Computer network - what is it and how is it built?

When there is one computer, it is called a local machine. And if there are a lot of them? Then use the term "computer network". What is it and how is it arranged? What features are inherent in the system? How can computer networks be classified? All this will be considered in the framework of the article.

Computer network: what is it and how does it work?

computer network what is

This is the name of the communication system of computers or other units of computing equipment (which can be servers, routers and other equipment of this kind). To transmit data, various physical phenomena are used, such as electrical and light signals or electromagnetic radiation. It is necessary to talk about computer networks depending on the principle by which they are allocated. Therefore, further it will be possible to familiarize yourself with what is the basis of such networks.

Territorial division

computer network operation

It matters the number of connected units of equipment, construction features, scale and many other parameters, as well as, in fact, the operation of the computer network itself. So, let's begin:

  1. BAN – . , .
  2. PAN – . , , .
  3. LAN – . , . , , , . , 10 . , , , , , , .
  4. CAN – . , .
  5. MAN – . , ( , ). .
  6. WAN – . . , . , , . , . , , . - .
  7. Corporate network. An exclusively literary term that is used to refer to associations whose parts were created using different programmatic, technical and informational principles.

As you can see, a fairly wide range of functions can cover a computer network. What is the meaning of the concept in general? We have already begun to consider: the possibility of exchanging data, the operation of automatic systems and many other useful options were realized thanks to its use.

Data Rate Division

computer network citylink

Classification is also based on how fast data packets are transmitted. In general, there are numerous types, ranging from the slowest to the most advanced. But they all come together in three categories:

  1. . , 10 /.
  2. . , 10-100 /.
  3. . , 100 /.


  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .


  1. . , , - .
  2. Wireless facilities. All using radio waves of a certain frequency range.


worldwide computer network

That's all the general theoretical information, which makes it clear what a computer network is. What is - briefly explained. Various classifications were also considered as part of the article. But this is only general descriptive information, and if you want to know more, you will need to acquire special literature (or go to university for the relevant specialty). It should be remembered that access to other objects is always through intermediaries. So, data goes further from the phone, it is processed by the computer network Citylink, Beeline and other providers that provide access to the Internet.

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