How to choose a pot for boys and teach a baby to it

When a child grows up, parents seek to accustom their child to the potty as soon as possible. Fundamentally important in this matter is the choice of the moment when the baby physically and psychologically “ripens” for this. All children are different, so they begin to walk regularly on the pot at different ages - some do it already at a year and a half, and others much later. You should always remember that in the early accustoming to the potty it makes no sense, as this will only take the time and energy of the parents, but in reality it will most likely turn out to be a guess at the right moment than real training. Parents should let the child learn to listen to their desires and urges on their own. Boys, as a rule, are slightly behind girls in this regard.

potty for boys

A very important point is the purchase of the pot. A children's pot for a boy should be comfortable, durable, suitable for the baby in height, and, of course, pleasing to the eye of his little owner. After all, this is a very personal item that the baby perceives as his property.

The pot for boys has some specifics. The diameter of its hole should not be too small, a certain margin of space is needed so that the child can use a pen to direct the trickle down into the pot (this will also be a little preparation for writing while standing). By color, the pot for boys is better to choose traditionally “male” - blue, yellow or green, but not pink at all.

The selection of pots today is simply huge - of a very different form, in the form of cars and fairy-tale characters, musical (play music when liquid gets into them). A pot for boys is better to choose a more traditional one, after all, this is not a toy, and the attitude to it should be quite serious.

baby potty for boy

First, you can try to plant a child on a potty in clothes, and only when the baby, sitting, feels confident, you need to offer him to remove his pants and sit down naked booty. If the child protests, then there is no need to persuade, as this leads only to even greater resistance and can “turn” the baby from the pot for a long time.

Standing, the boy should be asked to write only after he learns to do this while sitting. There is no way to do without an example in this case, such an example could be dad or an older brother. But you don’t need to quickly proceed to such actions, if it is convenient for the child to write while sitting, this is quite normal. When the baby wants to go out of need on the street, he can be offered to take aim at a flower or pebbles. A pot for boys who have learned to relieve their needs "in an adult way" will be needed only for "big things."

There is an opinion that the more a child spends time without a diaper, the faster he will start asking for a pot. This is not a fact. But the fact is that enuresis in older children has nothing to do with wearing diapers, no matter what grandmothers - opponents of modern diapers say. Therefore, each parent should be guided not only by the desire to put the baby on the potty as soon as possible, but also by the comfort of the child, and their convenience too.

pot photo

For each success, the son must be praised, but in moderation, from each trip to the pot you do not need to make an event. Children can get nervous due to too much attention. You never need to blame the child for failures, just be patient, everything will normalize over time. But you can enter an encouraging moment - for example, after another good luck, let the little one expect a tasty little surprise. It’s great to take a memory picture of the baby mastering the pot. Photos of such a plan look very touching, especially after a few years.

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