Как отменить действие в "Фотошопе CS6": три простых способа

Often, when working with any program and even on any server, you can cancel the action. The fact is that errors or typos are inevitable, as well as accidental keystrokes, so there is the opportunity to return everything as it was.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6. Often, newcomers, having done something wrong, believe that nothing can be fixed. But this is not so. Let’s see what actions can be taken if a rollback is necessary when working with the program. For clarity, the article presents illustrations.

Basic information about working in the Photoshop program

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how to undo an action in photoshop cs6

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how to undo the last action in photoshop cs6

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how to undo several actions in Photoshop CS6

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how to undo the action in photoshop cs6

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