How to dress a newborn in the summer and what clothes will be the most comfortable

Summer time is a hot season. The kid needs to be dressed so that he does not overheat, but also does not catch a cold from an occasional draft or light wind while walking. I would like to dwell in more detail on the selection of clothes for the youngest children up to 3 months. After all, their thermoregulation of the body is still imperfect and requires constant assistance. How to dress a newborn in the summer, we will describe in this article.

how to dress a newborn in the summer

What clothes for a newborn to choose for a home in the summer

A baby needs comfort for good growth and development. His clothes should be spacious, sewn from natural materials without hard seams and uncomfortable necklines. This is especially important in the summer. The best room temperature is considered to be 21-23 degrees. With her, it’s enough for a baby to put on a cotton suit, a light cap or a thin diaper and a vest. How to wear a newborn in the summer if the temperature in the room is slightly higher? You can wear a light T-shirt, panties, socks on the baby. Or let the baby sleep naked. You can cover it with a thin diaper. Remember to make sure there are no drafts in the room. They become the cause of summer colds in children. To make sure the baby is not cold, touch his nose and neck. The skin should be dry and warm. If the newborn is sweating or seems cold, it means that the clothes are not selected correctly, so a more suitable set is needed.

How to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer

how to dress a newborn for a walk

If the weather outside is hot, then for a walk the baby can be dressed in a cotton T-shirt, underpants or diapers, socks, a light cap. It is not recommended to take a newborn naked to the street even at high temperatures. The fact is that summer clothes are designed to repel heat and ultraviolet rays, protect against parasites and midges, dust. Let the baby take air baths without clothes in a well-ventilated room, and not for a walk. The question may arise about how to dress a newborn in the summer in cool weather? With a journey you need to grab another set of clothes. It should include a warm blouse, panties, hat, thin envelope or coverlet. After all, the weather can change quickly enough, and the baby needs to be protected from the temperature difference.

What you need to buy for a newborn in the summer in the wardrobe

what you need to buy for a newborn in the summer

The amount of summer clothes purchased will depend on what parenting style they choose. If mother is a supporter of natural education, then diapers and gauze diapers will need 15-20 pieces. If the mother plans to dress the baby immediately in the sliders, panties and panties, then you will need to buy 15-20 sliders. This amount will be significantly less if disposable diapers are used.

Here's what you need to buy for a newborn in the summer:

  • 4 vests made of light cotton fabric;
  • 15–20 pieces of thin diapers or panties;
  • 2 light caps;
  • 3 pairs of cotton socks;
  • 3 pairs of mittens, scratches;
  • 2 thin summer suits or a sandbox, body;
  • 1 warm suit made of thick cotton or fine wool;
  • 1 warm hat;
  • several warm diapers for cover and bedding;
  • one light envelope for a walk on a rainy day.

With this set of clothes you will find the answer to the question: "How to wear a newborn in the summer?" Observe the temperature regime - and your baby will enjoy the warm summer days.

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