Why computer speakers are buzzing: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting methods

Quite often, after buying new speakers, or simply during the operation of existing ones, some problems with sound reproduction may occur. Or rather, the user may ask why the speakers started to buzz, so it’s worthwhile to analyze the most common reasons for this, and how to solve them.

Cable issues

This category includes a lot of questions. Therefore, it is worth considering the most important among them. All information will be given with examples, explanations and temporary ways to resolve the situation.


If you have a question about why the speakers with a subwoofer are buzzing, you should pay attention to the condition of the cable. Carefully walk along its entire length and pay attention to such damage as:

  • excesses;
  • braid break;
  • internal fractures of wires;
  • traces of spoilage by pets and much more.
Damaged connector

If the design allows, try using it on another identical device.

Damaged audio connectors

Active use of devices sooner or later leads to wear on the connectors. Increasingly, you can find that the plug located in them began to play (do not hold tight). To check, you can try to remove it and insert it back, or scroll. Immediately you can hear noises or hum. If the question arose of why the speakers are buzzing on the PC, and there is no possibility to replace the device, then you can find the ideal position for the plug and fix it with tape.

Cable too long

Quite often, sound distortion and extraneous noise from the speakers can appear due to multiple bends of the wire if it is more than three meters. And while the device itself is located next to the computer. In such cases, it is recommended that the cable routing be kept in the factory so as not to cause too much damage.

Lack of a fixed position

When it is in limbo, extraneous noise or sound distortion may also occur. If such a situation led to the question “why the speakers are buzzing from the amplifier”, then it is worth trying to eliminate the hanging position by fixing it with tape or special equipment.

Using a poorly functioning connector

Almost always, the system unit has two sockets for audio equipment. The first is built into the case, and the second is located on the motherboard, on the back of the box. And the connectors located in front quickly fail, while either starting to work unstably or completely stop responding to the plug.


Users often intertwine wires so that they do not stick out in all directions. However, this can cause the speakers to buzz when turned on. Why? Because what happens is the cable wrap, which was described earlier. Therefore, various noises appear.

The problem with the sound settings

Another reason for noise from the speakers may be incorrect settings for the sound parameters of the Windows operating system. To correct the error and eliminate the consequences, you must perform the following steps:

  • In the search bar, enter "Control Panel."
Control Panel Search

  • Launch the standard application that appears in the results.
  • In the window that opens, proceed to the section entitled “Equipment and Sound”.
Section equipment and sound

  • There, go to the subsection named "Sounds."
  • From the list of playback devices, select the one that is the default. It will be marked with a green tick.
  • Right-click on it and select the "Properties" line in the context menu. After the window appears, select the “Levels” tab.
  • Under the first line of Realtek settings there will be other additional sources. All of them must be reduced to a minimum.
  • Now go to the tab with the name “Improvements” and check the presence of the “Loudness” option (sometimes it may be called “Additional Features” or “Volume Leveling”). If it is missing - put it.
  • Save the settings and perform a sound check.

Malfunctions in the drivers or their inappropriate version

Another option is why the speakers are buzzing at the computer. Updating drivers can be called a unique solution to most of the problems that can occur with hardware on a computer. And this situation will not be an exception. Most often, modern operating systems install drivers on their own, without leaving the user the ability to make the necessary settings. Therefore, to start, download the audio driver from the Internet, and then install it. Now you can go to its settings:

  • In the search bar, enter the phrase “Control Panel” and start the standard application.
  • Set the display by category and proceed to the equipment and sound section.
  • At the very bottom of the page there will be a subsection for configuring drivers. In a specific case, this is the “Realtek HD Manager”.
Necessary subsection

  • Run it and dig into the settings, periodically checking the results. Try adjusting the volume, or turn off different filters.
Realtek Settings Panel

Quite often, such an operation completely solves the question of why the speakers at the computer are buzzing.

Using an additional computer

This option of why the speakers are buzzing at the computer will help you to check at once two possible reasons for the appearance of noise from the speakers:

  • malfunctions of connectors for audio devices;
  • problems with the functioning of the equipment itself.

As a test platform fit:

  • a laptop;
  • television;
  • another computer and others.

Mouse wheel scroll

Sometimes it turns out that the sound made while scrolling the wheel of a computer mouse can be heard in the speakers as extraneous noise. And strong enough. If this is the reason why the speakers are buzzing at the computer, then the following steps are recommended:

  • If possible, replace the mouse.
  • If your equipment has a PS / 2 connector, replace it with one that works via USB (or vice versa). An additional option will be adapters.
  • Try using a wireless mouse.

Using gadgets and mobile technology

This section will perfectly complement the answer to the question why the off column is buzzing. Various interference and noise appear when an SMS arrives on a mobile phone or a call arrives. It is important to keep in mind that the same sounds are created by any equipment that has an antenna or radio signals. Although in some cases, interference was detected from printers with table lamps. The simplest solution will be to alternately remove any potential source of noise from the speakers, in order to identify the one or more that lead to such an unpleasant situation.

Using low-quality equipment

If you use fairly cheap speakers of average quality, then it is likely that various extraneous noise is a consequence of setting the volume above 50%.

Column repair

Users note that with a low build quality, devices at this level begin to significantly fonit.

Power Saving Mode

This option is suitable for laptop users. These devices have three power consumption modes:

  • economical;
  • balanced;
  • high performance.

Quite often, you may encounter the fact that during the power saving mode, extraneous noise appears in the speakers. To fix this situation, just turn on the high performance mode. It is done like this:

  • through the search run the “Control Panel”;
  • there follow the section “Equipment and Sound”;
  • run the subsection "Power", turn on high performance and confirm the changes.

Using sound card

Modern devices of this type do not exceed the size of a flash drive. And therefore, in case of problems with the hum from the speakers, it is worth using this option.

Sound card

It is not possible to connect specific equipment to it, but it is perfect for working with headphones, standard speakers and a microphone. This should be more than enough for the average user.

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