The colorful balloons from childhood accompany each person and are strongly associated with a holiday, joy, gift, with all the happiest and most unusual. An arch of balls at the entrance to the store signals that something special is waiting for you: a sale, opening, discounts, and you hurry there with a smile and anticipation. Hearts and swans, astronomically popular in wedding decor, set up to congratulate the birth of a new family. Cheerful figures and intricate stands, flowers and trees, sculptural compositions and even dresses - all this variety of colors and shapes pleases the eye and makes even the most ossified cynics return to childhood. And despite the huge popularity of fabric decor, interest in balls does not wane, because thanks to the development of aerodesign, even the basic designs have turned into works of art. Let's take wedding balloons and the simplest element, the arch, as an example.
An arch of balls can be of two types - helium and frame. The first is helium balls, sequentially fixed to the fishing line at an equal distance from each other. Its direct purpose is to draw up the upper zone of the space of the room for a celebration, to accent passage and banquet places. Properly selected colors, shapes and a logically organized foot, which can be modest (in the form of only one load) or grandiose (in the form of a column or a hill), matter in it. It would seem that there can be invented? It turns out you can. Additional decor, fixed on balls (small balls, ribbons, flowers, butterflies, carved elements, crystals), allows you to completely change the very purpose of the arch as a passage element and turns it into a chic background for the table of the newlyweds. And lightness and transparency will give a hundred points ahead of any fabric design. Here's another, take a look at how a series of arches transforms into a chic tent or forms a romantic corridor. Is it possible to deny yourself the pleasure of walking under these vaults? And even a simple arch without additional decor, but reinforced by a chic foot, captures the imagination and attracts the eye.
Frame arch It has the same purpose as helium, but differs in fundamentality and volume. At the heart of such an arch is a garland. It is assembled from four balls connected at one point to the base (frame, fishing line) and mounted on the right place. Mounting on a fishing line allows you to fix the structure on the doorway, the area above the table with a cake, additionally arrange the entrance gate. An arch made of balls on a solid frame opens up unlimited possibilities of forms and creation techniques. Thanks to the flexible, but solid frame, the arch is able to take on any ornate, most unexpected form: turn into a carriage above the young zone or a cozy oriental arbor. And for the exit registration of marriage, the arch is simply an indispensable element! However, pay attention to some subtleties in using this decor. When choosing an arch as a basic design for a wedding, consider the balance of the volume of the room and the finished unit of decor. A frame arch of 9-inch balloons over the newlyweds' heads in a room with a 3-meter high ceiling will lead to the fact that the bride and groom will not psychologically have a place under it. In this situation, it will be more appropriate to look at the airy helium arch of balloons with a diameter of not more than 12 inches with a stylish decor of the rack.
And finally. Forget the statement that decorating the holidays with balls is outdated, not fashionable, and not stylish. This is completely wrong! Include an arch from spheres in registration of a wedding - and your life will sparkle with rainbow colors. Soar and dream, let your wedding be the most airy and beautiful!