Castor oil will undoubtedly be a good buy. This should be understood by every girl. Not everyone knows that castor oil is used both as a cosmetic and as a medical product.
1. Treatment of corns and rough skin on the soles of the feet.
For a month, before going to bed, rub your legs with castor oil, let it soak, and then put on your socks. This procedure will not only make the feet beautiful and tender, but also relieve fatigue, and will contribute to a good night's sleep.
2. Weight loss.
For additional weight loss effects , castor oil can also be used. Once a week, you can drink one and a half tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach. This will help gently and harmlessly cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins, within six hours it will have a laxative effect.
It is also necessary to rub oil into problem areas so that the skin does not sag and does not appear, the so-called orange peel. Then the skin of the abdomen, chest, hips will remain elastic. Of course, castor oil alone will not have the desired effect, you must also monitor nutrition and exercise.
3. Castor oil during pregnancy.
A pregnant woman usually thinks not only about her health, but also about the baby’s health. Therefore, if she had previously been saved from constipation with oil, now she should first consult a doctor, because this method may not be so innocent for a future mother. It can affect not only the intestines, but also cause uterine contractions, which can lead to termination of pregnancy.
But external use will be very effective. For example, if a woman improperly selected underwear, then the skin can be irritated, itchy, allergies can occur. Then it is necessary to choose other tissues, and in order to avoid scratching, lubricate the skin with castor oil. After a warm bath, you can lubricate the dry skin of the knees and elbows with castor oil, while it will be much more effective than most advertised creams.
4. Eyebrows and hair.
The properties of castor oil were also known by our great-grandmothers. With the help of this miraculous remedy, they strengthened the hair, preserved the beauty of eyelashes and eyebrows. Every evening it is necessary to apply oil on the eyebrows with a special brush and leave it overnight. Do this procedure not from time to time, but for several months daily. Then you can see an amazing effect.
After the eyebrows are strengthened, they will need to be shaped depending on the type of face. If you are not sure that you can do it right, then it is better to contact a specialist. This procedure is inexpensive, though not entirely pleasant. But women are not accustomed to lay themselves on the altar of fashion and beauty.
If you don’t have time to mess with making hair masks, you can just rub castor oil into your scalp. You can do this before bedtime (then you need to cover the pillow with a towel, and wash your hair in the morning), or you can put on a plastic cap for a couple of hours and wrap a towel. If your goal is to stop hair loss, then in castor oil you need to add the same part of onion juice. Also, instead of onion juice, to achieve a good result, you can add one part of alcohol to two parts of oil.
If the hair is oily, then in a half glass of kefir, heated in a water bath, you need to add a spoonful of castor oil. But if the hair, on the contrary, is dry, then it is better to add ten drops of lemon juice to the oil. Such masks must be distributed along the entire length of the hair.
5. Removing the tick.
Of course, first of all, you need to see a doctor to avoid the risk of contracting encephalitis. In principle, the body of the tick can be removed with any oil (just do not try to pull it out by force), but castor oil will not only help remove the parasite, but also speed up the healing of the wound.