Mixtures "Similak": advantages, disadvantages and types of products

Similak infant formula is highly adapted for a woman’s breast milk. If we consider the category of these products, then we can safely say that the composition of this product is the most successful. Many parents, having tried many other mixtures, dwelt on Abbot products. Why is she so good?

mixtures of similac

Mixtures "Similak": features and composition

It should be noted that this product is available in several types. We will talk more about each of them a little later. Now we highlight the main characteristics inherent in all mixtures of this manufacturer.

Firstly, probiotics are part of the product. They are mainly found in breast milk. This is the main source of energy that is necessary for beneficial microorganisms to establish healthy microflora in the intestine.

Secondly, mixtures contain nucleotides. This component helps to form cellular and humoral immunity.

And, thirdly, the product does not have palm oil, which is absorbed worse than all among its analogues. In addition, it provokes the formation of insoluble compounds in the intestine, which leads to a deficiency of calcium, as well as a lack of certain fats.

where to buy a mixture of similak

Mixtures "Similak": advantages

First of all, it should be noted that this product is very popular with children. Kids are happy to eat this mixture. At the same time, parents notice that it helps solve problems with constipation. A product intended for premature babies contributes to good weight gain, growth and development of the newborn.

Mixtures "Similak": disadvantages

The first - and main - minus of this product: it can be very difficult to find. It would seem that in our stores today there is everything and even more. But in reality this is not always true. So, the question of where to buy the Similak mixture is more than relevant. Parents who have long used this product are advised to pre-order it at the pharmacy, and it is better to immediately in large quantities.

Sometimes you can find complaints that the mixture is poorly soluble in water and forms a plentiful foam. The second fact of concern should not cause. Well, if the powder does not dissolve properly, then this is really inconvenient.

Mixtures "Similak": types

  1. "Similak-1." Designed for feeding infants 0-6 months. It can act both as a main food, and as an additional one. It contains all the vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a small and rapidly developing body.
  2. Similak premium baby formula

    "Similak-2." The logical continuation of the previous product. If until six months the baby ate the mixture at number 1, then, becoming older, he would be happy to switch to this type of food.
  3. Children's mixture "Similak Premium-1". Helps strengthen the body of the newborn and the development of immunity. For babies 0-6 months.
  4. "Similak Premium 2". For babies from six months to a year. The mixture, among other things, contains calcium, which is necessary to strengthen the baby's bones and growing teeth.
  5. "Similak Neoshur." Mix for feeding premature babies. Its main task is to help babies catch up with their peers in weight and development. After the result is achieved, you can transfer the child to another product of this line.

These mixtures are very popular with parents. However, do not forget that the reaction of the body of each child can be unpredictable, so be careful about all changes in the behavior of the baby with the introduction of a new diet.

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