Caesarean or natural birth? Large fruit - an indication for cesarean section?

The sacred duty of every woman is to become a mother. Sooner or later, most women of childbearing age decide on this. And, having passed almost the entire period of pregnancy, the lady begins to think about childbirth: how quickly they will pass, how painful it will be during labor, and whether everything will be in order. This is especially true for ladies who are going to give birth for the first time. In this article I would like to touch on the following topic: “What is better: cesarean or natural birth, and do our women have a choice?

cesarean or natural birth

World situation

If you look a little into history, we can say that childbirth by surgery has existed for a very long time and has been quite successfully practiced. They were especially widespread after anesthesia was invented and successfully used, during which this operation was generally painless and did not bring a woman great pain. It is worth saying that a little more than ten years ago, in 2003, the Americans decided that women should have freedom of choice in what suits them best: cesarean or natural birth. Those. the lady herself chooses the birth path of the baby that she likes best. And every year the percentage of women who decide to give birth through surgery, is growing rapidly. The figures and articles of American gynecologists also contribute to this. For example, a doctor at the University of Louisville Science Center says that 10,000 deliveries made by surgery have 17% fewer complications than women who choose to give birth naturally.

large fruit indication for caesarean

The situation in our country

Unfortunately, a woman herself cannot choose a cesarean or natural birth in our country. This has not yet been approved by law. The operation can be prescribed to a pregnant woman solely for medical reasons, and nothing else. This decision is made at the consultation of doctors, where three to five specialists participate. Although it is worth saying that today the number of pregnant women who would like to get rid of birth pain by giving birth to a baby through a cesarean section is also increasing.

Comparison: the benefits of natural childbirth

  1. If for some reason a woman has the opportunity to choose how to give birth to her, she must take into account many different factors. So, first, she needs to remember that all that nature has given, man can endure, no matter how hard it is. Moreover, the name itself should already tell the lady what to do right, because the birth is “natural”. Everything is provided by nature in order for the child to be born through the birth canal.
  2. An operation is, of course, not painful. However, one should not forget that there is also a postoperative recovery period. So, with a caesarean section, the abdominal wall of the uterus is cut, its natural integrity is violated. The next month after surgery, the woman will be physically limited, and the first couple of weeks will generally need additional help. Also, for a certain time, she will experience pain in the abdomen. After a natural birth (if everything went well), the woman on the second day is already completely independent.
  3. Women may also be afraid of breaks during natural childbirth. This, of course, is unpleasant and rather painful, however, the healing processes occur much faster than after cesarean section.
  4. If a woman wants to choose: cesarean or natural birth, she should think about her beauty. After all, the scar from the operation will remain on the body forever. Moreover, after a caesarean, removing a slightly overhanging tummy is much more difficult than after a natural birth. Also later, you can begin to do various physical exercises and give a load to your body.
  5. If a woman is scheduled for surgery during the first birth , she will most likely give birth by caesarean section all subsequent times. Here she already has no choice.
  6. Why is natural birth better than cesarean? Here the psychological component also comes into play: experts say that children who do not pass through the birth canal are, by their nature, softer and less punchy than those born naturally. After all, childbirth is a huge experience that a child simply needs.

cesarean section or natural birth

Comparison: pluses of cesarean section

  1. It is worth saying that cesarean section has its advantages. So, first of all, this is the complete absence of pain in the process of having a baby. A woman and a baby see, and do not feel pain. And it’s always nice.
  2. You can set a date for a planned cesarean in advance. So, a woman can have time to collect a bag, come to the hospital, mentally prepare. Natural births are swift when ladies do not have time to get to the hospital and give birth at home or in the car.

Natural birth

It is worth saying that childbirth naturally requires some preparation from a woman. The main rule: in time to register with the antenatal clinic and undergo all scheduled examinations by specialists. This is the first point on how a woman should prepare for childbirth. What else can be envisaged? The main thing is the correct psychological attitude, i.e. the willingness of a woman to endure all the pains of birth of her own baby. You need to prepare for this in advance, tuning yourself exclusively to a favorable outcome. If you have any specific questions, today you can get answers to them in various ways, even by yourself digging into certain literature. Preparations for natural childbirth can also take place in special courses that are so popular today. This is a great way to find out what you may need during childbirth, what you need to know and what to be able to. They teach how to behave properly during contractions: how to help ease pain, what breathing techniques to use, what postures to choose, etc. Also, these courses are useful if a woman wants to give birth with her man. This, by the way, is another very big plus of natural childbirth. The husband can greatly help his wife during the fights, in addition, he is with the child during his birth, thereby becoming closer to the baby. As for the moment that a man after everything he sees can reject a woman after seeing how a child is born: this is a myth, this happens very rarely and, most likely, regardless of whether the husband saw the moment of the birth of his baby. In addition, in our country, a man does not look into the crotch with a camera during childbirth, but simply stands at her head, supporting him morally. And the last, how a woman can prepare for natural childbirth: to collect all the necessities that she may need in the hospital. These are certain things for yourself and the baby, as well as a package of medicines (if the woman does not have health insurance). Unfortunately, this is still practiced here, because the field of medicine is far from being fully provided from the state treasury with all the necessary medicines.

