A long dog with long ears and a funny gait will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a dog causes emotion and a desire to cuddle him.
An attractive appearance sometimes becomes the reason that people want a long dog with long ears to appear in their house. Let's take a closer look at the breeds of which such dogs are representatives.
Dachshund - beautiful nimble dog
This little dog is very common in city apartments. It is small in size, with a maximum weight of nine kilograms. There are three varieties of dachshund :
By type of hair there are: long-haired dachshunds, smooth-haired and wire-haired.
The paws of the representatives of the breed are short, crooked. The muzzle is elongated, the tail is thin, rather strong at the base.
This long dog is very devoted to the owner. The breed was bred as hunting, its representatives have a high level of intelligence.
By nature they are gambling, playful, friendly.
Problems with fees
- Unfortunately, due to its anatomical features, the dachshund often gets into unpleasant situations. These dogs are often hit by cars. Drivers simply do not see such dogs in the dark due to the small size.
- Short paws are rather unstable when walking, especially when ice is on the road. If we take statistics, then dachshunds have a rather high percentage of dislocations.
- More representatives of the breed often suffer from discopathy. This is a hereditary disease.
- If you overfeed the dachshund, she may appear overweight. Due to the short paws of this dog, the delicate skin of the tummy will suffer.
- Sometimes owners are faced with the problem of choosing clothing for the pet in the winter. The reason for this is the non-standard body shape. If you find clothes, itβs not a fact that they are perfect. In addition, dachshunds often remain unhappy with the new thing, they express their indignation by jumping.
Lop-eared bassets
Another breed of dog with long ears is the basset hound. Such dogs are also often found on city streets. These dogs have a very sad look that cannot be overlooked. The representatives' body is massive. Eyes are diamond-shaped, dark. Ears are low set, elastic. The height at the withers of representatives is approximately 35 cm. The hair of the basset is smooth and dense. Colors are different: three-color and two-color.
By nature, dogs are good-natured and non-conflict. They are gambling and mobile.
It might seem that the basset hound is a clumsy dog, in reality, everything is different. Such a dog is agile and hardy. He is able to make his way through impassable bushes, windbreaks, and also to climb steep slopes.
These dogs are smart, quick-witted and trained, well trained.
Problems with representatives of the Basset Hound breed
Unfortunately, this long dog with long ears is subject to many diseases due to the structure and shape of the body.
- More often than others, basset hounds suffer from inflammation of long bones (in other words, panostitis). The disease develops from six months to two years.
- On the body of such dogs there is an excessive amount of skin that forms folds. Due to short paws, the skin on the abdomen is often injured, in addition, it prevents walking. Another nuisance is that due to the excess skin on the belly of the dog, a pocket of fat forms. This, in turn, can cause the dog to have an inguinal hernia.
Little conclusion
Now you know what a long dog is with long ears. Such an amazing dog can be a good friend for both children and adults.