Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy: a review of medications. Does nail fungus affect pregnancy

Fungal damage to the nail plate (onychomycosis) is found in representatives of different sex and age groups. Obviously, expectant mothers are no exception. Let's try to figure out whether the nail fungus affects pregnancy and how to get rid of it.


The main cause of the appearance of the fungus is a dermatophytic fungus. A favorable moment for the development of the fungus may be:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • high blood sugar of a pregnant woman;
  • microcirculation failure in the vessels of the legs;
  • minor wounds in the area of ​​the nail plate;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards.

A similar disease is infectious. The fungus can easily be brought home from crowded places. In places of accumulation of high humidity, the fungus is activated. Such a wonderful period in the life of every future mother, like pregnancy, is also able to become a provocateur for the development of the fungus of the nail plate. Almost all of the above reasons are collected here, which change their indicators for the entire period of pregnancy.

Lamisil from a fungus


The fungus of the nail plate belongs to the group of secondary diseases. Its main location is in the interdigital zones, gradually it moves to the nail. The main signs of foot fungus include:

  • the formation of minor cracks;
  • unreasonable scabies of the feet;
  • strong peeling;
  • exfoliated skin in the interdigital zone.
liquid is careful from nail fungus


Having paid attention to such minor signs of the condition of the skin on the feet in time, there is a chance to suspend the disease process in time and prevent damage to the nail plate. If you miss this moment, then the main symptoms of nail fungus include:

  • sealing the nail plate;
  • color changes (acquiring a brown or yellow hue with a fingernail);
  • increased fragility of nails;
  • severe itching;
  • tolerable but unpleasant pain in the area around the nail zone.

Future mothers are interested in whether nail fungus is dangerous during pregnancy? It has no effect on the fetus, but afterwards it can cause many diseases in women. Acute pain with onychomycoccus appears already in the late stages of the development of the disease. This is a clear signal of the need to seek help from a specialist.

nail polish for pregnancy

Drug treatment

It is difficult to get rid of nail fungus, it is even more difficult to do this during pregnancy. Medications that are taken orally are very effective, but they cause serious harm to the health of the expectant mother and the fetus. Therefore, drugs are prescribed for them that can be applied topically (ointments, creams, gels and solutions). The risk from the use of such funds is minimal, since their impact extends only to the application area. And there is still damage from them, since active substances adversely affect the formation of the fetus after penetration into the blood. Quite effective is Exoderil. How much is the drug? It depends on the pharmacy and the region. But the cost ranges from 500 rubles. It is impossible to self-medicate in the event of a fungus. During the entire treatment, you must constantly consult with a doctor who will correctly select the medicine. Otherwise, it may threaten an abortion or the fetus may develop various disorders.

how much is exoderyl

Therapy regimen

The treatment regimen for nail fungus during pregnancy should be developed individually for each patient:

  • the medicine should not have components whose influence can lead to negative consequences and affect the health of the future mother in labor and her baby;
  • the drug should be simple and convenient to use;
  • it is necessary to choose a medicine that will have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • the degree of impact on the site affected by the fungus may be different, this must be taken into account when selecting a remedy;
  • The treatment period should be short-term in order to reduce the risk of exposure to the fetus.

Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy should be comprehensive. Usually, several drugs are selected at once, so that the pathogen does not have the opportunity to develop resistance to the drug. If the composition contains salicylic, sulfuric acid or tar, then the external agent is safe. You can pay attention to the "Lamisil" from the fungus. The product is safe enough for women in position.

What medicines are recommended to use?

Medicines for external use must be applied to the area affected by the fungus several times a day. The forms of release are very different. The doctor should write them out and keep the treatment process under control. Today, drugs are developed that do not have a negative effect on the body. Use during pregnancy is also allowed. These are such remedies for nail fungus during pregnancy, such as "Mikogel", "Travogen", "Clotrimazole" and others. Some drugs include urea and bifonazole, due to these substances the affected nail plate softens, which is then easily removed. Such drugs include Mikospor.

Berezhnova’s liquid from nail fungus or Citrosept solution is perfect for pregnant women. The drug is natural, grapefruit extract, which is part of the composition, disinfects the affected area, kills the fungus and prevents the infection from spreading further. The same principle of action for therapeutic varnish from nail fungus during pregnancy is "Lotseril". It not only kills the fungus, but also forms a strong protective film on the nail, this allows you not to get infected again.

In sprays and creams, the effectiveness is not lower than in varnishes and solutions. The cream has a light texture, which allows it to be easily absorbed. For ease of application, you can use sprays, their rapid penetration into the focus of infection helps to relieve symptoms of inflammation and quickly cure the fungus. The representative of this group is Lamisil from the fungus.

What to choose: traditional or folk methods?

