Recently, couples approach with great responsibility to the issue of conceiving children, so they decide on the careful planning of the child. To do this, they are examined before conception for any pathologies and general compatibility of partners. The compatibility of blood at conception is one of the most important factors, since the future well-being of the baby depends on it.
Basically, when conducting an analysis, a specialist compares the Rhesus factor of the blood of a woman and a man, because for a quiet pregnancy and normal development of the fetus it is necessary that the spouses have the same Rh factor. Blood compatibility is the key to having healthy babies.
How is the Rh factor of the blood determined? The fact is that with a positive rhesus, a certain protein is on the red blood cells. Otherwise, they talk about a negative Rh factor. Thus, the blood type of partners is not as important as its rhesus. If it is negative for both spouses or positive for both, then you can not worry about the development of the fetus and child in the future.
According to statistics, in almost all cases (about 99%), the rhesus blood of a child corresponds to the rhesus of maternal blood. Blood compatibility during pregnancy ensures a safe pregnancy. Problems can only begin if the rhesus of the mother and father diverge.
If there is a Rhesus conflict, the female body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and begins to produce antibodies in order to remove it from it. Such a pregnancy without special preparation can end in a miscarriage in the early stages. There is a theory according to which the blood compatibility at conception is the highest if the Rh factor of the partners is the same, as well as the man’s blood group is higher.
It is known that most people on earth have a positive Rh factor, and only 15% - negative. Rhesus conflict can develop only if the mother has a negative Rhesus and the father has a positive. Moreover, the likelihood of conflict development does not exceed 50%, that is, do not panic, you just need to conduct regular examinations. With all other combinations, the Rhesus conflict will not occur. It is important to understand that blood compatibility at conception is more likely the rule, and Rh conflict is an exception, which is observed in only 2% of women in an interesting position. In this case, specialists throughout the pregnancy do a blood test, identifying the presence or absence of antibodies that can lead to miscarriage or cause premature birth.
When a Rhesus conflict occurs, the body begins to actively produce antibodies that destroy the red blood cells of the fetus, and the internal organs of the embryo continuously work in an intense mode, trying to make up for the lack of these substances. Unfortunately, if you leave this struggle unattended, the already strengthened female body will definitely win. The result of the conflict is hemolytic disease of the fetus, that is, hemoglobin sharply decreases, as a result of which the functions of the brain, speech and hearing are impaired.
Most often, the attending physician closely monitors the woman up to 7 months of pregnancy. And if the Rhesus conflict has not shown itself up to this time, then there is the likelihood that the birth will be successful and on time. Otherwise, the specialist suggests an abortion, but the decision is up to the spouses. If the couple decided to leave the child, then the doctor is not responsible for the possible consequences.
Thus, the compatibility of blood during conception is a very important factor responsible for the successful course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. If there is a likelihood of a Rhesus conflict, then do not despair. After all, a real, mutual feeling of love and a desire to give birth to a small miracle can defeat any difficulties and overcome all obstacles.