Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of any woman. It can be a long-awaited event or a sudden one. In any case, every girl is interested to know what the initial signs of pregnancy are.
Already after a small period of time after fertilization, our body begins to send signals. Therefore, listen to yourself, to your sensations and changes - physical and mental.
Signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks are poorly expressed, moreover, they are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. These are drowsiness,
breast swelling, irritability, lethargy, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, dizziness, increased or lack of appetite.
One of the most common signs of pregnancy is a lack of menstruation. However, there are other reasons. Menstruation may be absent due to stress, strong physical exertion, changes in lifestyle, taking certain drugs, as well as underweight or overweight and menopause. In addition, an unusual period may be a sign of pregnancy - shorter or, conversely, longer, with smaller or larger discharge. However, this can also be a sign of a gynecological disease, so if you change the menstrual cycle, you should consult a doctor.
There are also other signs of pregnancy. One of the most common are nausea and vomiting. Most often, these signs begin to appear from the 6th to the 12th week, but they can also be present at the earliest possible dates.
A change in a woman’s sexual desire can also be caused by a complex of physical and emotional changes that occur in connection with pregnancy. Libido (sexual desire) may be too increased or, conversely, markedly reduced.
Common signs of pregnancy are breast enlargement and tenderness. After all, when carrying a baby, the mammary glands are prepared for feeding. The chest can vary in many ways: increased sensitivity and pain, colostrum, increased size. Nipples and areoles may also increase. In addition, so-called Montgomery tubercles are often seen in pregnant women . This is the appearance on the areoles of the chest of small cones, similar to goose bumps .
Signs of pregnancy, such as increased urination, a change in taste preferences and fatigue, are found in many in the early stages. Frequent urge to urinate is explained by the fact that the uterus grows in size and puts pressure on the bladder, reducing its volume and the ability to accumulate urine. Increased fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy is due to the fact that many processes occur in the woman’s body and a number of changes occur. This requires more strength and resources, in connection with which there is a quick feeling of fatigue.
Skin changes complement the remaining signs of pregnancy. These are phenomena such as a dark line in the abdomen, arachnid veins on some parts of the body, pigmentation, acne, stretch marks. In addition, some women notice accelerated hair and nail growth, as well as
increased sweating.Of course, the course of pregnancy in each woman occurs purely individually, but the above symptoms are quite common and are observed in almost every expectant mother.