Rabies vaccinations for cats: the need for vaccination, the name and composition of the vaccine, the timing of vaccinations, contraindications and recommendations of veterinarians

Each owner wants the animal to be healthy. Rabies is one of the most dangerous diseases. All animals, including humans, are susceptible to the virus. From the article you will learn what rabies vaccinations are for cats, as well as the timing and rules of vaccination.

Causative agent of the disease

Rabies is an acute infectious disease that manifests itself in seizures and occurs with damage to the nervous system. The causative agent is transmitted from an infected animal to saliva through bites or through contact of the patient’s biological fluid with the mucous membrane of a healthy pet.

Rabies vaccination for cat in Moscow

Pets die within 2-4 days from this virus. The only lifesaver is rabies vaccines for cats.

A neurotropic virus that contains RNA causes the disease. This type of pathogen differs in strains that cause disease with different intensities, but the positive side is that all species die from the same antibodies.

The causative agent has poor resistance to environmental factors, which leads to its rapid death at temperatures above 55 ° C, as well as when it enters a slightly acidic or slightly alkaline environment.

Having penetrated the body, the virus infects nerve cells and all peripheral nerves, gradually reaching the central nervous system and penetrating the meninges.

Immunity from disease

Adult pets are more resistant to the virus than kittens. If vaccines against rabies are given to cats during pregnancy with a live vaccine, then offspring with immunity to this disease is born.

After the initial vaccination, the peak of immunity is reached after three to four weeks, lasts several months. After revaccination, the body's resistance to the disease is maintained for up to two years. If specific antibodies against rabies are introduced - hyperimmune serum or globulins - the peak of immunity is achieved in two days, and stability is maintained for three to four weeks. Experts advise immediately after establishing the fact of a bite to introduce antibodies, as well as vaccinate a cat against rabies when the animal is healthy.

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Symptoms of the disease

Rabies in cats differs from other animals in that it proceeds in an acute form and quickly - a fatal outcome is recorded within two to six days. The disease is accompanied by violent aggressive behavior of the animal, a calm form practically does not occur. The process is irreversible.

Signs of the disease appear depending on the stage:

  1. The incubation period. Duration is from 3 days to several months. There are cases when the period lasted a year or more. It is dangerous to vaccinate the animal with a live vaccine at this time , this provokes the activation and strengthening of the virus that has already penetrated the body.
  2. Prodromal period. Distinctive features are the harbingers of the disease - the pet’s behavior changes, it becomes anxious and fearful, hiding in dark places. The duration of the stage is from several hours to a day. A rabies vaccination for a domestic cat at this stage is not recommended. At this time, the administration of serum with antibodies becomes an ideal action. It is important not to miss this moment.
  3. The period of excitement. Typical symptoms are foam discharge from the mouth, aggressive behavior. The cat becomes uncontrollable, violently reacts to noise, light, any movement. On the facial muscles there are signs of paralysis - the eyes begin to mow, the pet cannot swallow and move its jaw. This stage lasts two to three days, in which antibodies can still be introduced and the animal saved.
  4. Period of paralysis. Paralysis spreads to the entire body, including the heart muscle and respiratory center. As a result of this, the death of the animal occurs within 2-3 days. You can try to introduce serum at this stage, but the action does not always have time to help because of the rapid development of pathology.
at the vet's appointment

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the most effective (and saving) method of combating the virus is rabies vaccination. For example, a cat in Moscow can be given a vaccine in any veterinary clinic.

Anti-rabies drugs are divided into several types, which are described below.

Antibody vaccine

Due to the fact that when planning vaccination it is not known whether a virus is present in the cat's body, it is recommended to introduce a mixture of antibodies with dead or attenuated virus strains. In this case, there is a guarantee, if the cat is already infected, that pathogens that have previously entered the body will die during vaccination, and those that were introduced again will create immunity.

In this situation, immune defense is formed according to the following principle:

  • after 1-2 days, it reaches its maximum;
  • after 2-3 weeks, the withdrawal of foreign antibodies from the body is completed;
  • immunity gain resistance for a long period.

After revaccination, the immune defense weakens after 2 years.

Live vaccine

The drug has in its composition live attenuated pathogens that are capable of multiplying. Such viruses have a weak effect on nerve cells and are not able to cause serious illness. That is, they penetrate the body of the animal, but do not activate the development of the clinical picture of the disease.

vaccination process

The advantage of a vaccine with a live virus is that it creates a strong immunity that can protect the animal for a long time. The negative side is that some cats after a vaccination against rabies show negative reactions up to a full-fledged disease.

The disease can be caused by a weakened animal organism or initially low immunity. Therefore, veterinarians warn that before using a live vaccine, you need to clearly understand that the cat is healthy. It is advisable to undergo an examination with the animal until the blood test.

Dead vaccine

Such preparations contain dead viruses, which in laboratory conditions were euthanized by chemical means: formaldehydes, alcohols or physically using low or high temperatures. Also, radiation and ultraviolet rays are sometimes used for these purposes.

After vaccination with a dead vaccine, weaker immunity develops than after a live one, and with a shorter period of action. But such vaccination does not cause complications and anxiety in the animal, is safe and approved for use in kittens.

Complex vaccines

The composition of such a vaccine includes several varieties of pathogens. The need to create such a drug is due to the fact that rabies vaccines for cats and dogs are given at the same age (9-12 weeks) as some others. Therefore, it was decided to combine such strains into one vaccine.

