No pet brings as much joy as a cat. It’s very interesting to watch him while he’s small, and it’s fun to watch how the fluffy lump grows older. The owner is ready to spend a lot of energy on caring for the pet, but do not forget that it is important not only to feed the dog on time, but also to raise the cat.
Each of them has its own character, which depends not only on the breed, but also on the individual temperament. As a result, during puberty of the animal, the owner often encounters the fact that a previously affectionate pet becomes aggressive. What to do with the cat, and how to return to normal relations with her, we’ll talk today.
First impression
The cat is crazy ... That's how many people characterize the state of the animal. He rushes at the owner, hisses and releases claws, does not allow himself to touch. Veterinarians say that a pet’s anger can be caused by a number of factors. This is a struggle for territory, pain, fear and much more. What to do with an aggressive cat, let's try to make it out today together. Often the nature of the pet changes dramatically after sterilization and castration. This can also apply to those animals that walk freely while living in a private house.
We are looking for a reason
The first step is to understand where the roots of changes in the behavior of the animal come from. In other words, why the cat became aggressive. What to do and how to restore peace? Most homemade pussies are affectionate and gentle. It is worth stroking a sissy, as he jumps on his knees and starts humming a purring song. It is a completely different matter if the pet’s behavior is far from ideal, and even the owner tries to avoid it.
Most often, problems originate in your cat’s childhood. If he grew up in an atmosphere of warmth and coziness, love and affection, then most likely an aggressive cat will not work out of him. What to do if you got a pet as an adult? This is a separate topic. True, this character trait may be due to the characteristics of the breed. For example, Siamese cats can be trained worse than everyone else, Persians and British are also stubborn.
If the family has children
This is really a real problem, with which it is not clear what to do. A very aggressive cat often becomes for the reason that the kids behave with it too familiarly. A freedom-loving animal does not tolerate such treatment, and children selflessly squeeze a fluffy beauty for days on end, not thinking that they can hurt her. It is necessary to explain to the child in advance that the cat is not a toy, but a living creature, which must be handled accordingly.
How aggression is manifested
Sometimes the owner comes to the veterinarian and cannot really explain what the problem is: the pet behaves unpredictably. Sudden leaps, hissing and biting - all this is only a small part of a wide range of manifestations. It’s not clear how to calm an aggressive cat.
If you notice that the cat is sitting in dark corners, the fur on his neck is standing on end, and his eyes glow green, then something seriously interferes with your pet’s calmness. It is urgent to seek help to exclude rabies and think about its psychological comfort. These creatures are almost always balanced and calm by nature, but many factors influence their behavior. Depending on this, several types of aggression are distinguished.
As a way to protect
In this case, the pet clearly wants to be left alone. He is scared or upset. The best way to calm an aggressive cat is to let it sit quietly in its favorite corner. Attempts by the owner to stroke, play or give a treat will be regarded by the pet as another encroachment on its safety. If the animal likes to relax in the closet, where the lower shelf is covered with a soft blanket, then now is the time to let it do it.
The frightened cat is the easiest to recognize:
- She cuddles to the floor or clogs into a corner.
- In this case, the pupils are dilated.
- The cat hisses or growls, but makes no attempt to attack you.
- Ears are pressed.
- The pet intimidates you, but looks around and tries to find refuge for itself.
It can be concluded that the fluffy beauty is desperately afraid of something, so the cat behaves aggressively. What to do to the owner? As mentioned above, let alone in a closed and dark corner, on a soft and warm litter. In some cases, the cat may roll over on its back and fold its legs. It is very important to recognize this condition, so as not to suffer yourself and not harm your pet.
Remember yourself when you come home after a hard day. The boss scolded, there was a difficult client, and in the evening he was rude to the conductor on the bus. Of course, there is something to be annoyed about. It happens with a cat. In this case, you can see how the pet suddenly changes. For example, you pet a cat, what if his calm reaction turns into a hiss? There are no visible reasons, but the pet is ready to attack everything that is nearby.
What if the cat became aggressive so suddenly? Assess the status of your pet. If he suddenly begins to beat his tail on the floor, then you need to leave your pet alone. Sometimes, in response to measured strokes, the pet begins furiously pounding the owner's paws. No need to shout at him, much less beat - everyone is in a bad mood.
It is noteworthy that aggression resulting from irritation is most often temporary and suppressed. The cat clearly does not want to harm its owner. He rushes at the person, but the claws are hidden, and there are practically no traces of bites. What to do if a cat is angry and aggressive? We must let her recover. It’s best not to do anything yet.
A game
Most often this is a feature of the behavior of small kittens. Nature is so inherent that fluffy lumps lose life situations. This applies to fighting and defending their territory, but at home, grown up pets sometimes do not mind frolicing around like little ones.
Aggression can be caused by increased playfulness. A distinctive feature is surprise. If the pet jumps at you from around the corner, begins to hiss and release its claws, then most likely he just got bored and wants to have fun. He can run around the room sideways, brake sharply, snort and bounce like a ball. In this case, it is best to set aside time and play with your pet. They love hunting, so they will run for a toy or a bow on a rope for at least a whole day. But you should not reassure the cat, this will only increase aggression.
