During pregnancy, the female body is forced to work for two and carry an increased load. And this is not surprising, because the mother's body must provide the fetus with maximum safety and proper development. However, with such extreme loads, weaknesses in the woman's body begin to appear and various diseases are activated. In particular, with the growth of the fetus in the body of the expectant mother, the center of gravity changes and begin to pester the pain in the spine and lower back. Can a woman be helped if her lower back hurts during pregnancy in the second trimester?
Discomfort in the early stages
Pain in the lumbar region can occur at any stage. Most often this happens in the second and third trimester. But they are not excluded at earlier dates. If lower back hurts during early pregnancy, what does this mean? Does this pose a threat to the health of the mother and the unborn child and what are the causes of pain in the lower back? To better navigate in symptomatic manifestations, lumbar pain should be divided into natural physiological manifestations of the body that do not pose a threat to health, and pathological ones that warn of the possibility of serious diseases.
In the case when the lower back hurts during early pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the pain. Then, based on this, make assumptions about whether this can be a pathology or whether everything goes within the normal range. In any case, pregnant women can’t take risks, so if you have pain, you should consult with medical professionals.
The physiological natural manifestations include the occurrence of pain at 9 weeks. And this is normal, because during this period of the first trimester in the female body progesterone is actively produced. This hormone helps maintain pregnancy. At this time, body weight increases, and the ligaments between the bones begin to relax a bit, which leads to minor pain manifestations. However, this condition should not be accompanied by bloody or other discharge, nausea, vomiting, fever and weakness. If any of this is present, pathology is possible, and this is a direct route to the doctor.
Drawing may be followed by mild pain at 10 weeks. If during pregnancy the lower back hurts as with menstruation, but the discomfort does not become stronger, then this is within the normal range and does not threaten the woman’s health. If the girl has a history of diseases such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis and intervertebral hernia, then during overproduction of progesterone at 12 weeks the pain can be stronger, but without other symptoms, and this can continue throughout pregnancy.
Pathology in a pregnant woman and lower back pain
Pathological pain manifestations may indicate the presence of such diseases:
- An ectopic pregnancy is a one-sided pain in the lumbar belt, extending to the rectum and scapular-clavicular region, often with discharge of blood from the genitals.
- The threat of interruption - if the stomach and lower back hurts during pregnancy, and bloody discharge of varying intensity is observed, possibly with clots larger than a 5-penny coin, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- Kidney disease, which is extremely rare in such an early stage and is more characteristic of the second trimester, reaching a peak by 33 weeks. It manifests itself in lower back pain, deterioration in the quality of urine and fever. If pain is felt in the leg and groin, then it leaves a stone on the ureter.
- Pancreatitis It is diagnosed when the lower back hurts during pregnancy and the general condition is severely disturbed. For example, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with a mushy stool are observed.
- Frozen pregnancy - the pain is not very intense, but with exertion and prolonged standing, it intensifies, manifests itself at 20 weeks.
- Neurological diseases - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylosis and others - are possible if the back or lower back hurts during pregnancy.
- Urolithiasis, in which severe lumbar pain is felt, similar to labor pains, difficulty urinating and blood in the urine may appear.
These are all probable manifestations of pathological problems of the body for the first trimester. But, as a rule, their peak occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Next, tell us whether the lower back hurts during pregnancy during the passage of its second trimester?
Lumbar pain in the second trimester of pregnancy
In pregnant women, the second trimester passes from 13 to 27 weeks. Mom in this fertile period already begins to feel the baby’s heartbeat and can see it on the screen when undergoing an ultrasound. But this pleasant moment can be overshadowed by the fact that the lower back hurts quite badly during pregnancy in the second trimester. Pain can occur during movement and when sitting, not giving rest to expectant mothers and not allowing them to relax and surrender to the pleasant expectation of meeting a child. What causes these pains? And in general, why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy?
At this stage of pregnancy, the pelvic bones begin to soften to facilitate the passage of the baby during childbirth, and the uterus, on the contrary, increases and shifts the center of balance from the usual place. As a result, the gait changes and the back and lower back hurt during pregnancy. To alleviate the condition when walking, try to move your shoulders back and move the center of gravity to the heels. It is recommended to wear a bandage, which reduces the load on the stomach and relieves tension in the back. You need to rest more often in a sitting position - after every half hour of movement.
