Oriental cat: character, description of the breed, features, photo

It would seem that it is impossible to surprise the cat’s appearance, but there is no limit to the admiration of the oriental breed. These cats are not only original, but also graceful, beautiful and noble. But this is not surprising, since their pedigree is very long and dates back to the XIV century. In more detail about an oriental cat, character, features and habits - further.

oriental cat character reviews

The Hundred Years of Recognition

If you make a translation, the name of the breed sounds like "oriental cat", and this is no accident, because the birthplace of this graceful animal is Thailand. For a very long time, under pain of death, its removal from the country was banned, but nevertheless, the desire of many rich people to have such a pet led to their appearance in England. Such an event happened in the XIX century.

However, for a very long time they were not recognized as purebred, all phenological councils completely denied the appearance of this beauty as an official representative. For some reason, it was generally accepted that only the Siamese breed was worthy of attention. Such an offensive phrase, preserved from the time of the exhibition in 1894, is documented. It was said about an oriental cat that it was just a Siamese cat of chestnut color.

Another attempt to introduce a new breed again met with complete misunderstanding. It happened at an exhibition held in 1896. The presented beauty was disqualified, again, because of her special color, as she was equated with the standards of Siamese brothers.

And when in 1956 an American breeder decided to pick up an oriental cat from the cattery for testing, trying to ennoble and breed a new breed for official recognition, he was allowed to do this.

The experiment turned out to be quite successful, because two years later the Americans determined the standard parameters of the breed. And when, even after 8 years, the chocolate-colored cat became the winner of the competition, it was decided that this color was the most original and at the same time typical. A special merit belongs to Baroness Edith von Ullmann, who made a lot of efforts and as a result she was able to bring the orientals to the official level, turning many criticisms, especially regarding color, into the advantages of the breed. So the Siamese cats had a worthy rival.

For many years, they tried to ennoble the breed, attracting Siamese counterparts to the mating, because since then the orientals have been numerous in color. Then a long-haired variety with bicolor hair was bred, and enthusiastic breeders ensured that all of them were registered and recognized according to the FIFE classification.

In 1974, the breeders celebrated the victory, because the orientals were officially recognized and registered.

oriental cat breed and character description

Appearance Features

It is necessary to consider in more detail the nature of the oriental cat and the description of the breed.

Head size is medium. The ears are large, slightly rounded, wider at the base. During exhibitions, a prerequisite is that their line smoothly continues the line of the wedge of the head. Kittens of this breed have an active growth of ears after birth, so at this age they look very funny. But then their growth stops, and as they grow older, this imbalance disappears. The same thing happens with the nose.

The nose of these cats is long and even. If there is even a slight snub-nosed, this is considered a defect. The nose should continue the line of the forehead.

The eyes of the orientals are almond-shaped, the slightest hollows are excluded between them. Some cats of this breed suffer strabismus, but they will not register such a pet at the show. The eye color of most is only green or there is a so-called disagreement. But if the color is snow-white, then the eyes will be a light blue hue.

The body is stately, graceful. Its elongation and refinement are observed. The thoroughbred oriental has strong muscles. The belly is lean. Cartilage appears in the chest area. The hind legs are longer than the front.

The weight of a cat is from 6 to 8.5 kg, and that of a cat is not more than 5 kg.

oriental cat character features

Features of the coat

Perhaps representatives of no breed can boast such a variety of coat, as oriental pets. Their coat can be either long or short. But when choosing a pet, you can get confused, so large a color palette of hair for these cats. These are about 300 shades and color combinations. Here, all colors with spots, dots, stripes, intricate patterns, as well as tiger, leopard, marble, are acceptable.

What colors are there?

But still there are a number of the most common colors. It:

  1. Havana. The color is saturated brown, evenly colored. In this case, a prerequisite is that the nose should harmoniously correspond to the general tone, and the paw pads should be pink-brown.
  2. Blue hue. The entire cover should be this color, right down to the tail. Nose also.
  3. Faun. There should be a combination of beige wool or light gray with pink pillows and a lobe.
  4. Lavender. This means that gray wool has a frost effect, there is no blue coating. The lobe and pads should be pale purple.
  5. Ginger colour. Pets of this color have red hair, dark hairs should not be present in it. Pads and a lobe can only be pink.
oriental cat photo character

Pet singing a song

All owners of oriental pets, whether they want it or not, are forced to listen to meows endlessly. This breed most often accompanies any action with sounds, and sometimes it seems that they cannot be silent. For many owners, soft, pleasant sounds soothe or amuse.

But in addition, they require constant attention, and in its absence they suffer greatly, because they believe that all households should entertain them.


Judging by the reviews about the nature of oriental cats, they have many advantages. The energy of oriental cats is in full swing. They do not know how to lie in one place for long hours and are constantly in motion. Kittens are especially active. They like to explore everything, climbing into the most secret places, and all this is done by running. Climbing the curtain ceiling is not difficult for them.

