After birth, many young mothers do not know what to do with it. But when the baby is brought home, everything should already be prepared for him. Therefore, women from the time of pregnancy have been trying to find out what the baby needs in the first month of life. From what things will surround the baby, its development and state of health depends. Despite the prevailing opinion that a child is very expensive, at an early age he needs a little.
Most of the time the baby sleeps. Therefore, the main thing is to arrange a place for him to sleep. The cradle or crib must be of good quality and made of natural materials. Get a hard mattress filled with seaweed or coconut fiber. The baby does not need a pillow, otherwise there may be a curvature of the spine. Try to gently spread the sheet so that the folds do not interfere with the child. The blanket should be light and not very warm, best woolen or bike. Bed linen needs to be changed for the baby every few days or as it gets dirty.
What does a child need in the first month of life from clothes? In recent years, it is not recommended to swaddle babies. The child should move the arms and legs freely, so dress him in a loose jumpsuit. He also needs vests, diapers and sliders. To prevent the baby from scratching your face, cover the handles with special gloves. The baby still can not regulate body temperature, so make sure that he was neither hot nor cold. Avoid drafts and do not overheat the baby. It is advisable to put a cap on his head.
The baby at the beginning of life is very sensitive to external influences. It is very important for parents to choose the right care products. What does a child need in the first month of life? Clothing and all items that relate to the baby should be made of natural materials. The choice of children's cosmetics should be treated carefully, because many creams and soaps cause irritation on the sensitive skin of the baby. It is recommended up to a month not to wash the baby with soap at all, but to use decoctions of herbs when bathing and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent diarrhea and diaper rash, regularly change your baby’s diapers and leave him naked as often as possible.
What more does a baby need per month? Now it is not recommended to teach babies to the nipple and bottle, because the best food for them is breast milk. But some medications in the house should be required. Zelenka and iodine, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool and a bandage, as well as scissors with rounded ends to trim the baby's nails.
A few hours a day, the newborn is awake. And it is important at this time not to leave him alone, but to engage in its development. What he learns at an early age depends on his ability to assimilate new information in the future. What toys do children need in their first month of life? The kid is already trying to concentrate on bright objects. It’s not necessary to buy something expensive. A few simple rattles will be enough. You can also buy a mobile phone or hang large bright objects over the crib that will swing.
Future parents should know in advance what the child needs in the first month of life, so that when they bring the baby from the hospital, all attention should be paid only to him.