natural birth after cesarean reviews

About cesarean section

If a woman wants to choose: cesarean section or natural birth, she must know that the operation itself is of two types. The first is planned, when the expectant mother is warned about this before the time of delivery and she prepares for the operation in advance. It is carried out at about 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, before a woman can begin labor pains in a natural way. The second type is an emergency caesarean section. It can be prescribed in the course of labor itself, when the pregnant woman plans to give birth in the usual way, but in the course of the case certain complications arise and the patient is sent for surgery.

birth naturally

Indications from the mother

It is worth saying that there are indications for cesarean section from the mother and the fetus, they can be absolute and relative. So when can a woman be given a caesarean section?

  1. Narrow pelvis, if the 3rd or 4th degree of narrowing.
  2. Full placenta previa, when it simply becomes impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  3. Uterine rupture when emergency surgery is prescribed.
  4. Genital bleeding.
  5. Situations with the placenta: its incomplete presentation, detachment, when the placenta partially or completely blocks the baby's exit - all this becomes an indicator for cesarean section.
  6. Various complications during pregnancy.
  7. Maternal health problems: varicose veins, severe myopia, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are also situations where a woman may be recommended to have a cesarean section for medical reasons. However, in this situation, a woman can take risks and give birth in a natural way.

  1. Clinically narrow basin.
  2. Weak labor activity of a woman, when various complications may occur.
  3. Malposition.
  4. The first birth is for a woman who is over 30 years old.
  5. Prolonged treatment of infertility.
  6. Hypoxia of the fetus when the child is sorely lacking oxygen.
  7. Postponed pregnancy.
  8. Previous births went through a caesarean section.

cesarean consequences

Indications from the fetus

The operation "cesarean section" can also be assigned according to the indicators of the child. So, they (indicators) can also be relative and absolute.


  1. Pelvic presentation of crumbs, the weight of which exceeds three and a half kilograms.
  2. Multiple pregnancy.
  3. Large fruit: indication for cesarean section.

Absolute indicators:

  1. Acute hypoxia of the fetus, when it is impossible to immediately give birth to a child in a natural way.
  2. The transverse position of the fetus after the water has passed.
  3. Incorrect position of the child’s head (it should be firmly pressed with the chin to the chest; incorrect position of the head when the child is walking with his forehead or face).
  4. The death of a mother when the baby remains alive in the womb.

The most common relative indicators

What if a woman has a large fruit? Indication for cesarean section may be the way out of the situation, however this does not always happen. If everything is normal in terms of basic indicators, in addition, the pelvis is normal, not narrow, most likely the woman will try to give birth on her own. The same applies to a large pregnancy. If a woman, for example, twins, cesarean or natural childbirth have a place to be. Again, everything will be decided by the doctor registered with the pregnant woman. In such a situation, a complex of reasons is considered, and not only that a woman has multiple pregnancy. In most cases, such births are completely normal and without any complications.

cesarean operation


If a woman thinks that the postoperative period leaves no traces, as is the case with natural childbirth, she is deeply mistaken. If a cesarean is prescribed, the consequences are what you need to think about. So, the first caveat: the period of healing of sutures. It lasts quite a long time, a woman within two years after the operation is not recommended to become pregnant or have abortions - this will negatively affect scarring of the tissue of the abdominal uterine wall. Also, various inflammatory processes, infection of the uterus and other organs located nearby can become a problem. It is also important to understand that for some time there will be problems with the functioning of the intestines. And, of course, the connection between the mother and the baby who is born through surgery is completely different, weaker than those babies who are born as nature herself prescribed.

Subsequent birth

Also, women may be interested in the question of whether a natural birth is possible after cesarean. Reviews of women giving birth vary, because most women after the first operation should give birth to babies further in the same way - through a cesarean section. However, some women claim to have given birth on their own. So where is the truth? There may be several options, because you need to consider all factors. So, mainly doctors insure the expectant mother from possible breaks and suggest subsequent times to give birth again using cesarean. However, if the first birth was simply difficult, and the operation was urgently prescribed, there are no other indications, such as certain diseases from the pregnant woman or the fetus, also enough time has passed after the first pregnancy, the sutures on the uterus are completely healed and reliable, the woman may be offered the opportunity give birth on their own. Often, such births go well, but in most cases, doctors still recommend re-performing the operation "caesarean section" in order to play it safe and protect the woman from various problems and complications.

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