Link function in Excel

When working in an Excel spreadsheet editor, sometimes there is a need to combine data from several in one cell. Unfortunately, the standard “Combine” option for the program will not help in this, since part of the data will be lost during its execution. However, you can refer to the “Link” formula in Excel. In this article we will tell you how to use it.

Method 1: Simple Combine

It would be logical to start the article with information on how to link cells in the usual way in Excel, talk about the Link function itself and give an example of its use. First, consider the syntax: = CONNECT (text1; text2; ...).

From it it becomes clear that the function is quite simple. Of the arguments, there is only one text that needs to be combined in a single cell. Well, now let's look at an example. Suppose you have a table with the names of people. In this case, the first name, middle name and last name are entered in separate columns. Our task is to combine them in one:

  1. Select an empty cell. In our case, in the column "Name".
  2. Click on the “Insert Function” button. It is located to the left of the line of formulas.
  3. In the window that appears, select the "Text" category.
  4. In the list itself, highlight the "Link" function.
  5. Click OK.

A window opens with the arguments of the selected function. Since we will combine the three cells, we need to enter the addresses of the necessary cells in the corresponding number of fields:

  1. In the "Text1" field, specify the cell with the name of the person. This can be done either manually by writing “B4” or automatically by clicking on the button to the right of the field and pointing the cell with the mouse.
  2. In "Text2" specify the cell with the name.
  3. In "Text3" - with a patronymic.
  4. Click OK.
chain excel

This is the first example of using the "Link" function in Excel. Now you can observe that the result appears in the "Name" column - the last name, first name and middle name are written sequentially.

Method 2: Link formula with a space in Excel

Attentive users might notice that all the data in the cell is written without spaces. In some cases, such as ours, this is unacceptable. Therefore, you need to put spaces between the arguments. This is done as follows:

  1. Double-click on the cell with the formula.
  2. Enter spaces between the arguments. However, this is done in a non-standard way. The space should also act as an argument. This means that you need to put it in quotation marks, and after them put a semicolon.
  3. Press Enter to apply the changes.
how to concatenate cells in excel

Now, as you can see, there are spaces between all the variables. However, this is only the first insertion method, so let's move on to the second.

Method 3: spaces through an optional argument

It may also happen that the previous way to arrange spaces in the Link function in Excel is not suitable for you. Then use another. It involves including spaces directly in the arguments in the Function Wizard. Well, now let's move on to the detailed instructions:

  1. Far from the table, select the cell you will never use.
  2. Enter a space character in it.
  3. Create the “Link” function as described in the first method, just stop at the stage of entering the arguments.
  4. Enter the last name as the first argument.
  5. Second, select the cell that you recently created, that is, a space.
  6. Next, select the name, the space again and the last - middle name.
  7. Click OK.
concatenate excel

As you can see, the second way of setting spaces between the arguments of the “Link” formula in Excel also copes with its tasks. Some users will like it, as all actions are performed directly in the graphical interface.

Method 4: combine columns

Inserting the “Link” formula in each cell of our table is not the best option, because you can use the special option for this. However, first, if you used the previous method to arrange spaces, you will need to make the link to the cell with a space absolute:

  1. Open the function window of the first cell in the "Name" column.
  2. Go to the stage of filling in the arguments.
  3. In all cell references, put the $ sign in front of the letter and in front of the number.
  4. Click OK.
formula concatenate in excel

After that, you can start copying the “Link” function to all remaining cells in the column. For this:

  1. Select the first cell with the entered function.
  2. Hover over its lower right corner.
  3. After the cross appears, hold down the left mouse button.
  4. While holding it, drag the cursor to the end of the column, highlighting all the companion cells.
  5. Release the mouse button.

After that, the column will automatically fill up. As you can see, this is a very effective way if you need to cope with a huge amount of data.

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