Raising from a small child a citizen and a patriot who loves his homeland will help a patriotic corner in kindergarten. Its design depends on the age characteristics of the kids, because the information should be accessible to children's understanding.
What is it for?
The education of a patriot cannot be successful without resorting to the culture and history of his land. Today, much of the life of our ancestors has been lost and forgotten, the way of life of the people has changed dramatically, and we turn so little to our roots, because the unique culture of the Russian people has been formed for centuries and is saturated with various customs, traditions and rites.
The knowledge and understanding of folk culture, the desire to join in its further development in the future will become the motives for the active creative activity of a person, if you start patriotic education from early childhood.
Making a patriotic corner in the kindergarten with your own hands will help teachers and parents to organically introduce the child to the outside world, to familiarize them with their native culture, eternal and beautiful.
Where to start?
It’s still difficult for kids who have just come to kindergarten to think in terms of the city, country, culture. For them, the homeland is their closest environment, therefore, the information about the house and family that should be available to children of this age should contain a patriotic corner in the kindergarten. Design 1 younger group requires a simple but vibrant. It is important to attract the attention of children, to arouse their interest. At this age, speech is actively formed, so everything should contribute to development, encourage the baby to recognize, name. At first, children can simply watch the activities of adults who view albums, naming them in the photo of all family members. Gradually, imitating adults, they themselves will begin to do this.
How to fill a patriotic corner in a nursery?
This can be any material on social and moral development:
- Thematic folders containing illustrations, with images of family members demonstrating their relationships, care, joint affairs.
- Photo album "My Family" with images of pupils in a family environment.
- The album or exhibition "Here we live" in which you can place photographs, illustrations or mock-ups of streets or various architectural structures (kindergarten, school, houses where children live, other objects of the city).
- Exhibitions introducing the origins of Russian folk culture, which can contain a variety of antiques, traditional toys (wooden and rag dolls), amulets, exhibits of decorative art (painted nesting dolls, trays and other utensils with Gorodets, Khokhloma and Gzhel paintings, Dymkovo toys , embroidered towels, scarves, knitted napkins, tablecloths and other items).
Fiction, folklore works - songs, jokes, nursery rhymes and fairy tales - can also be placed in a patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design of the nursery implies colorful and understandable, it should not contain a lot of text, it is better if it is visual material that attracts the attention of children and their parents. It is important to remember the safety requirements, which are the same for all corners: all materials must be placed so that they cannot fall or injure the child. Sharp corners or edges are not allowed.
Children over - tasks are more difficult
Understanding four-year-old children becomes more accessible to more complex concepts, therefore, supplementing and developing the topics addressed in younger groups, teachers and parents continue the direction of education we are considering, placing new materials in a patriotic corner in the kindergarten. Design should affect the development of the personality of the child. It is important that not only literature, illustrations and didactic materials are used for it, but also elements of independent and joint activity. Preschoolers can play with friends or with adults, mastering the posted materials, making interactive communication.
The design of a patriotic corner in a kindergarten in the middle group should be beautiful, vibrant, attractive and interesting for children. There can be nothing damaged, broken, torn. It is good if the colors and shades used are correctly combined with each other, pleasant for the child’s eyes. All materials are updated from time to time.
In the middle group, most patriotic work takes place in and out of classes. These are deliberate walks along the nearby streets and acquaintance with the administrative buildings located on them (a shop, pharmacy, post office, etc.), reading fiction, talking with children about the nature of their native city. All new information that children receive must be supported by materials in a patriotic corner.
Filling for the middle group
The following materials will be interesting and useful for development for children of this age:
- illustrations of family holidays and traditions, fiction on moral topics;
- photo materials, illustrations, albums, postcards, thematic folders introducing the history of the native city, its famous inhabitants, sights;
- exhibits introducing preschoolers to traditional culture: ancient objects, folk toys, samples of decorative and applied art, thematic didactic games ;
- works of folk art - from songs to fairy tales;
- Symbols of state, region and city.
What are we calling homeland?
In older preschool age, the tasks of patriotic education become more complicated, children continue acquaintance with their native land, study not only their city, but also the region and country, and receive information on state symbols, the historical past of Russia, and the national calendar.
Complicated material placed in a patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design is complemented by children's and family creative work. So, for example, continuing to study the topic “My Family”, children with parents create a family coat of arms or a family tree. Family albums placed in a corner, which children like to view and show to each other, will be interesting.
From hometown to country
Various materials on such topics as “How did the city originate?”, “What is produced in our city?”, “Culture of my city”, “Famous countrymen”, “During the Great Patriotic War”, “Sights” will help to continue acquaintance with the native city , "Architecture". Parents and carers together can create a selection of poems about the city.
The map of the village and its symbols should also fill up the patriotic corner in the kindergarten. The design of the exhibition about the native land may contain symbols and a map of the region, information about its cities and famous places, and when the children receive this information, they will be ready to get acquainted with their native country. There is no way to do without a map of Russia. Modern printing issues special children's cards containing material accessible to children's understanding. And, of course, Russian symbols should appear in a prominent place - the coat of arms, flag, anthem and portrait of the president.
About culture, defenders of the Fatherland and planet Earth
In addition to local history information, other topics and directions contribute to patriotic education.
If the necessary material is available, information about how the culture of our people was born is placed in a patriotic corner. It can be thematic exhibitions “How did people live in Russia?”, “What are old things told about?”, “From the history of Russian folk costume”, “How did people walk and have fun?”, “Folk calendar” and others.
Information about the defenders of the Fatherland is also able to replenish the patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design (photo below) of exhibitions about the heroes of the Russian land, the Great Patriotic War and the Russian army can arouse the interest of boys, form their desire to become a defender of their homeland.
The global task of patriotic education is the formation in children of the concept that the planet Earth is our common home, and all who live on it should live in peace. Children need to be introduced to the living conditions of people in other parts of the planet, their customs and traditions.
If teachers and parents are interested in educating a young citizen, the result will not be long in coming, and a corner of patriotic education will help in this.