Bearded Collie: breed description, character. Care Features

A bearded collie is a charming dog that is a bit like a bobtail. Although in reality the dog is a representative of the Scottish Shepherd. Such interesting dogs attract the attention of everyone who sees them.

If you want to know who a bearded collie is, a description of the breed will be presented in our article. We will also touch on character traits and some aspects of caring for such a dog.


There are several opposing versions about the origin of the breed. Some researchers believe that the bearded collie was bred by crossing a bobtail and a long-haired collie. There is another version of the origin of such dogs. Some dog handlers believe that the bearded collie first appeared in the sixteenth century. The ancestors were lowland shepherds brought to Scotland by merchants.

bearded collie

Later they were crossed with local collies. Officially, the history of the breed began in 1891. "Beards" won a lot of fans. In 1912, the Society of Breed Lovers was formed in Edinburgh. But unfortunately, his activities were interrupted by the war. Then the representatives of the breed became smaller, it was on the verge of extinction. After she was reborn. In England in 1955, the first breed club was created. The process of its occurrence was supported by the club of London. “Bearded men” were brought to Russia quite recently - in the early nineties.

What is a breed? Bearded Collie: Description

The behavior of the dogs is quite calm. But dogs need great physical exertion, otherwise the behavior will change. They behave uneasily, can start digging the ground or bite everything in a row. Therefore, long walks are necessary for representatives of this breed.

bearded collie

What else is a bearded collie good for? The character of this dog is wonderful. The dog is ideal for family life. He will become a universal favorite. A representative of the breed can be a great companion dog. True, such a dog constantly needs to communicate with people, he cannot stand loneliness. If you can not devote much time to the pet, then you should refuse such a dog. After all, he needs the love of others 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Communication with the pet brings a lot of pleasure to the owners. Such a dog is smart, he is easy to train, learns quickly. The breed is suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle. Walking with her representatives is a pleasure. These dogs are always ready to frolic and run. With "bearded men" you can practice agility or frisbee.

bearded collie puppies

From such activities, a shaggy friend will be delighted. In this dog, children will find a wonderful nanny, as well as a good companion for games. Such a dog will never snap back, much less bite a child. On the street, dogs are active, and in a homely atmosphere they are well-mannered and calm. The dog will simply lie without disturbing the owners. Such dogs are not timid, not aggressive. Therefore, they get along well with relatives and other animals.

Varieties of breed

The current "bearded men" are divided into three types. In old types, the head and torso are longer than in others. In this case, the coat is coarser, but not very long. The eyes are dark. The “bearded men” of this species look more spectacular than others. There is also a type like potterdale. The head of such "bearded men" is expressive, the coat is long. Also known is the third type, which is preferred by most people. The view is considered the golden mean, since it combines the positive features of the second and first types. The weight of the breed varies from eighteen to 27 kilograms, and the height at the withers is from fifty to 56 cm.

Choosing a puppy. How not to make a mistake? What to pay attention to?

Bearded collie puppies are very charming and cute. If you like them, then you should know some features of the choice. It is necessary to take into account the puppy's age, since development and growth occur unevenly in him.

bearded collie nurseries

Sometimes a nine-month-old bearded giant can grow into an average dog. It is best to buy a collie in six weeks, as it is at this age that you can see what will grow out of the puppy. When choosing a pet, give preference to babies with a flat, wide skull and short muzzle. Body length should be slightly shorter than in adults. However, no shorter than the growth of the baby. If the puppy has adult proportions, then in the future such a dog will have a stretched shape. The coat should be stiff and straight, despite the children's plushness. Softness and curl are not allowed. Another feature of the breed is its intense color, which changes with age. Babies are born, usually darker. Then gradually brighten. The final color of the coat is set to three, or maybe even five years. Up to four weeks, it is almost impossible to determine whether a puppy will grow up - gray or black.

bearded collie character

Note that brown and red color remain in an adult dog, only the tone becomes a little lighter. It is also surprising that not only the color changes, but also the color of the eyes. It can be either almost yellow (in youth), or amber, copper (in adulthood).

Features of keeping a dog

Due to the fact that nature awarded the “bearded man” with a luxurious fur coat, they are not afraid of any whims of nature. Their body is protected from cold and damp, isolated from heat. In order for such a dog to get wet, you need a whole bath of water, because the representatives of the breed have double wool, there is also a soft undercoat. Due to this, moisture is absorbed for a long time.

Features of care and health of the breed

Such a dog needs careful grooming. First of all, it must be combed. Moreover, you need to accustom to such a procedure from early childhood. Puppies can be scratched twice a week. Adult representatives of the breed will be enough once. This process should take about twenty minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not form tangles. If you notice this, then be sure to untangle it with your fingers, starting from the tips, moving towards the body. Wash your pet once a month. If the coat is clean, then you can not do this.

bearded collie breed description

Before the exhibition it is necessary to prepare a pet. It should be combed and washed using a special shampoo. By the way, many owners use combed pet hair for their own purposes. What are they doing with her? Skillful owners knit socks, mittens, sweaters. Such things are not only warm, but also have healing properties.

Note that you need to take care not only of the hair on the body, but also for the beard. If she got dirty after eating, then, of course, she should be combed and rinsed. Of course, the eyes and ears of the dog require care. They need to be cleaned with pollution using cotton swabs, sticks, special means. Note that the hair around the eyes should not be too long. If you want, you can stab the bangs with a soft rubber band or braid it. In general, “bearded men” are healthy, they have no hereditary diseases. Therefore, they often live to be sixteen years old, while maintaining their performance and mobility.

Features of breed mating

This breed has one more feature. She is associated with color. It consists in the fact that when mating it is impossible to predict what color the puppies will be in the litter.

bearded collie breed description behavior

For example, in two black representatives of the breed babies of four colors can be born. This feature distinguishes the bearded collie breed in breeding.

Nurseries and clubs

There are clubs throughout Canada, Europe, Australia, the USA, Scandinavia and even South Africa. In Russia in 2005, the National Club of the breed was created. In St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg and some other cities there are kennels involved in breeding such dogs. It is better to get puppies from professional breeders.

Little conclusion

From our article, you learned what the bearded collie breed is. We described the appearance of dogs, their behavior, character. We hope that now you can decide for yourself whether you need such a dog.

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