Pets become completely defenseless when they manifest one or another ailment. When they feel unwell, they cannot clearly tell their owner what exactly happens to them. Because of this, pet owners begin to suspect that something is wrong with their favorite fluffy lump, only when severe symptoms begin to appear.
If the cat vomits foam or bile, then this is the first sign of a serious illness. In such conditions, you should consult a specialist. However, do not panic ahead of time. To try to independently diagnose the disease, you need to take a closer look at the vomit. They may contain components that tell you exactly what happened to your favorite pet.
Balls of wool
If the cat vomits foam and at the same time lumps of wool are clearly visible in it, then in this case we are talking about a physiologically normal process. This can happen with a frequency of 1-2 times in 30 days. However, it all depends on the length and density of the pet's fur, as well as how often it licks itself. Some especially neat cats are somewhat overdoing this issue, which makes them sick almost every day.
Such a reaction is considered normal, since in this way the body tries to get rid of unnecessary villi that enter the animal’s stomach. In addition, when the wool enters the intestines, irritation occurs, and it produces several spontaneous contractions, so that a lump of hated wool is torn away.
Also, villi can be excreted in bowel movements. However, if the cat never burps the hair, but actively licks itself, this can provoke gastrointestinal obstruction. In this case, you will have to contact a specialist who will cleanse the intestines with a special probe.
Gushing vomiting
If vomiting in a cat literally breaks out, then this may be a sign of an underdeveloped pylorus. As a rule, small kittens face a similar problem.
In addition, at a young age, this type of vomiting can be caused by obstruction of the digestive tract. Young animals often pull everything in their mouths, so foreign objects may very well cause such problems.
Also, gushing vomiting in a cat can be caused by various neoplasms. In some situations, this is a symptom of high intracranial pressure, vascular thrombosis, brain tumors, and more. However, in this case, in addition to vomiting in the animal, other disturbing symptoms associated with impaired functioning of the nervous system will be observed. In this case, only an experienced veterinarian can make the correct diagnosis.
Cat vomiting food
If an animal spews out almost undigested whole chunks of food, and this happens some time after breakfast or lunch, then this can happen if the cat first starves for a long time and then eats too much food. In this case, the stomach does not cope with the volumes obtained and rejects the excess.
Also, such troubles occur if the animal has just eaten and immediately starts to run and play. In such conditions, food cannot be absorbed properly, which leads to vomiting in the cat. In this case, after eating, it is worth calming the pet. To do this, it can be laid on the bed and stroked for 15-20 minutes.
This component is produced by the gall bladder, therefore, such a liquid can not be in the stomach of the pet. If the cat has vomiting of bile, then this indicates a rather serious problem. Most often, problems lie in the gallbladder itself or in the liver.
Also, this can happen when the animal is sick for a long time. Due to constant vomiting, the cat’s stomach is completely empty, so its contents are replaced by bile. It is very dangerous. The fact is that, in contact with the walls of the stomach, bile burns them, because of which serious inflammatory processes begin.
In such a situation, it is very important to determine the shade of the masses erupted by the pet. If the cat vomits a bright yellow or grayish yellow color, then in this case it really does contain this component. In such situations, you must immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.
Vomiting in a cat with white foam or liquid
In this case, most doctors are inclined to believe that the animal suffers from a plague. In this case, the animal is particularly severe discomfort. Before it begins to tear, up to 8 reflex contractions occur. At the same time, the cat is clearly suffering greatly.
However, speaking of this disease of cats, vomiting will not be the only symptom. As a rule, animals stop licking themselves, constantly hide in dark corners and at the same time do not react to the outside world. Sometimes cats begin to writhe from vomiting, but nothing happens. At the same time, animals experience painful symptoms, refuse food and food. At the sight of food, the pet begins to lick its lips, but does not touch its favorite food.
White vomiting
Such troubles happen quite often. If the cat has white vomiting in the form of foam, then this may be the first sign of food poisoning. The feed may have been expired or deteriorated due to improper storage. In this case, you can try to take independent measures.
If the cat has white vomiting in the form of foam, then in this case the same folk remedies with which people are saved will help. For example, you can make mint broth. When it cools, just pour it into the jaws of the animal and wait a bit.
If the cat has diarrhea and vomiting in the form of foam, then in this case it is recommended to put the animal on a hunger strike for a day. If the pet’s condition improves, then after a few more days it needs to be fed with rice porridge and give as much water as possible. If these measures do not help, then you should definitely contact a veterinary clinic.
If red inclusions are visible in the secretions, then the cause of vomiting in a cat may be mechanical damage to the digestive tract. It may also indicate the presence of wounds in the oral cavity. This can happen due to the fact that the animal swallowed a foreign sharp object that was stuck in the internal organs of the pet. In this case, the cause of vomiting in a cat can be chicken bone, sliver, pin and much more. Perhaps the animal played with this or that object and accidentally swallowed it.
