Vomiting is a rather complex reaction of the child’s body (and the adult too) to how the external or internal environment has changed. It can start at any moment, very unexpectedly. But as a rule, mothers are most worried if the baby is vomited at night. After all, babies sleep, so they can’t tell their parents in advance that they feel bad. And the standard signs of vomiting - blanching of the skin or nausea - can not be seen.
To properly treat nighttime vomiting in babies, you must first find out why it occurs. If the temperature rises in parallel with vomiting and diarrhea begins, there is most likely a connection with the baby’s gastrointestinal tract infection, and it would be more appropriate to consult a doctor.
If the child vomited at night, there is no temperature, no diarrhea, then the subsequent actions of the parents can be found in this article.
What could be the reason?
If a child begins an emetic process, there may be many reasons. First of all, you need to pay attention to what the baby ate the day before. Vomiting could begin after eating and serve as a loud signal that the body, through an allergic reaction, rejects a product that should immediately be excluded from the baby’s diet.
If the crumbs do not have temperature, then the following can be attributed to the reasons:
- The child has not yet reached the age of seven, a possible reason is that a foreign body is in the stomach. The kid during the game can swallow a little piece from the designer, the pyramid or a small part of some toy. This can later lead to nausea and vomiting.
- Vomiting can occur due to colds: a strong cough, a sore throat leads to the fact that it is difficult for the baby to take a breath; excess sputum and will cause vomiting during sleep.
- Peanut overworked or suffered stress; Mom needs to remember how the day went by the child, whether he slept.
- An attack of appendicitis, which will be accompanied by a deterioration in appetite, some lethargy of the baby; temperature may rise. All these signs are vivid indications for calling an ambulance.
- The child ate fatty or poor-quality food (special attention is paid to when the baby eats chips and drinks with soda, so all this should be excluded from the children's diet); in this case, it is necessary to pass tests to determine the level of acetone. At home, it can be measured using test strips. If the baby already had precedents, at the first sign they should be warned, for example, by offering the baby a cup of sweet tea or a glucose solution in ampoules.
First steps of parents
The most important thing that parents should do in the first minutes when the child vomited at night is to protect their little ones from dehydration. In this case, you can take the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, who suggests limiting food intake and giving the baby as much water as possible.
After each vomiting, the child should be given a teaspoon of boiled water to drink and control the consequences. If there is no additional urge to vomit, the mother can gradually increase the amount of fluid that she gives to her baby. You can offer your baby to drink sweet water, which can increase glucose levels and reduce vomiting.
No self-treatment!
No need at home to try to wash the baby’s stomach, using potassium permanganate. So you can burn the baby's esophagus. Medicines of one's own choice are also better not to offer.
If the baby vomited once at night (undigested food), he does not have diarrhea, he is quite active, then you should not worry especially. But if the urge to vomit occurs quite often and diarrhea begins in tandem with fever, then this is an occasion to quickly seek help from a doctor.
We provide ambulance for vomiting
When a child vomits at night and feels nauseous, first you should measure the temperature, try to calm the baby at least a little, give him some water to drink.
If such actions do not have any positive effect, then the next step that the mother can take is: not to leave the baby alone for a minute, because the absence of parents can only worsen the problem, and the child will be afraid.
If the baby vomits in bed, it must be turned on a barrel so that vomit does not get into the respiratory tract. If the toddler is still quite small, then you need to keep it strictly upright.
It was already mentioned above: if a child vomits at night with undigested food, but only once, this is not a reason for excitement. The baby's body in such a simple way gets rid of excess food. But on the other hand, this may indicate that there is some kind of intestinal infection. In this case, you need to calm the little one, give some water to drink and try to observe bed rest for some time.
It was and has passed ...
And yet, if the child vomited at night - what should I do? In some cases, it happens like this: the baby was vomited only once at night, his mother put him to bed, and in the morning he does not remember anything about what was happening. Even if after awakening the baby already feels normal, it is better not to expose him to additional stress, calm him down, give him a little liquid to restore strength. Mom needs to watch the baby sleep until the morning, so that in case of repetition of the vomiting process, seek emergency help in time.
Fight Night Vomiting
So, let’s remind once again: if the child vomited at night, but only once, it’s not so scary. You can restore the body of the baby, giving it more drink. It can be tea, compote, water or jelly. Only give liquid in small portions - 50 or 100 ml.
If vomiting at night was without temperature, and later repeated, you need to turn the baby’s head a little to the side or slightly raise it. This is done so that the vomit does not get into the respiratory tract of the baby (this is also mentioned above).
Do not forget to drink the baby! By the way, you can give him not only water or tea. You can alternate with special medications that will keep the crumbs water-alkaline balance in the body (for example, a solution of "Regidron").
After nightly vomiting (no matter how many times it is), the next day do not feed the child heavy food. The correct actions of the mother are to follow a light diet, because you need to give the baby’s stomach a rest. The best breakfast in this case would be oatmeal cooked on the water, and lunch - mashed potatoes or light vegetable soup. And no dairy or fried food for several days!
Children of the first year of life
Parents of baby cats can find many reasons for experiences, one of which is night vomiting. A baby can become ill suddenly, in a couple of seconds, and while he is small and cannot speak, he will not be able to complain about his health.
So, the child is one year old. Vomited suddenly at night. It seems to be. There were no preconditions and should not have been. If, in addition to vomiting, the baby has fever and loose stools, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences for the health of caparuzik. If there is no temperature or diarrhea, then parents need to look for other causes of the temperature.
Vomiting and tummy tuck
The most common cause of vomiting is food poisoning. If mother thinks that her little one has vomited (there is no temperature increase) due to the fact that she ate not very high-quality food or unwashed seasonal fruits, you can do it yourself without attracting a doctor.
So, the baby vomited at night, stomach ache him. What should parents do? In the next two hours, do not feed him (you can withstand a period of time of more than two hours). Normal boiled water is suitable - a teaspoon every ten minutes.
Along with vomiting, the baby has a stomachache - in this state, the little one loses a lot of fluid and the necessary trace elements. To prevent this process, you should make a cleansing enema until clean water comes out and begin to solder the crumbs well. At first, it may be familiar to many Smecta and glucose-saline solution, and a little later - a decoction of raisins.