What should the script for the New Year's matinee contain?

The scenario of the New Year's matinee most often represents a certain fairy tale, in which, in addition to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, various fairy-tale characters take part . The plot of the performance depends on the age of the children. After all, they usually take an active part both in the preparation and in the New Year's celebration. They can portray some kind of character, or they can simply take part in driving a round dance.

The scenario of the New Year's matinee in kindergarten should be focused on the fact that all children at this age still believe in a fairy tale. Therefore, the characters participating in the production may seem to be real heroes for them. Keep this in mind when making up negative characters. Do not make villains too formidable so as not to scare children. Otherwise, instead of a happy holiday, you will receive a sea of ​​children's tears. For Santa Claus, each child will have to learn a poem on a New Year's theme and get candy for it. If you do not want all the children to tell the same thing, prepare a separate poem for each, and then the holiday will turn out to be truly unique. Learn with the children in advance New Year's dances and songs - this will decorate the celebration. Invite parents to participate. Arrange a contest between them. You will see how much it animates the festive atmosphere, and how the kids are truly happy. Prepare more small souvenirs for the winners of various competitions. Let the children on a slide drive a ball around the Christmas tree. Whoever does this faster and without mistakes will receive a Christmas plastic toy.

The scenario of the New Year's matinee at school should include pauses for dances, during which it is worth including the most popular music in this age category. You need to be prepared for the fact that students only up to a certain age are happy to play round dances, and therefore it is worth considering alternative options for them. Competitions should also be held according to the age of the participating children. It is better if you agree in advance with class teachers the order and the idea of ​​the holiday, if you plan to hold a school-wide Christmas tree.

The scenario of the New Year's matinee most often contains a plot in which some negative characters steal some symbol of the New Year, including Santa Claus or his granddaughter, lights from the Christmas tree or a whole bag of gifts. Children by solving various intricate tasks will have to find the stolen, and rehabilitate bad heroes. Try to adhere to this strategy when writing a preliminary celebration plan.

Do not forget that this is the scenario of the New Year's party, and therefore provide for the sound of songs on this topic. Plan a contest, for example one: who will collect snowballs faster. For their manufacture, you can use any white paper. Paper napkins are great. The number of contests should be closely related to the number of children in a group or class. Each child must take part in at least one competition. It is possible to envisage a competition of New Year's costumes separately between boys and girls.

The scenario of the New Year's matinee should also contain such an important point as the distribution of New Year's gifts. It will be nice to prepare a special bag that will appear at the right time, and the main character of the holiday will solemnly hand each child a box or package of sweets. If there are many children and gifts are heavy, prepare a sled. Let Santa Claus take them to the middle of the hall. On this day, every child must believe in a fairy tale, and we, adults, must contribute to this!

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