Young children are prone to various diseases due to the fact that their immune system is just beginning to form. The task of parents is to protect, take care of the diet, quickly respond to changes in the behavior and well-being of the baby. For example, one of the common problems in childhood is allergies. Symptoms immediately pronounced: rashes, itching, peeling of the skin and red cheeks in a child.
The causes of such manifestations are not always associated with the above ailments. Some mothers mistakenly believe that blush is a sign of health, and there is nothing wrong with this condition. It must be understood that peeling from scratch, bright capillary streaks and pimples do not occur. Pediatricians do not recommend letting the situation drift, especially if there is a temperature and rough red cheeks in the child.
Causes of occurrence
An allergic reaction is the most common factor causing unpleasant and diverse manifestations. It affects mainly infants and children under 3 years of age. Parents notice the child has red rough cheeks, puffiness, lacrimation, coughing, rashes on the body, dryness and pallor of the skin are added to this.
In order to avoid the appearance of diathesis, which occurs against a background of allergies, it is required to identify the true cause and eliminate it. Consider the most common factors that trigger the reaction:
- Food diathesis causes red cheeks in a child. Komarovsky (doctor) claims that often the culprits are the parents themselves who overfeed the child. Activated charcoal and a warm drink will help to eliminate the phenomenon.
- Drug allergy (synthetic additives, antibiotics).
- Vaccine response.
- Contact dermatitis (clothing, household chemicals, cosmetics, animal hair).
- Environmental factors (polluted environment).
Faced with a similar pathological problem, parents must definitely send the baby for examination. Diagnosis will help to identify hyperreaction, subsequently the doctor will prescribe competent therapy. Remember that this is a chronic condition that cannot be cured. It can be maintained in a latent form (remission).
You need to know that most viruses provoke characteristic symptoms. Diseases such as rubella, scarlet fever, erythema and measles contribute to the appearance of red cheeks in a child. Komarovsky reports that similar diseases are observed in children from 3 to 10 years.
According to the doctor, you should not be stuffed with antibacterial agents without the appointment of a specialist. It is required to create the most comfortable conditions so that the body independently fights viruses: do not force them to eat, provide plentiful drink and clean air with 60% humidity. It is forbidden to soar feet, wrap, load fatty foods.
lupus erythematosus
Why does the child have a red cheek, weakness and fever up to 40 ° C? This can be a sign of a dangerous disease, such as lupus, that is, a violation of its own tissue, leading to damage to internal organs. It begins acutely, redness is noted on the cheeks and nose.
Rashes on other parts of the body resembling small scaly spots are not excluded. Emergency medical care and comprehensive treatment are required. In the absence of adequate therapy, dangerous complications arise (pathologies of the heart, joints, lymphatic system, kidneys).
Roseola, or three-day fever
The incubation period is 5-15 days. It is characterized by an increase in temperature to 39 ° C, convulsions, while neither coughing nor runny nose is observed. After a few days, bright pink spots appear throughout the body. As you understand, red cheeks in a child do not always indicate good health. The causes of the disease are herpes viruses of the 6th and 7th type.
Atypical redness and rashes
It is impossible to briefly list all the irritants and diseases that cause a similar reaction on the part of the child's body. This can be adapted milk formulas, heat transfer disorders, genetic pathologies. Sensible mothers will immediately visit a pediatrician, especially if the child is 5 months old. Red cheeks with a rough crust are not the norm.
This may be a suspicion of heart disease or a malfunction in the liver. Urgent need to do an ultrasound, X-ray and blood sampling. The painful conditions that are accompanied by such clinical manifestations cannot be counted: meningococcal meningitis, viral hepatitis, pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, gastrointestinal tract disorders, helminth infestation, eczema.
What to do?
First of all, it is necessary to determine the allergen. Without carrying out diagnostic measures, it will not be possible to solve this problem and eliminate the symptoms. The longer you put off a visit to the doctor, the deeper the disease takes root. You should be constantly alerted by the red cheeks of the child. The reasons should be sought immediately and not in a hurry to use antiviral and antiallergic medicines.
When itching and peeling appear, you can use folk remedies: tea leaves, herbal decoctions, soothing baby lotions. It is advisable to exclude harmful foods from the diet (flour, sweet, smoked). If the baby eats breast milk, then the mother should analyze the menu. Ensure maximum cleanliness in the room, do wet cleaning and vacuum more often.
So we found out why the child has a red cheek and what are the causes of this phenomenon. Let your children fill with blush only from a walk and laughter - be healthy!