How to teach a child to potty is simple and fast

All mothers are often worried about the same question: How to teach a child to potty quickly and effortlessly? Our grandmothers knew the answer to this question, because the eternal washing of diapers and sliders very stimulated them to help master this child, a science that was not easy for him. In the modern world, many mothers are too lazy to do this from an early age, because the use of disposable diapers and the presence of a washing machine in the house greatly facilitated their life.

To start planting a child on a pot, it is necessary that he confidently sit and, if possible, stand and try to independently remove his panties. Otherwise, the whole idea makes no sense, because the child will simply fall off his plastic toilet, which may develop in him not a love for this type of plumbing.

Also important is the solution to the question: how to choose a pot so that the child uses it for its intended purpose? The most interesting thing is that the answer lies in the question itself. In other words, the baby needs this hygiene item in order to meet his needs and only for this, so you should refuse to buy pots in the form of cars, animals, and also with all kinds of tweeters and flashing lights. With such a miracle, the child will do anything except what is required of him. With all this, it must be convenient and suitable in size, because it will be difficult for the baby to master this science if he feels discomfort.

In order to understand how to accustom a child to a pot, you still need experience, consisting of many attempts to do this. This difficult path should begin with a complete rejection of diapers so that the child feels the discomfort of being in wet pants and understands how he does it. He should not be afraid of his own excretory processes. During this period, it is necessary to begin to monitor how it signals the upcoming and already completed "wet business".

About when and how to teach a child to the potty the mother should decide on her own. There are no upper and lower thresholds for age, as well as absolute recommendations. The main thing in this matter is consistency and consistency. The first step will be the rejection of diapers. Then it is necessary to give the baby to get acquainted with his own excretory processes, that is, do not interfere with his ability to consider himself at this moment or somehow distract him.

The best time to go to the pot comes after a meal or after sleep, but again, it's all very individual. You need to teach in the warm season, while the child must know that his pot is always in the same place. Mom can accompany the process itself with various sounds. Here her imagination is unlimited.

The main thing is that the child is healthy and ready for learning. You shouldn’t keep him on the pot forcibly if he doesn’t want to do this at all and expresses his dissatisfaction with the help of a strong cry, as it is possible to accustom a child to the pot only when nothing bothers him. No need to scold the baby if he didn’t succeed. It must be remembered that he only learns and makes mistakes in the learning process . With praise, you should also be careful, as to teach a child to go gosh is not the same as to teach him the Arabic language before school. He simply masters the skill, which he will certainly use in the future several times a day.

In order for the learning process not to drag out for a long time, you need to constantly monitor the baby, how he behaves during trips to the toilet, to teach him that you need to do all your business exactly in the pot, the place of which is definitely defined in apartment. You can’t throw sitting down, just because the baby does not succeed. It is very important mother’s patience and the realization that there is no one else to help the child in mastering such a difficult science. He will certainly make mistakes, but this is not a reason to interrupt classes.

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