that she cannot get what she wants.

Far from the best birthday present for a girl for 9 years - jewelry. And even if the child’s parents are completely delighted with the gold earrings, the little fashionista still does not quite understand the significance of such generous purchases. In fact, she doesn’t care whether there will be jewelry made of gold or plastic - if only it was beautiful, but because such gifts are often lost.


It has long been known that the best gift is a book. In the bookshop, the sales assistant will help you choose the printed materials that are most suitable for a nine-year-old child. A young and romantic nature, keen on studying and reading, will be sincerely glad of an adventure story about brave pirates or an encyclopedia about the animal and plant world. You can pick up a book on hobbies - for example, a guide to embroidery, knitting or weaving from beads.

birthday gift for 9 years old girl

Little quiet woman will be delighted with a needlework set, the assortment of which is very diverse in our time. It can be sets for embroidery with ribbons and beads, soap making and much more. Each girl will definitely need such skills, and also such gifts will develop perseverance in the child and the ability to concentrate on small details.

Gifts for sports girls

What can a girl give for her birthday (9 years) so that the child moves more? The athletic tomboy girl will be delighted with roller or ice skates, which are always popular among children of this age. It is better to check with the child’s parents in advance the size of the birthday girl’s legs, so as not to get into trouble. It is also better to find out if there are any medical contraindications for the girl to engage in outdoor sports. If the nine-year-old is fond of skiing or cycling, then you can purchase a variety of accessories for your favorite sport.

If there is a dance or climbing school in your city, you can purchase a subscription to visit such establishments. Also an excellent gift would be a subscription to a swimming pool or martial arts school. But it is better to discuss such presentations in advance with the child's parents.

What nine-year-old girls play

If you think that at this age ordinary toys are no longer interesting, then you are deeply mistaken. Girls of any age are delighted with a variety of soft toys: teddy bears, knitted dogs, fabric tilde dolls. A beautiful bright toy will always be a great decoration for a children's girl’s room.

what to give a girl for her birthday 9 years

In toy stores from the shelves, stunning dolls are looking at us : interactive baby dolls who need to be fed, watered, taught to talk, heroines from Disney cartoons, fairies, monsters, Barbie with their own world. In addition to the dolls themselves, you can buy doll houses, horse carriages, clothes for Barbie, sets of dishes and much more. Toys that repeat single words and whole phrases are very popular among children. It can be soft hamsters, bears or dogs - they certainly will cause a fountain of emotions not only in the baby, but also in adults.

Wardrobe of the little fashionista

What to give a girl for 9 years, except for toys? A great solution is to buy clothes, because babies at this age are very fond of fashion and often represent themselves as famous singers or actresses. As for the appropriate size, it is better to consult with the parents of the child. But you should not give casual jeans or sweaters, but fluffy dresses, like a princess, or shiny shoes, like a fairy from a cartoon. A great addition to this outfit will be a small handbag over your shoulder, an original hairpin or bracelet.

what can a girl give for her birthday 9 years

And a make-up bag like mom’s

What to give a child (girl) a birthday of 9 years to become a real wizard? At this age, little princesses try to be like their mothers in everything, because mother is the most beautiful. Babies are already showing interest in mom’s cosmetics - secretly painting their lips with mom’s lipstick, asking them to varnish their nails or bring cilia. No need to scold the child for such interests. The desire to become older and more attractive is quite normal for girls of this age. It is better to give special baby cosmetics that will not harm the delicate skin of the child. It can be shadows, and pale pink children's lipstick, and even perfumes for a little princess.

what to give a child a girl a birthday for 9 years

Vivid emotions - the most memorable gift

What to give the girl for 9 years so that it remains in her memory for a long time? In this case, a vivid experience will be the best solution. For example, a trip to the zoo, an aquarium, a cinema, an amusement park is perfect. Children at this age are very interested in trips to the water park and dolphinarium. In the latter case, you can even swim with dolphins, which will lead the child to indescribable delight. You can also purchase a certificate for attending clay modeling classes or drawing lessons.

Four-legged friend

All children are crazy about pets. By asking permission from the child’s parents for the purchase of a four-legged friend, you can purchase a puppy in a kennel, a hamster or a decorative rabbit at a pet store.

best birthday gift for 9 years old girl

When you decide what to give a girl for 9 years old, it is important to remember that the present should be presented from a pure heart, with love and tenderness - after all, it is feelings that remain invaluable.

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