SAMPFUNCS is a special addition to CLEO 4. The plugin extends the functionality available to scripters. Software is widely used in the creation and modification of various SAMP servers. With this modification, cheats for GTA San Andreas are also written and significant changes are made to multiplayer modes. In this article we will understand how to install SAMPFUNCS on a computer.
First you need to install a completely "clean" and original version of the game GTA SA. It can be downloaded on any torrent tracker or purchased in the Steam digital store. If you doubt that the version will be compatible with the server, then download the installer strictly from the developers site of a specific SAMP.
The second stage is the installation of additional programs. We will need the SAMP, CLEO and SAMPFUNCS files themselves. After that we proceed to the installation.
Add-on Installation
Before installing SAMPFUNCS, you must copy the files intended for connecting to the server to the root directory of the game. After that, install CLEO 4. During installation, specify the path to the game folder.
Now go to the data directory, which is located in the root folder of GTA San Andreas and create a directory with the name sa. You need to copy SAMPFUNCS files to this folder. Among them should be 1 program, 1 text file and another folder. It is from a directory called SBdata that all data is transferred to a previously created folder called sa.
Done! Now you know how to install SAMPFUNCS. Plugins are added after the installation procedure. If after the steps are taken the game refuses to start, then you need to check the following points.
First, try reinstalling the original game. Files may have been installed incorrectly. Then install SAMPFUNCS again. Also check the performance of the game without an addition to CLEO.
Secondly, it is necessary to find out whether individual scripts or plugins cause stability problems. If the malfunction lies in a specific element, then it is best to abandon or redo it.