Core i3-2120 from Intel Corporation at one time became an excellent mid-range chip, which made it possible to assemble both office computers and gaming PCs. In the latter case, it was necessary to equip the system unit with a discrete graphic accelerator. Although this product was released in 2011, its parameters even now continue to be relevant, and the level of performance is sufficient to solve almost any task, albeit with certain reservations.
Niche solutions and possible configuration options
, Intel Core i3-2120 — . . . , . . : «» «». , .
Core i3-2120, « », FCLGA1155. , . 67, Z68 Z77. , .
« » 32 , 2011 . « 3» 14 . , «» FX «» «32 ». 2120- .
Intel Core i3-2120, , - . 128 . 512 . — 3 . - 2 , «» , .
« » , « » . « » . . ( (2 4). - 3. — 1066 1333 . — 32 .
2120- 65 . « » , . 69 0. Core i3-2120 — 3,30 GHz. «» , .
Core i3-2120 2 , 64, 86. «», «». 4- . , . HDGraphics 2000. 0,85-1,1 , . , , . .
, Intel Core i3-2120 — 3,30 GHz. 33. , . P67, Z68 Z77. 100 . 105-107 , ( , ). 4-5 .
, CPU Intel Core i3-2120 5-10 Core 1- . 3- . «» 6- « 2». (, ) «». « », «».
. . , , , . , 6- « 2» «». . FCLGA1155, Pentium Celeron. . FCLGA1150 FCLGA1151. 4000-5000 .
Core i3-2120 2011 . , . .