Corella parrots: what to feed, care and maintenance

The maintenance of Corella parrots consists of a suitable cage, internal equipment, the right microclimate in the room where the pet lives, and communication with him. But care will not be complete without a balanced diet. Therefore, each owner should know how to feed the cockatiel parrots. The publication will talk about this, as well as about other important aspects of the content of this breed of birds.

Cell selection and arrangement

Before acquiring a corella, first of all, you should take care of buying a house in which the bird will sleep, eat and stay while the owners are not at home. The cage should be as large as possible afford it financially. The minimum dimensions for the Corella are 45x45x60 centimeters. This is provided that the bird will have daily flights around the room for several hours. The interval between the rods should be no more than 2.3 centimeters. Ideally, if they are not arranged vertically, but horizontally. So the pet will have the opportunity to climb the walls, which parrots really like to do. Under no circumstances should the cage be round! There are no corners in it, and parrots do not feel safe. The optimal shape is considered rectangular without any frills.

Corella in the cage

An important aspect in the care and maintenance of the cockatiel is the choice of the correct cell location. It should be placed next to the wall, in a well-lit place on which direct sunlight does not fall. It can not be placed in the kitchen, in the bathroom, near the TV, doors, windows or in a draft. The cage with the bird should stand at the level of the human chest. If the dwelling is located too low, the corella will be intimidated and oppressed. It is worth noting that in the room with a parrot it is forbidden to smoke, light incense sticks, candles and spray perfumes. It is also undesirable to simultaneously keep the cat in the house. This can end tragically for a bird.

All kinds of toys must be in the cage, so that the bird would not be bored while it is alone. It is also advisable to equip a game stand so that the pet has an activity while walking.


Usually cells are equipped with plastic poles. They are not suitable as a permanent perch. From plastic, birds begin to have serious problems with their paws, which can even lead to amputation. The poles should only be wooden, since they fully satisfy the needs of the bird for grinding the claws and beak. Ideally, if there is bark on the priest. That is, it is better to make the perch yourself from the branches. The optimal thickness is a diameter of 2.5-3 centimeters. Collected branches must be fresh. They need to be soaked in cold water for several hours, washed thoroughly and dried.

Corella is playing

Daylight hours

Care and maintenance of the Corella parrot also includes the regulation of daylight hours. If it is too long, the bird will not get enough sleep and can become aggressive. It can also activate sexual behavior or provoke premature molting. In the summer, daylight hours should last 12-14 hours. By winter, it should be gradually reduced to 8-10 hours. During the nesting period, on the contrary, it is increased to 14-16 hours. To regulate daylight hours, depending on the situation, you need to turn on artificial lighting and cover the bird cage with a dark but breathable fabric.

Wild corell diet

To understand how to feed the cockatiel parrots, you should familiarize yourself with the daily menu of these birds in the wild. This breed hails from Australia, where it has chosen forest-steppe and steppe territories. In these areas, herbs grow, the seeds of which are the main source of nutrition for Corelli. In addition, they like to eat ripened grains of millet, wheat, tree fruits and eucalyptus nectar. An integral diet is a living protein, which are insects.

Parrots rescue themselves from dehydration in bodies of water, in search of which they can fly several kilometers.

The content of Corella

Corell diet

Since people began to keep parrots in captivity, they should take care of providing good food. How to feed the cockatiel parrots? The main source of food in an apartment becomes a ready-made grain mixture, which can be purchased at pet stores. Also, every day, the bird should receive protected or bottled water, mineral fertilizing and other nutrients.

The diet can be divided into the main (which is given every day) and additional (which the bird should receive from time to time).

Cereal mix

The following seeds and cereals should be included in the cereal mix for the cornella. Millet of red, yellow, white and black varieties, wheat, oats, barley, canary, linseed and hemp seeds, safflower, corn, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, rapeseed, sesame. Also in the composition is the presence of wildflowers, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios. All components should only be in raw form - these are the features of the diet. The cockatiel parrot should eat about 30-40 grams of the finished grain mixture per day. This equals 5-6 teaspoons. Do not pour more feed per day. Excess food disrupts the metabolism and leads to obesity.

How to feed the Corella?

Unfortunately, not all feed can be called quality. Good feeds include the Belgian Prestige, the Italian Fiori and the Russian Rio. Always pay attention to the shelf life and quality of the feed. It should not have bugs, mold, cobwebs and other suspicious things.

Some grains from a pack of birds will not be enough for full development. How can I feed a Corella parrot, except for food, every day?

What else is included in the main diet?

In the cage there should always be clean water poured into the drinker, and in a separate feeder - a mineral mixture. You shouldn’t specially feed her, the parrot will decide when he needs it. The mixture is enough to change once a week. Also, a special chalk stone and sepia (cuttlefish shell) should always hang in the cage. These are excellent sources of calcium.

Every day you can and should give natural vitamins:

  • Of the fruits, these are apples, bananas, pears, citrus fruits, grapes, pomegranates, apricots, peaches, pineapple and kiwi.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, melon, corn, bell pepper, green peas and beans will be useful among vegetables.
  • From berries you can offer a feather pet currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, cherries, black and red mountain ash, watermelon and various wild berries.
Fruit and vegetable mix for Corella

It is also worth noting what kind of grass can be given to the Corella parrots. These are clover, dandelion leaves, plantain, vine, beet tops and carrots. In addition, it’s useful for birds to simply gnaw on fresh branches of maple, willow, birch and fruit trees.

Supplemental diet

Parrots need to be given 1-2 times a week germinated grains. During the nesting period, they can be offered daily. It can be oats, wheat, barley or legumes. In pet stores you can find ready-made mixtures for germination, especially for Corell. You need to feed grains when white shoots 1-3 mm long appear.

Once a week, a feathered pet can cook porridge in water with buckwheat, peas, oatmeal, millet and rice. They should be slightly undercooked and always without salt, sugar, butter and spices.

Particular attention should be paid to how to feed the cockatiel parrots until the age of 2-3 months. Once a week you need to offer low-fat cottage cheese and boiled chicken or quail eggs. Such products can be given half a teaspoon.

Sprouted Grain for Corella

So, the publication said that you can eat a Corellus parrot and how to care for it. Follow these guidelines to keep your pet healthy and happy.

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