Medicines affect the fungus much more efficiently and faster than alternative methods, since they penetrate deeper into the affected area and kill it. When recovering from this ailment at home, you need to remember that even the most effective compress will affect the fungus for a long time, which means that the affected area will become even larger, and it will be even more difficult to treat. In addition to drugs aimed at treating nail fungus, the doctor usually prescribes a course of vitamin B, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, as well as retinol. To completely recover from the fungus, you must follow all the doctor's prescribed recommendations. You can not interrupt treatment, as the disease can return in an even more acute form.

Folk methods

Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy can also be done using folk methods. But before starting home treatment, you need to get advice and approval of a doctor about this. Foot baths may be contraindicated, and doctors generally do not recommend using them during pregnancy.

As a means that will remove the pathogen, the inflammation will be removed by either different tinctures or the juices of medicinal plants. They impregnate the tissue and apply it to the affected areas in the form of a compress.

You can also treat your nails with vinegar or essential oils that kill the fungus. Taking medication without a doctor’s prescription can be very serious.

Does nail fungus affect pregnancy

Popular folk recipes

Treatment of nail fungus during pregnancy should be neat, gentle and, most importantly, safe. After all, any intervention in the health of the mother can affect the health of her unborn child. Usually, with such a disease, medication is prescribed, but when a woman carries a child, many attending doctors tend not to take risks and replace chemicals with more natural and soft folk remedies.

Is nail fungus dangerous during pregnancy?

To folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus include infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Selected plants should have antifungal, antibacterial, soothing and healing properties. These include:

  1. Plantain grass. It has antifungal and healing properties. Used as infusions for baths.
  2. Mint leaves. It has an antibacterial effect, the contained essential oils will eliminate the unpleasant odor that accompanies the fungus. Used as poultices for sore spots.
  3. Golden mustache. Plant juice acts as an excellent antiseptic. Lubricate the diseased areas.
  4. Lilac flowers. It has a good antibacterial effect. Use alcohol tincture to wipe the affected areas.
  5. Grass turns. Since childhood, many babies are bathed in a series to eliminate itching, rash and diaper rash. It is also suitable for the treatment of nail fungus, due to its soothing properties. Use as foot baths. When using bathtubs, it is important to pay attention to temperature; water should not be very hot.

Healing herbs have a minimum number of contraindications, their effect is mild and complex. However, before use, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the available contraindications and checking for an allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to inform the attending physician.

other methods

Other folk remedies include various products that most housewives most likely have at home.

  1. Onion. This, of course, is not a fragrant lilac, but a more affordable remedy, which is not inferior in effectiveness. Traditional healers recommend lubricating the affected areas with onion juice 2 times a day.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. The penny remedy from the pharmacy has quite a few good reviews in the treatment of nail fungus. It is recommended to apply a cotton swab for several minutes to sore nails several times a day.
  3. Iodine. A great tool that can be used as a therapeutic nail polish.
  4. Soda and salt. Regular budget funds that you don’t even have to go to the store for. The use of soda baths can inhibit the development of the fungus. In combination with salt, it has a good antiseptic effect.

Oils and infusions

In addition to the above methods of treating a fungus, drugs such as:

  • Propolis tincture. Promotes skin regeneration, relieves itching. Apply a moistened cotton pad to the affected nails for a couple of minutes.
  • Essential oils. Almost all essential oils have antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Tea tree oil is especially recommended for the treatment of fungus. It is carefully applied to the nails without touching the skin. For safer use, you can mix a couple of drops in the base oil (olive, for example) and use externally in this form.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that treatment with natural remedies often does not have a quick effect, some time must pass before full recovery. But from the pluses you can distinguish a long-term result. There are many recipes that have shown their effectiveness, have many positive properties and are much more affordable financially. It is important to take a reasonable approach to such treatment: to study contraindications, be checked for allergic reactions and be sure to consult a doctor.

remedy for nail fungus during pregnancy


During pregnancy, all hidden diseases begin to manifest themselves, since immunity in this period is weakened. The most common disease resulting from infection is nail fungus. With advanced forms, the fungus can affect the internal organs, which is very dangerous not only for women, but also for the unborn child.

It is very important to know and adhere to some conditions that will help prevent the onset of the disease, they will become the best and most effective measures for the prevention of nail fungus during pregnancy:

  • tight shoes should not be worn;
  • when visiting crowded places, wear closed shoes;
  • adhere to hygiene, wash hands thoroughly, especially when using common objects;
  • when a fungus appears, disinfect everything in one of the family members, use individual towels, linen, do not walk barefoot;
  • avoid injuries, even the slightest;
  • use a special antiseptic for shoes;
  • wash feet well and dry;
  • when sweating of the legs appears, measures must be taken to eliminate the problem;
  • all nail care tools should be individual;
  • look at the feet and hands for signs of the disease;
  • apply only to trusted manicure and pedicure masters who process tools after each client;
  • it is best to wear cotton socks, change them daily, wash at a temperature of 90 degrees, iron after drying;
  • at the first signs of a fungus, you need to treat the skin with special preparations.

Also, at the first suspicion of an illness, Exoderil can be used. How much is the drug indicated above. The effect of it is wonderful.

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