Territory protection
This applies for the most part to non-castrated cats, which enter puberty. What if the cat becomes aggressive and bites? The recommendation is the same: pay close attention to the pet and try to understand what is happening to it. In young individuals, hormones often rage, and the aggression associated with the division of the territory is very bright.
If a cat returns from a walk and demonstrates a fighting spirit, most likely he has just had a fight with a neighbor and has not yet cooled down from a fight. The pet, perhaps, just does not have enough of these walks, on which he can communicate with his own kind and try his hand. Often a cat changes its behavior if a new relative appears in the yard.
Competition can be at home if you make yourself a new favorite. It doesn't matter if it’s a puppy or a kitten. In a similar way, animals react to the appearance of a child, and aggression can be either direct or hidden. In one case, the pet arches its back, hisses and bites. In another, it can mark the territory occupied by the "occupier".
Aggression as a reaction to pain
Sometimes it’s difficult for the owners to understand what happened to their affectionate and tender pet. And all the more, it is not clear what to do if the cat is aggressive towards people. This happens quite rarely. If you have not offended a fluffy beauty, she has no reason to behave this way, however, with the exception of cases when she experiences severe and painful pains.
This often happens with urolithiasis. The animal begins to perceive in bayonets any touch, it can bite or scratch. What if the cat is aggressive and attacks? First you need to consult a doctor and exclude the likelihood of a disease. With severe pain, the animal perceives almost any action as an attack.
Have a conversation within the family. Cats are very vindictive and will remember for a long time if they have been hurt. Perhaps one of the children is playing too rough with your pet, which is why his behavior has changed a lot.
Sterilization and its consequences
After castration, cats usually become much calmer. Often this is the determining factor for the owner, who decided on the operation. Unfortunately, this is not always true for females. Often, the veterinarian is asked that the cat is aggressive after sterilization. What to do in this case? We need to deal with the reasons again. There can be three of them:
- Stress factors.
- Internal influences.
- External irritants.
Very often, the seam hurts the animal, and this seriously affects its behavior. Consult with your veterinarian, he will prescribe painkillers. In addition, if there is a change in the hormonal background, then it must be immediately corrected with the help of special medicines.
Pregnancy and childbirth
When a cat bears kittens, her character gradually changes. In the early stages of pregnancy, she becomes very affectionate and constantly wants to spend time with her master, but closer to childbirth, everything changes. The animal begins to look for a cozy corner to be alone. The cat is aggressive, does not comb out. What to do? It is best to leave her alone and let her lie in the "nest". After some time, she herself will come to you to soak up.
It is important to remember that any loud sounds can injure your cat’s psyche, so you need to create silence and give your pet an opportunity to relax. In this case, the condition is usually leveled. Sometimes the veterinarian additionally prescribes special drugs that will relieve irritability and improve the condition - these are pheromones, catnip, anxiolytics. It is recommended to use them only under the supervision of a doctor, especially if you have a pregnant or lactating cat.
If she recently became the mother of fluffy lumps, she will try to protect them as much as possible from the outside world. The best thing you can do is not to look into the house or to do it very carefully, and only if your mother has gone out to eat. You will have enough time to get acquainted with the kids when they are a little older, so do not annoy the animal again.
How to calm an aggressive cat
First of all, you need to let the pet take its place or set aside a dark corner for relaxation. Minimize triggers and avoid contact with the cat until necessary to calm the animal. What to do, the cat is aggressive and attacks? Take a towel or blanket in which you can wrap it and block the threat. You can take a water gun and use it for protection. It is usually enough to spray the cat once to bring it to life.
After that, try not to annoy the furry creature. Walk slowly and smoothly, talk quietly. Your pet is also a person whose feelings must be reckoned with. If you have a different opinion, then it’s better not to have cats and even more dogs for yourself. Remember that you must show goodwill. No physical punishment, immersion in ice water and other extreme measures. This will only aggravate the situation.
Nothing helps
If you tried different ways to calm your darling, but did not achieve the result, it's time to consult a doctor and ask what to do. The cat has become aggressive and bites, so the specialist must diagnose and conclude whether the animal is suffering from any disease and does not need to receive special means. If nothing like this is found, then the specialist will prescribe sedatives. There are a lot of them today, so skip specific names. Modern developments allow to achieve a good result in a short time, and side effects of drugs are often minimal.
The most extreme way to solve the problem is to put to sleep. If, despite your care and affection, on the medications taken, regular walks and other measures, the animal still continues to hiss and bite, then the veterinarian can offer a radical solution. Perhaps this is a severe mental disorder, which is unlikely to cure.
What I want to add here: do not transfer the cat to other people in the hope that the problem will be solved. Most likely, it will only get worse, so be honest with yourself to the end. You have taken responsibility for the life and health of this animal, you make decisions, no matter how difficult they may be.