"Sebacil" 50%: instructions for use for pets

Any animals on the compound, ranging from pets to agricultural species, needs regular treatment for parasites. The absence of planned measures for the prevention and treatment of infection leads to the fact that parasites multiply. As a result, the animals begin to hurt. Today we want to tell you about the popular drug "Sebacil" 50%. Instructions for use tell us that this is an emulsion for the destruction of ectoparasites in animals.

sebacil 50 instructions for use


Let's understand together what exactly ensures such effectiveness of this tool. To date, many veterinarians for the treatment of animals recommend the use of “Sebacil” 50%. Instructions for use indicate that the composition contains Foxim. More precisely, 50 g of foxime per 100 ml of solution.

What it is? This is a contact poison that acts on all parasites without exception. The result is irreversible inhibition of cholinesterase activity. As a result, the drug causes a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses in the parasite, which leads to paralysis and death.

There is another important plus, which was the reason for the high popularity of the drug “Sebacil” 50%. Instructions for use emphasize its highest acaricidal and insecticidal efficacy in combination with low toxicity to mammals. That is, for our younger brothers, the drug is not as dangerous as for parasites, which cannot be said about many other substances of a similar effect.

sebacil 50 instructions for use 10 ml

Product description

What does Sebacil 50% look like and what is it like? Instructions for use describe it as a solution for the destruction of ectoparasites in animals. It is a clear, oily liquid with a specific odor. Color can vary from light yellow to brown, depending on the time the drug spent on the shelf. The effectiveness of this does not change.

Indications for use

The preparation is intended for the destruction of scabies mites and lice, as well as sheep’s runes, fleas and meat fly larvae . It is characterized by the highest efficiency. It can be used to treat cattle, sheep and pigs. Below we will talk about the features of the application for each of these groups. Most importantly, the drug is practically non-toxic to animals.

Features of use

Two methods are used - bathing or spraying. For large animals, the first method is more suitable, for poultry - the second. The drug is not allowed to be used in conjunction with other drugs against ectoparasites. Between their use should pass at least 10 days.

In any veterinary clinic today you can buy "Sebacil" 50%. Instructions for use 10 ml of the active substance suggests diluting in 10 liters of water. This is how optimal concentration is achieved, safe for animals and deadly for parasites.

sebacil 50 instructions for use for hens

Individual processing

For pets, this is exactly what it is recommended to use "Sebacil" 50%. Instructions for use for dogs recommend placing the animal in a large basin or bath and treat the body with a sponge. Be sure to keep the solution out of the eyes and mouth. To do this, you can put on a special cap. But the ears and neck should be carefully crafted. Be sure to carry out the treatment in a ventilated room, and even better - in an open area. After treatment, the dog is wiped with a cloth, the rest of the composition is not washed off. The poison itself disintegrates within a few hours.

Handling cats

These gentle creatures require a more careful attitude, as their body is more susceptible to such drugs. However, if the animal suffers from scabies, it has lice or ixodid ticks, if there are wounds on the body affected by fly larvae, then it is best to use “Sebacil” 50%. Instructions for use for cats indicate that a cat needs to be redeemed once in a working solution.

Now the hardest part: cats are very clean and will lick themselves, which can lead to poisoning. It is very important to prevent this. For this, a cone is made of cardboard and attached to the collar on the neck of the animal. After complete drying, you can remove this design and allow the pet to take care of its toilet.

sebacil 50 instructions for use for dogs


In this case, there may be different options. During individual treatment, each animal is immersed in a bath with a solution, and all parts of the body that are not immersed in it should be treated with a sponge. However, if you have a large economy, then this will be a laborious process, therefore the spraying option is much more often used. The working solution is pumped into sprayers of any kind and with its help they wet the entire body of the animal. Do not leave unnoticed and animal stalls. Walls and floor coverings, bedding - all these are sources of infection.

sebacil 50 cats instructions for use

Spray emulsion consumption

To process one cow, according to the instructions, it will take about 3-5 liters, for a sheep - about 2 liters. The average dog takes from 0.5 to 1 liter. All livestock need to be processed, otherwise a repetition of the infection process is inevitable. Most will be the cost of processing the premises. Moreover, the drug can be used at home, for example, if fleas are seen in the carpet. But most often these are places of keeping animals on the street: booths, aviaries and stalls.

For poultry

Also widely used is Sebacil 50%. Instructions for use for hens emphasizes that this is the most reliable of all modern drugs, which helps to get rid of all parasites living on the bird immediately. At the same time, you can simultaneously treat poultry, perches and nests in one room, and then properly ventilate the room.

Processing does not take much time, and in terms of efficiency, it surpasses all available analogues. Therefore, almost all modern poultry farms use exactly “Sebacil” 50%. Instructions for use for birds confirm its proven safety, processing does not affect the behavior of the bird. It is imperative to thoroughly process all rooms, crevices and fences, as well as equipment, to avoid reinfestation.

sebacil 50 instructions for use for birds

additional information

Typically, the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases severe poisoning is observed. This may be the result of individual intolerance. Symptoms may include diarrhea or sweating, cramping, or ataxia. In severe cases, shortness of breath develops. It is recommended that atropine sulfate be administered as a first aid . Shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Be sure to keep it out of the reach of children and pets.

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