Tips for connecting your PS3 to the Internet

The current situation with the Internet is such that almost all residents of our country have access to the network. Of course, when you buy some kind of modern gadget, you immediately want to use all its features, which appear only after connecting to the Internet.

how to connect ps3 to the internet

Modern consoles for video games are by no means an exception. In a word, to learn how to connect the PS3 to the Internet, it will be interesting to each of its owners.

Simplest case

The easiest way is when an Ethernet cable from your ISP just enters your apartment. If the company does not bind the equipment by MAC address, then you can simply attach the console to the network. Everything should be immediately determined and earned.

! , . , PS3 , , MAC- .

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connecting ps3 to the internet

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ps3 internet connection

, - . , , , Wi-Fi - . ? , Vista. , PS3, , .

. «» «» «CMD». « ».

: «netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="" key="" keyUsage=persistent», «» , «» - . , : «netsh wlan start hostednetwork». .

! - . , PS3 .

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