The drug "Roncoleukin" for cats: description, application, reviews

Roncoleukin for cats is obtained by the biotechnological method from the producer (recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The active substance of the drug is a polypeptide (a key component of the immune response), the deficiency of which leads to malfunctions of the immune system. Among the main active ingredients is recombinant interleukin.

The introduction of "Roncoleukin" normalizes:

- recognition of antigens;

- production of antibodies;

- activity of monocytes;

- differentiation, proliferation of immunocompetent cells;

- the functionality of granulocytes.

Roncoleukin for cats

The drug "Roncoleukin" for cats has a pronounced immunocorrective activity, enhances and optimizes antifungal, antiviral and antitumor immunity. It activates tissue repair processes and their regeneration.

The drug is recognized as an excellent means of immunorehabilitation. The high efficiency of treatment of many diseases with various etiologies has been proven by clinical practice.

The drug "Roncoleukin" for cats (the price depends on the form of release and is about 4.5-5 cu for 50,000 IU (1 ampoule)) is prescribed for both treatment and prevention. It is packaged in either 10 ml vials or 1 ml ampoules. The drug in the first form can be used for 10 days, provided that the solution is filled with a sterile syringe by puncture of a rubber stopper. Storage and transportation outside the refrigerator is not allowed (maximum storage temperature + 10 ).

Roncoleukin is administered both intravenously (preferably) and intramuscularly.

Roncoleukin for cats reviews

The dosage is calculated based on body weight - from 5 to 20 thousand IU per kg. Sublingual, intranasal, aerosol, oral administration and even external applications are also possible (in some cases). The drug is perfectly combined with all drugs without exception, however, mixing with glucose in the same syringe is not recommended.

With the introduction of the undiluted medication "Roncoleukin", a pain effect is observed (short burning). In order to reduce this phenomenon, the drug is diluted with five parts of sodium chloride (0.9%) or water (injection). When agitated, the resulting solution forms a relatively stable foam, so manipulations are carried out with caution.

Animals having severe lesions of the conduction system and heart should receive the Roncoleukin preparation fractionally, moreover, against the background of agents that support cardiac activity.

Roncoleukin for cats price

With therapy, including corticosteroid medications (both systemic and topical), the described drug is administered after a course of hormone therapy.

In most cases, in acute diseases, up to 10,000 IU / kg of body weight is administered. In chronic form, the amount of the drug can be increased to 15,000 IU. Between the introductions, it is necessary to observe the interval (a day or two). In severe cases of the disease, 5 injections are indicated, with complex therapy, three are enough. The duration of the course, intervals and dosage are determined by the attending physician.

How effective is Roncoleukin for cats? Reviews of both veterinarians and owners are unambiguous:

- faster biochemical blood parameters ;

- reduced recovery time;

- swelling decreases;

- local hyperthermia decreases;

- the temperature is normalized.

Positive reactions are observed in the treatment of infectious, respiratory, oncological, purulent-inflammatory diseases. The drug is indicated in the treatment of infectious and destructive processes occurring in bone tissue, with skin and eye diseases, with problems with the urinary system, with hypothermic syndrome, polycystic kidney disease, after surgery. As an anti-stress prophylaxis, the use of a single injection of the drug "Roncoleukin" (5,000 IU) is acceptable.

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