The composition of the classic complex vaccine consists of rabies viruses, calcivirosis, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia. Manufacturers have developed other formulations, the main thing is that all of the above strains are present in the vaccine.

The presence of several viruses in the preparation does not mean that the vaccine has become more dangerous. The fact is that the body’s immune response to various pathogens differs in the response mechanism, therefore, as a result, the immune system does not overload.

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When to get vaccinated

Kittens who have recently been born are not vaccinated, as antibodies enter their bodies with cat's milk, provided that they are vaccinated. This form of passive immunity is formed on the first or third day of birth. In addition, the lymphoid tissue of the babies has not yet been completely formed, so the body cannot fight the pathogen in full force.

Therefore, when the question arises whether to vaccinate a cat against rabies, there should be no doubt. Primary vaccination is carried out in the interval from 10 weeks to 3 months from the moment of birth.

Children's immunity is at its peak until 6 weeks, then weakens and ceases to act by the sixteenth week of the kitten's life. During the period of weakening of the protective functions of the body, antibodies may not be enough, therefore, at an early age - from 10 to 12 weeks - kittens are vaccinated with a dead vaccine as necessary. In 2-3 months a full vaccination is carried out.

Owners of animals are interested in the question about a rabies vaccination for a cat: how often should it be done? The frequency of vaccination with a dead vaccine is set once every one year, and live - once every two years to completely healthy pets.

how to get a rabies vaccine

Vaccination rules

For successful vaccination, a number of recommendations by veterinarians must be followed. They are as follows:

  1. 14 days before vaccination, the animals are distilled from the worms.
  2. In the preparatory period, pets are drunk with vitamins and probiotics.
  3. Old animals must be shown to the veterinarian.
  4. Delay or consultation with a doctor is also required in case of lethargy of the animal, poor appetite, problems with stool.
  5. It is advisable for pregnant and lactating cats to delay vaccination.
  6. The vaccine should not be given to a weakened, sick or surviving animal.

In general, the quarantine after rabies vaccination for cats is 10 days. If a doubtful reaction occurs, consult a doctor.

Vaccine Usage

Before use, the vaccine bottle is thoroughly shaken and put into a disposable syringe. The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. An injection is made into the scapula or thigh, if intramuscularly, and into the scruff, if subcutaneously.

Typically, a vaccine has a shelf life of one to two years, and in some cases four years.

why vaccinate against rabies cat

Store ampoules with the drug as follows:

  • at a temperature of 2 ° C to 5 ° C;
  • avoiding freezing;
  • out of the reach of children;
  • upon detection of damage to the integrity of the vial or discoloration, fluid consistency, sediment formation, the drug must be disposed of.

Before disposal, the contents are boiled for 15 minutes. Unused vaccine residues are also subject to destruction.

Popular vaccines

The following vaccines are popular vaccines for vaccinating against rabies in a cat (in Moscow you can find any of these drugs in all veterinary clinics):

  1. Dead rabies vaccine Nobivac Rabies. It is a suspension of light raspberry color. May have a slight precipitate that disappears after shaking. Available in bottles of one milliliter and a shelf life of 2 years. The peak of immunity is formed within 21 days, the defense lasts 3 years.
  2. Dead complex vaccine "Feligen CRP / R". It contains rabies virus, panleukopenia, calcivirus. In the package - two vials of 1 ml each, the contents of which are combined and mixed. The term of use for subcutaneous injection into the scapula is 2 years. Immunity is maintained throughout the year.
  3. Defensor-3 complex dead vaccine - vials with pink shiny transparent liquid, one and ten milliliters each. The term of use is one and a half years. Immunity lasts for a year.
  4. Live complex vaccine "Felotsel". The composition includes pathogens of calicivirus, rabies, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and chlamydia. In the package is a white powder with a virus and a solvent, which is mixed and shaken. The volume of the vials is 1 ml with a shelf life of one and a half years. Immunity is formed for three weeks and lasts one year.
  5. Purevax RCPCh Integrated Live Vaccine. Composition, period of use and action similar to the previous drug with one difference - beige powder.
vaccination of animals

Dead rabies vaccine "Rabikan". It is a tan powder, which is dissolved in one milliliter of distilled water. The term of use is 2 years, the peak of immunity falls on the 35th day and is valid for a year.

The danger of vaccination, the cost of vaccination

Many pet owners worry about the dangers of rabies vaccination for cats. Veterinarians assure that with the use of modern drugs and compliance with the rules of vaccination, the possibility of significant side effects is minimal.

The cost of vaccination depends on the clinic:

  • in state institutions - for free;
  • in commercial clinics - from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Veterinarian Tips

In order for the animal to be healthy, veterinarians advise the following:

  • it is undesirable to vaccinate kittens at the age of four to seven months when a tooth change is in progress;
  • monitor the health of the pet and regularly bring the animal to the veterinarian;
  • to be vaccinated only in a clinical setting;
  • regularly rid the animal of fleas and helminths;
  • cats should be vaccinated annually at the same time;
  • use only high-quality vaccines, regardless of how much the rabies vaccination costs a cat;
  • in the case of treating a pet with antibiotics, the vaccine can be used two weeks after discontinuation of the drug.
benefits of rabies vaccination

From the foregoing, it is necessary to vaccinate animals without fail. After all, no one guarantees that even a cat who does not go outside cannot get sick. You can get infected from animals of neighbors, and from rodents accidentally running in.

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