We draw up a plan of work with parents in the middle group of kindergarten

work plan with parents in the middle group

Planning interaction with parents is one of the most important areas of work to educate preschool children. The staff must be aware that parents are the customers of the educational and upbringing services provided by the institution of preschool education. Therefore, it is so important that during the educational and training processes carried out in kindergarten, sufficient attention is paid to improving the pedagogical level of mothers and fathers. The planning includes a wide variety of forms and methods, using which teachers can be sure of the high efficiency of work with parents. The annual plan of the institution contains the main areas in which interaction with parents, teachers and children is carried out, that is, with all subjects and objects of the pedagogical process. Let's look at such an activity as an example of the middle age group, for example, what kind of work with parents should be.

Annual plan, general principles

As we have said, the main activities are reflected in the annual plan. Thus, the plan of work with parents in the middle group, older or younger, follows from the general annual list of activities of the preschool institution. It spells out the dates and topics of general parent-teacher meetings (two to three per year), group parent-teacher meetings with the issues to be addressed, “Open Doors Days”, questionnaires, workshops, consultations (including at the request of parents), visualization and placement of printed textual information in information corners, open classes, excursions, as well as holidays, entertainment and matinees with the involvement of mothers and fathers. Planning of work with parents is carried out taking into account the assigned annual tasks, the deadlines and responsible are necessarily indicated.

Work plan with parents in the middle group

work with parents annual plan

Drawing up future activities for dads and mothers of children of different age groups is not much different. In any case, creating a plan of work with parents in the middle group, it is necessary to prescribe the forms and content of the activity. Also, teachers most often accumulate material that can then be applied in their activities when creating the so-called “Pedagogical piggy bank”. It is good that now there is no shortage of literature, it can be found both in stores and in the library, many also use Internet resources. The main thing is that all this be creatively selected taking into account modern needs, then it will be easier to draw up a plan of work with parents. In the middle group, as in the older and younger, more often used thematic planning, which can also be reflected in the document using the form of consultation or parental participation in the pedagogical process.

Parent meeting as a form of work

We offer you the rules of conduct of the teacher at the parent meeting. Indeed, it is during this event that the teacher presents himself and the style of his activity, which means that it must pass at a high level. So what you should remember:

work planning with parents

  • the teacher is better to relieve his stress and anxiety before meeting with parents;
  • make them feel attentive and respectful with the help of specially selected words, intonations and gestures;
  • explain to parents that they and the kindergarten solve the same problems, which means that their efforts should be common;
  • the tone of communication should be friendly and calm;
  • the result of any work with parents should be their confidence that they can always turn to the teacher for help.

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