There is no sound signal when you turn on the computer: possible reasons, expert advice

After you press the power button of the computer, a characteristic sound signal is heard. It is supplied by the BIOS system upon successful completion of the self-test. This signal “says” that everything is in order with your PC, the system is ready to work. But what if there is no sound signal when you turn on the computer? Let's look at the causes of the problem together, consider the advice of specialists on how to fix the problem, and also look at the BIOS signals in detail - how they report a particular malfunction with their sounds. Let's start

Characteristic Symptoms

When you turn on the computer, there is no beep. The trouble, as they say, does not come alone. The problem itself rarely appears on its own. Most often, she is accompanied by a black monitor - there are no images on the screen.

At the same time, you can hear how computer coolers work properly. What can such signs mean?

when you turn on the computer there is no sound

What happened to the computer?

When you turn on the computer there is no sound signal, and the device itself looks "dead" and does not respond to your manipulations?

Here is the consequence of the fact that the PC did not pass the self-test. If you did not open the system unit before, then everything can only mean one thing: your BIOS has “covered up” - the heart of the entire system. Deal with the problem, it can only be solved by a professional computer master.

But in any situation there are exceptions. Perhaps the problem is not so serious. Therefore, if there is no sound signal when you turn on the computer, do not immediately rush to bring the PC to the service center. First you need to conduct an independent diagnosis for the presence of more easily fixed problems.

Bad contact

Why is there no sound signal when I turn on the computer? Perhaps it is a bad contact in one of the connections. Therefore, carefully check:

  • Are the computer mouse and keyboard well connected to the system unit.
  • Is the monitor connector thoroughly screwed and so on.

Bad contact in itself is not a joke. Such a problem can lead to rather sad consequences. It is a bad connection that can provoke the following troubles: your processor, motherboard or monitor will burn out.

We recommend turning off the computer as part of your personal safety before you tighten all the connections and connectors in the system.

computer malfunction sounds when turned on

Graphics Card Failures

Does the computer not sound when turned on? Perhaps the system cannot pass the self-test because of any malfunctions of the video card. Unfortunately, computers have not yet learned how to respond appropriately to all of the possible options for component failures. Therefore, such a sad answer may come out.

The BIOS self-test text was conceived in such a way that a consistent check of all system components is carried out. And the video card is just at the very beginning of this list. To check that the root of the problem lies in it is simple: carefully remove the element from the system unit. Try turning on the computer after that.

If in response to these actions the BIOS stuns you with a squeak, then the problem is identified correctly - the video card is malfunctioning. You can solve the problem by replacing it with a similar serviceable device.

It is much more difficult to deal with the problem if an integrated video card is installed on your computer. Indeed, without a second device in this case can not do. If after installing the second video card the computer started to turn on normally again, then the problem is clearly defined. Its root is in the integrated staffing system.

However, such a problem is not a reason to say goodbye to a computer that has a workable motherboard and a perfectly functioning processor. As practice shows, with an external video card, a PC can last up to ten years!

why when you turn on the computer there is no sound

Incorrect installation of equipment

When you turn on the computer, the BIOS sound does not turn on? Perhaps the source of the problem was your careless actions. This applies to those cases when you yourself have replaced any components in the system unit.

How to understand that this is the problem? Turn off the computer, and then remove the newly installed equipment from the "system". If, when you turn on, the typical BIOS squeak again, then the matter is in your actions. Most likely, the new board is either malfunctioning or incompatible with your computer.

BIOS update

Missing sound when you turn on your computer? Let's look at more rare, but nevertheless occurring cases. Sometimes the root of the problem lies in the BIOS itself, namely, in updating it. You may have equipped your PC with a new BIOS that is not compatible with your device.

How to avoid such trouble in the future? Pay attention to the test program, which is usually supplied with each BIOS equipment. Do not be too lazy to run it on your PC.

Is the new BIOS fully compatible with the components of your computer? Do not rush to proceed to install it immediately. First of all, protect your computer from a sudden power outage. UPS will help you with this - uninterruptible power supply.

Why is this needed? If the power supply stops at the time of updating the BIOS on your computer, there is a probability of 99.9% that the device will never turn on again.

lost sound when you turn on the computer

No internal speaker

How to make BIOS sound when you turn on the computer? The user himself cannot configure this characteristic squeak; he cannot activate it. The only thing possible is to turn on the melody when you greet Windows. But the OS interface settings have nothing to do with our problem.

So, you do not hear the characteristic BIOS signal when you turn on the computer. Moreover, the splash screen with the name of your motherboard did not appear, there is no report message with the results of checking the status of the system. But at the same time you see the greeting of the operating system, the PC boots normally.

What it is? Your computer is functioning properly! Before us is a "false signal" of alarm. The problem is that the PC does not have an internal speaker. This does not prevent him from functioning normally, but can become a source of problems in the future. After all, it is through this speaker that the BIOS reports normal operation or certain system problems. With this omission, you should contact the collector of your system unit. Most likely, he simply forgot to install a bipper.

how to make a sound when you turn on the computer

What is a POST?

Let us now get acquainted with the test, the success of which this signal testifies to. Power-On-Self-Test is a diagnostic system self-test program that is written in the BIOS ROM.

POST is designed to test all the most important system components:

  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • motherboard chips.

Information about passing the test, respectively, is announced through the internal speaker of the system by a specific sound signal. If any of the components is inoperative, a specific series of long and short beeps will be issued. After that, most likely, the computer will turn off automatically.

What needs to be done in this case? Listen carefully to the signal and remember, record the sequence of short and long beeps. If you do not have time to do this, then turn on the computer 30 seconds after it is automatically deactivated. The signal will repeat.

What to do next? Refer to your motherboard manufacturer's instructions. Most likely, it will contain a table with the interpretation of the BIOS signal. Such information is also on the official websites of the motherboard manufacturers. Decoding the signal will help you find out on your own what is wrong with your computer, which of its components is faulty.

when you turn on the computer does not sound

IBM BIOS Signals

Each of the motherboard models usually has its own decryption table. Universal, unfortunately, does not exist. For example, we will introduce the most common - IBM BIOS. The sounds of a computer malfunction when turned on are as follows:

  • One short beep - the test passed successfully.
  • There is no signal - the power supply is damaged.
  • Continuous squeak - the power supply is damaged.
  • Repeating short beeps - problems with the power supply.
  • A long and short signal is a malfunction of the motherboard.
  • A short signal coupled with a black screen - the video card is damaged.
  • A long signal and two short signals are problems with the video system.
  • A long signal and three short signals are problems with the video system.
  • Two short beeps - the monitor is not connected.
  • Three long signals - the motherboard is faulty, a keyboard controller error has been detected.
when you turn on the computer does not turn on the sound

The usual squeak of the internal speaker when you turn on the computer is an important signal that indicates that your PC is working and ready to go. If there is no such sound message, then this can indicate both a problem with the BIOS and other malfunctions, which we also considered. We advise you to find a table with signals on the manufacturer’s website of the motherboard in order to identify the problem in time and solve it.

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