Daily routine

The long nine months have come to an end. The discharge from the hospital is already behind, and you finally became happy parents. It's no secret that this means not only endless happiness, but also daily worries and lack of sleep. Most young mothers complain about lack of time, chronic fatigue, and so on. But all these problems can be avoided by adjusting the daily routine of the newborn. This is not so difficult to do. The main thing is to show dexterity and perseverance in the first weeks of the baby's life.

newborn's daily routine

Daily routine

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for a newborn

The way out is very simple. After eight hours of feeding, put the baby to bed and do the same for yourself. This will not be easy at first. But, having shown patience, you will achieve yours. At night, the child does not have to wake up. You can feed half asleep, then lay it again. Thus, you will be provided with a good rest. To make it easier for the baby to get to bed early, it’s easier to do the following. Time for this evening water treatments. In warm water, children relax and calm down. Make a present for the newborn. After the bath, give your baby a light massage using oil. It is good for the skin, body and even for well-being. After this, it will be easier for the baby to fall asleep. At first you can rock it on your hands. Children love it very much.

Why is the established daily regimen useful?

gift for newborn

Formed daily routine of the newborn is invaluable. In the future, you will appreciate this and realize that the efforts were not in vain. Gradually, the need for night feeding will disappear. By eighteen months, the time of the last meal can be moved, put the baby to bed at nine in the evening. This mode can be saved up to the eighth grade, if you succeed. After nine, parental time comes, and the baby must learn it. Dad and mom can go about their business or just go to bed.

Another plus is that after a while in the morning you can easily wake the child to kindergarten or school. Waking up will be even easier if you turn on fun music in the morning. And you and the children will undoubtedly cheer up the whole day.

The strict daily routine has not harmed anyone. Your children will thank you when they grow up. And it will be easier for you to make plans for the next day yourself. You will always know when and what you need to do.

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