If vomiting contains saturated red inclusions, then this indicates that the damage affected the digestive tract. If we are talking specifically about the stomach, then in this case, bloody inclusions will differ in a very dark color, reminiscent of coffee grounds. This is due to a chemical reaction in which hydrochloric acid is involved.
Such vomiting in a domestic cat can be caused by the presence of gastritis or malignant neoplasms. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.
Green liquid
In this case, there are several options why the cat is vomiting. There is a possibility that the animal suffers from problems with the gastric bladder or suffers from intestinal obstruction. In this case, too much bile is secreted. In some situations, the digested food from the intestines returns to the stomach again. Then you need to see a doctor.
However, if the cat has fresh or dry grass, then the green color is due to this. In this case, there is no cause for concern. Quite often, after eating grass, cats cat burp it, this is quite normal.
If there are components of this type in the vomit, then an immediate operation is required. Feces that are sent back to the stomach indicate a blockage in the intestines, peritonitis, or serious abdominal injuries. Regardless of the causes of such an ailment, urgent surgical intervention is required. Otherwise, the animal may die.
Do-it-yourself measures
If we talk about the treatment of vomiting in cats, then first of all it is worth removing all the food away. Having found at least a small piece of a favorite treat, the animal can again begin to suffer from malaise. In addition, if the pet is vomiting, then there is no point in stuffing food into it that will not be digested anyway.
If we talk about drinking, then there is a completely logical dilemma. On the one hand, the cat is rapidly losing fluid, on the other hand, large volumes of water will provoke repeated vomiting. However, dehydration is also dangerous. In this case, the best solution would be an intravenous infusion of the solution. However, at home it is impossible to perform this procedure, so you need to contact your veterinarian. In addition, only a specialist will be able to conduct an examination and provide qualified assistance to the animal.
When you should definitely consult a doctor
If the animal continues to vomit, even after the complete abolition of the feed, then this is a sign of more serious ailments, so it is better not to risk it.
It is also necessary to immediately take a pet to the doctor if:
- There is a suspicion that feces are contained in the vomit (in this case, they will produce a fetid odor).
- Worms move in vomit.
- Bloody discharge and other inclusions are clearly visible in the masses.
- The animal suffers from too high or low body temperature.
- Trouble happened with a young unvaccinated kitten.
- The animal began to cramp.
Having studied the symptoms and causes of vomiting in a cat, the treatment prescribed by the doctor will have a more positive effect than the owner of the living creature will be engaged in independent experiments.
It is important to remember that in such conditions, in no case can you forcefully pour large volumes of water, potassium permanganate solutions, and other substances into the mouth of an animal. Antibiotics, as well as human antiemetics, will not help in this case. Such manipulations can only aggravate the position of the animal.
It must be clearly understood that in some cases, vomiting is only a symptom of a more serious illness. Getting rid of nausea, you can provoke more complex reactions. Therefore, in no case is it worth the risk.
Emergency vomiting
In some situations, such symptoms do not indicate serious health problems. If there are no foreign inclusions in the vomit, it does not contain blood or feces, then in this case a set of measures that the owner can take at home can help.
First of all, you need to conduct an independent examination of the animal. Gums in a cat should not be pale or cold. You also need to watch the pet. If he has a fever, diarrhea and pronounced lethargy, then it is better to consult a doctor.
If, in addition to vomiting, no other changes are observed, then in this case you need to try to determine what type of food the cat has such a reaction to. If it was found that the animal used dangerous poisons or chemicals, then in this case you need to immediately go to the veterinary clinic.
If there is no reason to suspect serious poisoning, but the animal continues to vomit, for the next 12 hours you need to remove all food from the pet. At the same time, you need to ensure that he has access to an unlimited amount of water.
If after 12 hours the vomiting stops, then you can give the cat a teaspoon of her usual food. Provided that after this the trouble does not recur, you can begin to give your beloved ball of wool food with a frequency of several hours. However, care must be taken to ensure that the portions are not large.
If vomiting has not returned after several days of limited nutrition, then you can go to normal mode.
If there are no serious suspicions of dangerous ailments, then you can try to alleviate the condition of the pet at home.
To do this, you can buy in the pharmacy "Atoxil" or "Regidron." These drugs are diluted in lukewarm water and given to the animal 4 times a day. If you have experience, you can put an injection of "No-Shpy." However, you need to make the correct calculation. Typically, 0.1 mg per kilogram of animal weight is required.
To avoid such troubles, you need to ensure that the animal always receives only fresh food. Despite the pet’s violent reaction to raw meat or fish, in no case should you go on about the animal and feed it with such products. It is also necessary to ensure that the bin is always closed. Cats really like to treat themselves to chicken bones and other goodies from the garbage. It is also recommended that, at least once a year, a four-legged pet be taken for examination to a veterinary clinic and vaccinated promptly.