If the kitten is crooked, breeders advise against aggression. Judging by the reviews, you just need to remove the beating objects away, hide the wires and raise the curtains high. A little matured, the kitten will not be so active, but for now you need to be able to switch his attention to the game. As you can see from the reviews, the character of the oriental cat, the photo of which is attached, is quite peculiar.


This cat is very smart and loyal to the owner. She becomes attached to the owner very quickly, but also requires a lot from him, especially care and affection, communication and games. Contrary to the notions, she doesn’t like to walk on her own, and she always needs to have a partner during entertainment. Therefore, before taking such a pet into the house, you should consider that you need to have free time, because you have to give it to the cat. This breed perceives a change of owners very painfully and falls into depression, begins to get bored, sad, and often fade away.

oriental cat character reviews advantages and disadvantages

There will be no silence in the house, and this fact must also be taken into account. Oriental cats are very "talkative", and they make sounds melodic and quite pleasant.


Although the nature of the oriental breed of cats is flexible and calm, their sense of resentment is very developed, and if the owner makes a mistake, he will be punished for inattention to the cat person. But if someone is sick in the house, the cat feels where the sore spot is located, lies near, curled up in a ball, and will faithfully stay close until the patient feels relief. She also feels when someone in the family is tired or in a bad mood, and will definitely try to entertain. By the way, it lends itself to training, so a couple of tricks can be taught quite well. Only in this case it is impossible to punish, use brute force: these cats do not accept coercion.

Orientals get along well with children, but can be jealous of the owner. However, playing, even releasing the claws, they will not cause harm. They respond very friendly to the arrival of guests. Other animals living in the house can usually make friends or disregard them.

It’s very simple to teach them how to walk in a tray; many owners accustom them to the toilet, and also show how to open the tap to drink water.

oriental cat character description


If the care for the oriental is good, then the animal will not attack the disease. Nevertheless, veterinary practice shows that owners seek help when their pet begins gingivitis. The impetus for the development of the disease is the infection that triggers tartar. You can recognize the ailment by the following manifestations:

  • there was bad breath;
  • persistent persistent salivation;
  • the pet has lost its appetite or completely refuses to eat.

Diseases such as:

  • Retinal atrophy. And it begins to develop imperceptibly, and is detected only with the help of special medical equipment.
  • Amyloidosis of the liver. It is believed that this disease was inherited by the animal from its ancestors.
  • Flat chest syndrome. Kittens usually suffer from this defect. It is dangerous if the deformation is significant, it is almost impossible to treat it. If the pathology is mild, then with growth the chest comes back to normal.
  • Fear of drafts. Orientals have almost no undercoat, therefore they are not adapted to a cold climate and are very cold at sub-zero temperatures, and as a result, they begin to hurt.
  • If animal care is correct, life expectancy is 15-17 years.
oriental cat character dignity reviews

How to care

There are no special rules for caring for oriental. It is necessary to periodically, once a week, comb out the wool and make sure that it is shiny. If the coat is long, a furminator is used; if it is short, a rubber or silicone glove

Permanent ear cleaning is a must. You also need to visit the veterinarian from time to time so that he removes plaque, because this way you can avoid infection.

And the usual event is getting rid of worms and fleas.

Oriental breed has long claws, and they have to be cut much more often than cats of other breeds. The main thing is to cut off only the bright part of the claws.

They rarely bathe a pet, and you need to remember that after water procedures they are very cold. Therefore, you should prepare a warm towel for them and carefully wrap them. By the way, another amazing property of the breed is the complete absence of a characteristic cat smell.

It is advisable to take her out onto the street preferably on a leash, since his curiosity and activity can lead to him running away and it will be difficult to find him. In winter, its corner should be well insulated, and displayed in frost only in warm clothes.

What to feed

This breed knows a lot about food, loves to eat, and proof of this are frequent cases of obesity. Therefore, the owner is faced with the task of providing a balanced rational nutrition. For the beauty and health of the coat, fats must be present in the food.

You can use not only natural food, but also add dry food, canned food. It is necessary to give milk, but not as a main course. Before you call your pet for lunch, you should slightly warm the food.

Pet choice

When buying an oriental, many nuances are taken into account. For example, the color will affect the price - it is classic or simpler (it will not give the opportunity to win at the exhibition). It matters the presence of the pedigree, the exterior. For example, the tail of the tail is rejected, as is the protruding bone in the chest. It is advisable to take a kitten in the nursery, then the owner will receive a vaccination card and a veterinary passport.

A kitten can be taken from his mother in three months, when he is already developed and vaccinated.

As the reviews say about the oriental cat, there are many advantages and disadvantages in the character. But the former prevail. Owners of such cats are advised to have a pet of this species. Although they say that he is very jealous of others. But this is a small flaw. Let such an oriental beauty settle in the heart forever.

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