Symbolism and meaning of Muslim pendants

Muslim pendants are widespread not only among women, but also among men. It is noteworthy that Muslims almost never wear ordinary jewelry: they always carry any meaning in themselves. This is not necessarily expensive jewelry, but it may well be ordinary jewelry. In the article, we will analyze the symbols that are indicated on the pendants, and their meaning.

Features of symbolism. How to give jewelry

The traditional symbol of the Muslim religion is a connected five-pointed star with a crescent. The star indicates the five main prayers in the Qur'an, and the crescent symbolizes the Islamic calendar.

Traditional symbol

An interesting fact: a crescent moon with a star as a symbol appeared many years before the rise of Islam. Its creators are the ancient Byzantines. Nowadays, the crescent with the star is found as a separate symbol or crown of the dome of the mosque. The Islamic religion pretends to be elevated to the cult of the prophets or Allah, therefore they are not depicted in paintings or Muslim pendants.

For men, jewelry with Muslim symbols is given as a sign of deepest respect or friendship. Presenting a gift, they usually give a short speech, publicly or directly to the donee. If a person is far away, a note or letter is attached to the gift, donation anonymously among Muslims is not welcome.

Gold or silver jewelry

In Muslim countries, gold is more affordable and is considered a noble metal. Therefore, when creating jewelry most often use it. It can be white, pink or yellow gold, it is possible to encrust the product with precious stones.

Women's pendant in gold

Very often they combine gold with silver, making truly unusual jewelry. The girl is ordered to wear jewelry made of this metal to cleanse her thoughts, get rid of unrest.

Muslim pendants for men are mainly made of silver, in order to attract less attention to the owner. As a rule, such jewelry is distinguished by engraving or a skillfully executed pattern. Men prefer pendants depicting Islamic symbols or sacred places.

Male and female pendants

Muslim women’s pendants of gold are usually made using bright precious and semiprecious stones (garnet, emerald, carnelian, topaz). As a rule, such products look bright and perfectly complement the modest Muslim image. In addition, a sacred meaning can be embedded in a pendant with stones. For example, a gold jewelry with topaz cleanses thoughts and soothes the soul. It is noteworthy that women mainly choose pink and blue topazes.

Men's pendants are very concise and almost never adorned with stones. Most often, they depict individual surahs, prayers or Islamic symbols. Usually the pendant has a round or rectangular shape and is worn exclusively with a chain around the neck, unlike women's pendants, which can also be worn on a bracelet.

Symbols: crescent moon and hamsa

The crescent for Muslims is no less important than the crucifixion for Orthodox people. The mascot is a crescent with a five-pointed star on the lower horn. The symbol is worn as a protective amulet against the evil eye, curses and spoilage.

Charm of Hamsa - Muslim pendant in silver or gold. He is also known as the hand of Fatima, the hand of God or the hand of Miriam. Distributed among adherents of not only Islam, but also Judaism. In Spain, the amulet was so popular that in the XVI century it was banned at the legislative level. It is believed that the amulet has the power that can protect against negativity and evil, and also prolongs life, endows with good health and material wealth.

Hamsa symbol

Symbols of early Islam: Eye of Fatima, Zulfikar

The amulet of early Islam is considered the youngest. If you believe the available data, its occurrence dates back to the first years after the formation of Islam as a religion. It is a round flat coin with symbols depicted, meaning "Make the prayer be heard by Allah." The creator of the amulet was the prophet Mohammed. The Muslim pendant with the symbols of early Islam is designed to heal mental and bodily wounds, relieve pain, protect from damage and the evil eye.

The eye of Fatima is one of the most famous Muslim amulets in the world, most often they hang it at the entrance to a house, shop, restaurant and so on. It is considered a powerful amulet of envy and corruption. The main condition - the amulet should be made of glass and is in sight.

Eye of Fatima

Charm Zulfikar was named after an angel who patronized the soldiers, was distinguished by strength and valor. The amulet looks like crossed swords with suras written on them for protection. The amulet is widespread among people engaged in their own business, as it bestows luck and prosperity in business. The Zulfikar, which is worn on the body, protects its owner, but it is often hanged at the entrance to the house. In this case, he will save the house from enemies and ill-wishers, from misfortune and theft, envy and lies.

Zulfikar Pendant

How to activate a mascot pendant?

Muslim pendants for women and men, like any amulet, must be activated, however, a person who does not believe in Allah should not perform an activation ceremony, because instead of a good spirit, an evil one can be called. To prevent this, they first read the sura to protect themselves from dark spirits:

Auzu bi-kalimati-Llahi-t-tammati allati la yujavizu-hunna barrun wa la fajirun min shar-ma ma halyaka, wa baraa wa zaraa, wa min sharri ma yanzilu min as-samai wa min sharri ma yaruju fi ha, wa min shar-ma ma zaraa fi-l-arda, wa min sharri ma yahruju min-ha, wa min sharri fitani-l-lyaili wa-n-nahari, wa min sharri kulli tariqin illa tarikan yatruku bi-hairin, ya Rahman.

After that, they sit on their knees with their faces facing the East, the amulet is raised above their heads and is repeated three times:

Bismil-lajahi rrahmaani rrahim. Al-hamdu lil-lajahi rabbil-aalyamiin. Ar-rahmaani rahimi. Myaliki yaumid-diin. Iyayakya nabudu wa iyayakya nastayin. Ihdina sysyraatal-mustakiim. Syraatol-laziyna anamta alaykhim, gayril-magduubi alaykhim wa lyad-dolliin.

Then they go to the mosque, while on the way you can not talk to anyone. The left hand is placed on the wall of the mosque, and the right hand on the heart and mentally asked to endow the amulet with the necessary properties. Then they say thanks and just as silently return home.

Muslim pendants with symbols permitted by Islam protect from dark forces, give health, success and prosperity only to faithful Muslims.

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