Card file of theatrical games in the second younger group. Performing theatrical games in the second younger group: a file cabinet with goals

Preschool children learn the world around them more with their hearts, emotions, feelings than with their minds. That is why the main activity of kids is a game. Preschoolers are happy to try on various roles, based on their little life experience. Children can imitate the characters of their favorite cartoons, fairy tales, repeat the behavior of adults, for example, transform into a doctor, a store seller, a teacher. In order for the games to bring educational and educational benefits, planning for such work is provided for in kindergartens. It will help the teacher to effectively organize the activities of four-year-old pupils in the card catalog of theatrical games in the second younger group. How to make such a methodological manual, how to use it - in our article.

Card file of theatrical games in the second younger group

The tasks of theatrical games in the younger group of DOW

Why do we need theatrical games for kids? Such activity solves a whole range of tasks posed by the program and GEF:

  • social adaptation is formed (children learn to communicate with peers, listen to others, argue their own opinions, etc.);
  • knowledge of the world (preschoolers get acquainted with a variety of areas of knowledge during the game);
  • speech development (kids learn to form sentences, control the power of voice and intonation, etc.);
  • development of creative possibilities and aesthetic taste.


It should be clarified that theatrical games are not only performances. The content includes various forms and types of work with children. These may be the following games:

  • articulatory;
  • finger;
  • pantomimes;
  • recitation of small literary forms;
  • puppet shows;
  • mini-productions.

Theatrical games in the second younger group: file cabinet

Theatrical activity planning in a preschool educational institution

The educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the holding of all the above games in a group of children of a specified age. Therefore, the teacher will have to think over a plan for organizing such an activity. The card index of theatrical games in the second younger group with goals will help in this. This manual should be structured, choosing the most interesting activities. Below we offer some effective entertaining theatrical games.

Articulation gymnastics

This type of activity promotes the development of articulation, strengthens the facial muscles.

The card catalog of theatrical games in the second younger group may contain the following types of work aimed at the development of the speech apparatus:

  1. The hamster. When the teacher pronounces the words: “Eat soon, hamster, freshly torn pod”, the children puff out their cheeks, roll the air from one side to the other.
  2. "Dog". Children are invited to stick their tongue out, “like a dog.”
  3. “The cat drinks milk” - an imitation of lapping milk with the tongue.

Finger games

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills are widely used in kindergarten. The finger theater will be an interesting type of such activity for four-year-olds. With the help of small dolls, you can beat fairy tales familiar to children, for example, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Goat-Dereza” and others.

The shadow theater also contributes to the development of speech and creativity. It will still be difficult for children of the fourth year of life to demonstrate a whole fairy tale in this way. But you can invite kids to repeat individual elements, for example, depict the flight of a bird, a dog, a deer.

Card file of theatrical games in the second junior group with goals


Gestures and facial expressions contribute to the development of the child’s emotional sphere, communicative abilities, adaptation in the peer team. The organization of such activities can take place both in the games room, in music classes, and on a walk.

We offer a theatrical pantomime game: “What they ate (did, sculpted, where they were) - we won’t say, we’d better show soon!” The rules of the game are simple: the teacher offers the children to choose a card with a picture at random. Then, in turn, each child demonstrates with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is painted on his card. The rest of the participants guess.

Recitation of nursery rhymes, poems, poems

The card catalog of theatrical games in the second junior group on the Federal State Educational Standards necessarily includes such forms of work as playing nursery rhymes and jokes. Children enjoy participating in such fun games. For babies three or four years old, the following works are recommended: "Magpie-white-sided", "Our hens in the morning ...", "Gray cat", "Frets-frets-frets" and others.

Theatrical performances

The card catalog of theatrical games in the second younger group includes puppet and staged performances. But such activities require lengthy preparation and proper organization. In addition, certain material and technical equipment is needed.

Card file of theatrical games in the second junior group on GEF

An effective way to develop the creative abilities of four-year-old children and to consolidate their communication and speech skills is to use in pedagogical practice such an activity as theatrical plays in the second younger group. A card index helps the teacher structure the planned activities with the kids, and organize the work correctly and effectively.

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