Pancake week is the most cheerful and cheerful holiday, which happens only once a year. On this day, interesting ceremonies, fun games, competitions and much more are held. By tradition, a scarecrow is burned in the evening, this symbolizes the rite of farewell to spring. Adults arrange dances on this day, bake pancakes and dance. Interestingly, how is the Maslenitsa holiday organized in kindergarten?
Group holiday organization
Maslenitsa festival in kindergarten can be organized in a group. To do this, you first need to create the appropriate environment. Artificial snowballs, paper snowflakes, a samovar, cones, pancake paintings and much more will help to create it. Previously, you should take care of Russian folk costumes, which will create a festive mood.
In advance, you need to come up with a script for the holiday Maslenitsa. In the kindergarten, teachers, schoolchildren or parents of children can be leading. After breakfast, the cheerful "parsley" should run into the group and invite all the children to the celebration in the assembly hall. The guys will go into the room, see the appropriate scenery and a festive mood will appear in their soul.
Then the leader should say the following phrase: "Children grab the handle and become in a circle, we will have fun dancing and seeing off the spring." After that, cheerful music should sound, and the children will start a round dance.
The next part of the script is the competition. Children must pass simple tests of racing: throw artificial lumps in a basket or collect cones.
At the end of the holiday, each child should receive a souvenir.
Fun for the younger group
Everyone, even the smallest person, wants festive fun. Fortunately, the celebration can be organized in absolutely any group. As for the nursery, it is worth noting that we are talking about babies aged 1.5 to 3 years, as a rule, they still have poorly developed speech.
Carnival celebration in kindergarten should be carried out only in a group and under the strict supervision of educators. For example, you can arrange a dance program, a small performance or invite any creative team to the event. Do not arrange competitions, as they will be difficult for such an early age.
Organization of a holiday on the street
For children of older groups can be organized Maslenitsa celebration in kindergarten right on the street. Such an atmosphere will create the most realistic celebration. The main presenter should be a winter woman dressed up in an appropriate costume. She should suddenly appear on the playground, gather in a circle of preschoolers and conduct a series of tests.
Part one
Winter says to the audience: “Hello, I have puzzles for you, guess guys?” Next, the facilitator should ask the children a few simple questions. For example, you need to guess:
- What can be white except sugar? (snow).
- Who can create a pattern without arms and legs? (frost).
- When does snow fall? (in winter).
- List the main characters of the New Year holidays? (Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden, etc.).
- Who comes after winter? (Spring).
Children should begin to actively solve such tasks, for each correct answer it is necessary to hand a certain character to the child.
Part two
Winter goes on to the children: “You guys have done a great job, and now we need to stretch ourselves a bit.” After these words, it is necessary to conduct a series of games:
- Children should be divided into two teams, each of which should be given a broom. On the transport of women-yaga, all obstacles should be avoided. The team that coped with this task first is the winner, the leader must give them the appropriate symbol.
- Winter should depict various figures, and children unravel them, a symbol is also given for each correct answer.
- Another game is bag jumping. Whoever could overcome the greatest distance will receive a symbol.
Part three
Winter should say the words: “The holiday has come to an end, all the guys are well done, everyone deserves a reward”. Next, the host should calculate how many characters typed during the holiday and identify the winner who will receive the main prize, the other participants should also receive souvenirs.
Holiday dinner in kindergarten
Maslenitsa holiday for kindergarten is not only fun games, but also a delicious dinner, which should please all the kids. To everyday soup you can add:
- Butter pancakes with various additives, for example, with condensed milk, sour cream or eggs.
- Lush cheesecakes or fragrant casserole.
- Tasty porridge.
Be sure to supplement the lunch with compote. Before planning a diet menu, you must definitely consult with your parents on this issue, some children may be allergic to a certain product. It is recommended that lunch be held immediately after active games, then all children need to fully relax.
Highlights of the holiday
At such an important stage as the development of Shrovetide in Kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account several key points:
- All contests should be focused on the age of the participants.
- It is necessary that the whole holiday lasted from 30 minutes to 1 hour, otherwise the children will quickly get tired of excessive load.
- You should select the most optimal temperature for the celebration, if the celebration is planned on the street.
- It’s best to create an organized event for several groups of the same age category at the same time.
- It is worth taking into account the psychological mood of each child, you do not need to force him to participate in competitions if he does not have a desire.
During the organization of the holiday, it is worth paying attention to such a factor as children's health. Preliminary, it is necessary that a medical professional examine each child. The teacher needs to warn parents in advance that they put the kids warm.
Preparing a child for an event
The folklore festival Maslenitsa in kindergarten is recommended only after preparation for it. First of all, educators should tell children a brief information about this holiday, it is advisable to back it up with a colorful presentation. An organized part of the children's performance should also be created; they should sing a song, recite a verse or show a dance. It is recommended that you first prepare for the competition of drawings or crafts on the relevant topics. A properly organized approach promotes a meaningful holiday for children.
Why is it necessary to hold an event in kindergarten?
There is a specific purpose of the holiday Maslenitsa in kindergarten:
- To acquaint every child with such a national holiday as Shrovetide.
- Development of an analytical mindset.
- Education in them of love for their homeland.
- Provide each baby with positive emotions.
- To teach to perceive folk traditions.
- Tie sympathy to Russian cuisine.
- Enrich the spiritual world.
Prize Gift Options
We should also talk about souvenirs that will be presented as basic gifts for kids. You can give a certain symbol of the holiday, which can be a beautiful picture, a stuffed toy, a delicious treat, a souvenir from colored paper, a talisman and much more. If desired, it is allowed to make separate prizes for boys and girls: dolls, robots, cars, sets of erasers, pistols and much more. You can also come up with standard souvenirs for each participant, for example, soft toys. Separately, it is worth taking care of the presentation of sweets, medals and diplomas to each child.
Every year in each preschool institution should be organized holiday Maslenitsa. In kindergarten, this will allow not only to enjoy the pleasant moments for the kids, but also to instill in them a love of Russian traditions and rituals. It will also provide a pleasant and memorable children's celebration.
Maslenitsa holiday for kindergarten children is also a great occasion for team rapprochement!