Causes of pain in the second trimester. Opinion of girls and specialists
When the stomach and lower back hurts during pregnancy (in the second trimester), girls and doctors say that there are several reasons for this:
- stretching the muscles around the uterus for pain in the lower abdomen, but it should be remembered that this can also be with an ectopic or ectopic pregnancy, therefore, in order to avoid serious problems, you need to see a doctor;
- pain in the abdomen and groin indicates stretching of the round ligament supporting the uterus, discomfort disappears in a few minutes;
- distension of old surgical sutures provoked by a heavy uterus;
- improper nutrition, as a result of which the digestive organs are subjected to spasms that give into the lower abdomen;
- sprain due to an enlarged uterus.
Second pregnancy and pain
Sometimes you can hear complaints from women that the lower back hurts during the second pregnancy. And they associate this with those additional loads that the body receives when raising the first child, who still cannot do without the help of his mother, but already heavy enough to provoke indignation of the body. Here, mommy needs to follow the symptoms herself - if pain is released when the stress is stopped, then the matter is in additional severity. If the pain does not reduce the intensity - be sure to see a doctor.
Lumbar during pregnancy in the second trimester hurts in almost half of pregnant women. As a rule, discomfort occurs due to increased load on the spine and weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen. Back pain begins from the sixth month of pregnancy and lasts until the birth. In this case, one should not forget about possible pathological pains, the list of which, given for the first trimester of pregnancy, is also valid for the second. But if this is not a pathology, but the usual course of pregnancy, how can a woman be helped if the lower back hurts during pregnancy?
Pain in the lower back during the second trimester of pregnancy can be corrected. To prevent discomfort or alleviate it, pregnant women should first follow some mandatory rules:
- control your weight by resorting to a healthy diet: eat foods rich in calcium, meat, herbs, nuts, dairy products, fish;
- if the lower back is very sore during pregnancy and worries about the condition of the pelvic bones, take lactate and calcium carbonate;
- avoid stress on the back;
- when sitting, lean on the back of the chair with your spine, sit down and get up smoothly; it is desirable that the chair be hard with armrests, which must be relied upon when standing up;
- sleep on a semi-rigid elastic mattress with a medium-sized pillow;
- wear comfortable, spacious shoes with a not very high steady heel;
- pay attention to special physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back and lower back.
But besides this, there are other methods of resisting pain if a woman already has lower back pain during pregnancy in the second trimester. Below we consider how they can be applied in practice.
Mom recommendations and reviews for special exercises
First of all, a pregnant woman should be very careful in the use of various therapeutic agents, whether they are medicinal or folk. It must be remembered that the body during pregnancy is very vulnerable and can damage the fetus. Therefore, all methods and physical activity should be coordinated with doctors, so as not to harm either the baby or the mother. And the first thing that is recommended to do if the lower back hurts during pregnancy in the second trimester is special physical exercises for women in position. For example, such as the "cat back", which is performed on all fours by bending and arching the back, similar to how a cat does it. Exercise trains abdominal and lower back muscles well. Also do physical therapy in the group for pregnant women, water aerobics or just swimming - this relaxes muscles well and relieves pain.
Girls say that such training really helped them. They believe that this method is very effective.
Now let's talk about treatment methods. It should be noted that with the appearance of acute pain, the first thing to do is to ensure that the pregnant woman is completely at rest for several days, preferably with bed rest. You need to lie on your side, taking a comfortable pose. At the same time, use special ointments in combination with dry heat. In no case do not use those ointments that contain at least some poisons or irritating substances. It is better to use anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Nurofen-Gel or Ibuprofen.
Actually, this is where the use of medicines ends, so as not to harm the course of pregnancy. But various manual and homeopathic remedies can be used to alleviate the condition.
Applicator Lyapko will help overcome pain
If the pains are not pathological, it is recommended to use the Lyapko applicator for the lower back - to roll the worrying place with the Universal or Big rollers. You need to do this in the mornings for 5-7 minutes, and also in the evenings for 10-15 minutes. You can lie down on the applicator with a needle pitch of 4.9-5 mm twice a day. For pain in the lumbosacral spine, a step of 4.9-5.8 mm is used, which gently acts on this zone and ensures normal blood supply to the uterus.
