Thai fighting fish - the so-called beautiful "cockerel". This species was bred for "fish fights", where two cockerels fought with each other. Times have changed, underwater inhabitants are now kept as ornamental fish. However, the character is not treated.
a brief description of
One of the most unpretentious fish known to lovers is the cockerel. Siamese fighter is able to live in an ordinary cup. Just do not experiment on the poor fellow. This is said for general information.
Males are much more beautiful than girlfriends, multi-colored, with magnificent tail and disgusting character. The females are gray, rather plain-looking, calm. Keeping two males is almost impossible, because the guys will certainly begin to fight for the territory. Such fights end with the death of one of the males. In addition, planting a girlfriend with the boy is quite neat. The cockerel is able to beat the bride to death.
It is worth talking separately about the care and maintenance of the cockerel. It all starts with choosing an aquarium. Many lovers prefer a small round tank with artificial plants. The minimum volume required by its occupant is three liters. However, it is advisable to purchase a larger tank - from five liters. Remember that the fish is a loner, perceiving perception as a threat to its territory. And deal with him quite tough.
So, the aquarium is selected and installed in the designated place. Speaking of installation. The tank should be in a warm place where direct sunlight and drafts do not fall. Whether it is worth using a background for an aquarium - everyone decides independently. The nuance is that sticking a beautiful background onto a round tank is quite problematic.
Artificial stones should be used as soil for the aquarium. The fact is that natural soil is difficult to clean, and it is enough to wash the stones once a week, and once every three days to remove dirt using a siphon.
As a food for a cockerel fish, live plants are suitable. Joke! In a round aquarium, it is better to plant artificial plants, because the living ones require a filter. The fish is quite capable of living without a filter, heater and other paraphernalia. The fighter breathes ordinary oxygen, so the aquarium is kept open.
Before talking about what kind of food for a rooster fish it is desirable to choose, we will touch on the care of the aquarium and its inhabitants.
A small aquarium is cleaned every three to four days. Complete cleaning with water change up to 85% occurs once a week. The cockerel is transplanted into another container, the soil, plants and shelters are removed and washed, if any. Just be careful! Fish live in slop water. Settling is carried out in open, clean jars or bottles and lasts 5-7 days. If this is not possible, you can use an air conditioner to purify the water sold at the pet store. Pay attention to the products of the German company Tetra. Despite the cost, it is very high quality.
What is a siphon? This is a tool for cleaning aquarium soil. There are several types, we recommend that you purchase the simplest. Two tubes, and in the middle - a pear, so this siphon can be characterized.
How to wash plants and soil? First, in running warm water, then the merchandise is rinsed in settling water or purified using an air conditioner.
Where to plant the fish? Yes, at least in a clean cup. Only the water in which the cockerel will be located should be from the aquarium. Speaking of water temperature for replacement. Be sure to wait until the water reaches room temperature. Putting a fish in ice water is unacceptable, because the pet may float upside down.
So we got to the kinds of food for the cockerel fish. Our aquarium fighters love to eat, and modern technology allows us to produce fish food for every taste and color. There are several types of food for cockerel fish.
Dry. This includes flakes and granules.
Frozen. Bloodworms, daphnia, artemia, vitreous and ordinary worms.
Live food, in our case - small bloodworms and worms.
Green food, which means lettuce and spinach.
About dry food
What is the best food for cockerels? There is no exact answer to this question, because nutrition must be combined. If you choose from dry food, then you should pay attention to small pellets of German production. Tetra - the name of the company - produces the perfect fish food. Products are sold both in banks of various volumes, and by weight. It is better to purchase feed in the package, because they retain their freshness longer. Flakes may be too large for the underwater inhabitant, they are crushed in the fingers. Great food for cockerels - pellets. It is worth giving preference to multi-colored small granules, because the feed of such a plan is mixed. Plant components are combined with animal products.
About Frozen Food
How to feed a cockerel with a frozen bloodworm or daphnia? In fact, there are no difficulties in this procedure. A small piece of the product is cut and thrown into the aquarium. Just choose a small bloodworm, for a large cockerel will not be able to swallow.
Live feed
Live bloodworms and worms as food for cockerel fish are purchased in pet stores. As in the case of a frozen product, bloodworms should be small. Store it in the refrigerator, wrapped in a moist white sheet. The sheet is sprayed daily or replaced with a new one. In this form, the bloodworm can live a week, as soon as you notice that it has begun to die, immediately send it to the freezer.
Green feed and meat
Readers will be surprised, however, boiled beef or chicken heart, chicken stomachs, shrimp and squid are related to the food for rooster fish. All products are boiled, divided into small pieces and given to the fish. As green food, as mentioned above, spinach and lettuce are used. They are scalded with boiling water, torn off small pieces and placed in an aquarium.
Feeding frequency
Now let's talk about how often to feed the cockerel with dry food, frozen and ordinary. Dear readers, remember one rule! The cockerel is fed twice a day, the fish should eat a serving in two minutes. The faster the fighter gets rid of the food, the better for the aquarium. The remains of food settle to the bottom, begin to rot, and in the absence of a filter, the consequences can be sad for a cockerel. That is why a small aquarium is cleaned every three days, but now it’s not about cleaning, but about feeding.
When the cockerel feeds on granules, it is necessary to count 5-7 pieces and give one at a time. Swallowed? Got more. In the case of cereal feeding, the eating time is as indicated above.
Eating frozen food, fresh or natural? Replace them with one dry product. Feed pieces should be small, keep this in mind.
Overfed fish swells like a balloon. A cockerel can swim on the surface, gasping for breath, or “hang” in the middle of the aquarium. The owner learns about overfeeding by paying attention to the fish’s tummy. When the stomach is swollen, a black dot is clearly visible below - the cockerel has overeaten.
This is how the basic recommendations for keeping a cock, feeding and caring for it look. There is nothing complicated, as readers have seen, of this. The Siamese fighter is a rather unpretentious fish, which has gained popularity among amateurs and professional aquarists.