Many people nowadays work on computers, not excluding students. They use various programs for working with documents, tables, photographs, video files and so on. And everyone will agree that losing one file or another is a huge nuisance because so much time and energy can be invested in it that it is impossible to create work in a new way.
It’s good that there is an opportunity to recover a damaged or lost file. It is in this article that we will talk about how to repair a damaged file. We will analyze four types of files: DOC ("Word" document), XML (Excel document), JPG (image) and MP4 (video file).
DOC file recovery
, "" . , - , , , , , DOC-.
, DOC . , 100- .
, "". "", "" - . , . "" (▼). " ". , , , .
, "" , . , .
, - LibreOffice 5. . , .
, DOC. , .
, "" " ...". " " "MS Word 2007-2013" "". " MS Word 2007-2013". , . "", , . .
, Excel, Microsoft. XML ExcelFIX. ? . , , .
, , Excel ExcelFIX.
- , .
- "" "".
- Excel.
- "".
, .
, JPG JPEG. , . .
, JPEG , .jpg . , .
- . , , . , . :
- JPEG Recovery;
- Picture Doctor;
- ACDSee;
- IrfanView.
, MP4-. , , , . HD Video Repair Utility.
, , Choose movie. , MP4-. , MP4- . , , , , Choose reference movie. Scan .
MP4- , , AVI. DivFix++.
, , , .
, - . . , :
- Add files.
- .
- .
- Rebuild Index.
. . , AVI.