A hot-water bottle is a universal medical device that is often found in home medicine chests. The main advantage of the device is the thermal effect on the affected areas of the human body. A heating pad is often used by physiotherapists. Using a medical device, doctors apply dry heat to the affected areas of the patient’s body, relieve diseases. The device relieves pain in the joints, lower back, is used in the treatment of colds. Not only adults turn to a medical device for help. In each mother’s medicine cabinet there is a heating pad for children. Using a medical device makes life easier for parents and relieves pain in babies.
Variety of species
The named thermal device is a popular product, the range of which is constantly expanding. Modern pharmacies offer different types of heating pads for children, a more detailed description of which we offer below.
The water version of such a device is widely known to our grandmothers. It is a rubber container that is filled with warm or hot water. The simplicity of the design allows the product to be used in different parts of the body. On sale there are water warmers of different colors, design. Ease of use, reusability and low cost are the main advantages of a water type heating pads. The only drawback is the inability to adjust the thermal degree. But here, experienced parents find a solution. To do this, just wrap a heating pad with natural fabric in several layers.
Electric heating pads for children - a substitute for water type. The medical device consists of two parts. The upper part is a cover made of natural fabric, and the bottom is a heating element. The range of electric heating pads is great. On sale there are compact devices, heating pads, blankets, devices in the form of a belt, collar and even boots. Such electrical devices often contain a thermostat that helps regulate the degree of heating. The advantages of this type of heating pads include the lack of allergic reactions, the ability to control temperature. But for children, such heating pads are unsafe, since they always work from the mains.
Salt hot water bottles for children are a container filled with liquid saline. The inside of the medical device is equipped with a catalyst (stick, button, spring), which helps to start the thermal mechanism. During heating, the liquid salt crystallizes. In 15 seconds, the medical device heats up to 40-60 degrees Celsius and maintains this temperature for up to 5 hours. To return the salt water heater to its original state, you will need to boil it for 15 minutes in hot water. Hardened salt crystals will return to their liquid state. Then the medicine will again be ready for reuse.
Fill Warmers
Like the electric view, heating pads with a filler are a two-part device. The bottom is a filler that triggers a thermal reaction, and the top is made of natural fabric. Unlike previous heaters, which also contain a filler, in this product its role is played not by liquid saline, but by a natural component. More often inside the medical device there are cherry stones, millet, lavender, buckwheat, peat gel. The upper layer of the device is made of linen or cotton. Such a device starts simply. To do this, just rub it in your hands. As a result of the interaction of the components, a chemical reaction occurs, heat is generated that lasts up to 8 hours.
The choice of modern moms
More and more mothers prefer salt warmers for children. This reusable medical device is easy to use. The tool is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The saline solution that is inside the heating pad is not able to cause allergies. But if it gets on the skin, it must be washed with water.
The main advantages of the thermal device are ease of start-up, compactness, an assortment of shapes and colors, the ability to adapt to the contours of the body of babies. The medical device is able to maintain heat for 3-4 hours. If it is necessary to repeat the procedure, it is enough to boil the heating pad in hot water, which will help return the device to its original state.
Healing properties
Toys-warmers for children - a modern gift for parents. A therapeutic aid is able to relieve pain in newborns during colic and cramping. The medical device retains heat for a long time, relieves physical pain and helps to fall asleep. Thanks to modern design, it attracts the attention of children, relieves nervous tension, soothes, develops children's motor skills.
Advantages of heating toys:
- Lack of age restrictions.
- Safety of use.
- Production from natural materials, lack of small parts.
- The convenience of use.
- Duration of heat storage.
- Interesting design in the form of animals, cartoon characters.
- Reusable operation.
The principle of operation of toy warmers
The medical device in appearance resembles an ordinary plush toy, inside of which there is a heating filler. The internal contents are cherry seeds, flax seeds, millet, wheat, lavender, mint, lemongrass and other herbs. To activate the action of the device, it is necessary to heat it in a microwave or oven. When the filler is heated, a chemical reaction will occur, which will give off heat for a long period.
A toy warmer is also used to cool affected areas of the body. The device will reduce pain with bruises, sprains. The action of a medical heating pad can stop nosebleeds. For this, the medical device does not need to be heated. The heating pad must be placed in the freezer or refrigerator for several minutes.
Indications for use
A heating pad for children is used in several cases:
- In the first months of life, the body of babies does not have thermoregulation. During this period, parents can easily overheat or freeze the kids. A heating pad will help to avoid such problems. Dry heat will warm newborns and provide them with a calm sleep.
- A cough warmer helps a child speed up the healing process. The medicine is applied to the soles of the feet or soles. Thermal exposure increases immunity, improves the functioning of the respiratory tract. Dry heat not only cures coughs, but also detoxifies. But doctors do not recommend the use of a medical device for large accumulations of mucus in the lungs and bronchi. Proper use of a medical device has a beneficial effect on the immune system of children. It helps fight colds.
- Thermal remedy is widely used in the fight against childhood colic. The main reason for their appearance is the formation of gas in the intestine, which is accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen, anxiety and crying. Such pain is familiar not only to babies, but also to their parents. A heating pad for children from colic helps to get rid of discomfort without taking medication.
Tips for Using Warmers
Doctors do not recommend abusing a heat device. Frequent use of a heating pad in children will provoke the development of sensitivity to cooling. Long-term use of the medical device overdries the delicate skin of the child. A moisturizing milk or baby cream will help to avoid this. The cosmetic product will protect the skin from overdrying, provide additional protection. When using a heating pad on the stomach of a child, doctors recommend wrapping it in several layers with a cotton cloth. This will protect the baby from the risk of thermal burns.
When should a thermal device not be used?
A thermal medical device is able to bring both benefit and harm to the children's body. When should you refuse to use a medical device? There are a number of rules for this:
- The use of a thermal device is possible with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. But doctors do not recommend using a heating pad in the presence of an acute stage of the disease, which is accompanied by a high temperature and an unsatisfactory state of the body. Excessive heat exposure in such a situation will only exacerbate the problem, provoke the development of inflammatory processes.
- The use of heating pads for children is unacceptable in the presence of internal bleeding, bruises, open wounds.
- The use of a medical heating pad is contraindicated in the presence of purulent-inflammatory processes in the intestine. Thermal exposure can provoke peritonitis. Remember that if the exact cause of the pain is not established, only a doctor can prescribe a heating pad on the stomach of a child.
- At home, a medical device is not recommended for use in kidney disease. In acute inflammation, excess dry heat will cause severe consequences and aggravate the baby's condition.