With the use of massage, you need to be careful and you can not do it on the lower back, because a pregnant woman cannot be laid on her stomach. In addition, when massaging the spine, pressure on the fossae between the vertebrae should be avoided, which can lead to a premature birth.
Aromatherapy gives excellent results. For pregnant women, relaxation in a warm bathtub with a few drops of aromatic essential oils - lavender and ylang-ylang is quite acceptable and very pleasant. But do not make the smell too intense. As an alternative to this method, you can use a warm heating pad. A drop of these aromatic oils can be added to the aroma lamp.
Reflexology is possible. But only if it is conducted by a highly qualified specialist with extensive experience working directly with pregnant women.
Cold-heat method
Acupuncture relieves pain well if you need to get rid of discomfort in the lower back and pelvis. If the pain is severe, you can use the cold-heat method - apply cold to the sore spot and keep it there for 5-10 minutes. If the pain is aching and long - apply a warm heating pad for 10-15 minutes.
Folk remedies
A very effective medication can tell you an experienced homeopath. Alternative treatment methods can not only alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, but also positively affect the health of the woman, improving her general condition.
There are certain popular methods of treatment with which you can relieve lower back pain. Here are some recipes from the treasures of our grandmothers:
- Grated horseradish mixed with sour cream - grease a sore spot, cover it with a napkin and warm it with a scarf or scarf.
- Dried burdock leaves, scalded with boiling water, attach to the lower back and warm.
- Crushed garlic with a special press, mix with lemon juice until a mass is not too thick, dip a cotton cloth in it to literally soak in this infusion, and make a cold compress for 20 minutes.
- A bag of white incense should be mixed with a tablespoon of false grated laundry soap and two yolks of chicken eggs, which must first be beaten into foam. The mixture is applied to a woolen cloth and applied to a diseased area of the body.
Pain in the mother after the baby is born
What to do if lower back hurts after pregnancy? Postpartum back pain is triggered by the release of progesterone and relaxin, which weaken the joints and ligaments in the pelvic area. Six months after the birth, the body will already return to normal. But the pain will stop only after a year after the birth of the baby. This is due to the physical activity of the mother in the process of intensive child care. But if you have pain, you don’t have to endure it for a whole year. Should see a doctor.
Moms Tips
Some mothers are advised to observe the following rules:
- Yoga classes help well;
- arrange daily walks in the fresh air, you can use swimming or water aerobics;
- to share part of the duties with the husband and other family members in order to reduce the load;
- Do not lift heavy objects;
- when breastfeeding, maintain an even posture while sitting on a chair;
- make yourself a comfortable place to sit with the help of pillows that will keep your back in a comfortable position;
- forget the high heels for the recovery time;
- take care of comfortable sleep on a comfortable mattress.
All this will remove the acute symptoms of postpartum back pain. And finally, I want to give some useful tips from specialists that can come in handy when pain occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy.
Pregnant women with low back pain
To reduce the load on the feet and protect yourself from lower back pain, wear arch support. Use a brace to relieve muscle spasm in a sore spot and allow it to relax. It will be useful without pain, as it will relieve back muscles and comfortably support a growing tummy.
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women can occur as a result of depression or strong feelings, therefore stock up on positive and look for it in all situations. In some cases, a calcium-rich diet and long walks in sunlight, filling the body with vitamin D, are very helpful.
Avoid sitting on benches and stools - a pregnant woman needs comfortable support for her back. The back of a chair or chair should be straight and rigid, and the seat should be firm, eliminating sagging body.
Never cross your legs - this disrupts blood circulation and causes pelvic deflection, which increases back pain. You can sit no longer than an hour, and it is better even for half an hour with breaks for walking and lying down. Do not make sudden movements while sitting down on a chair with a sweeping swing. Provide yourself with quality rest and eliminate stress.
Now you know why pain occurs during pregnancy. We named the main reasons. The knowledge gained and careful observance of the rules will help you successfully cope with unpleasant sensations in the lower back and it is pleasant to spend the entire golden period of pregnancy - its second trimester.