Today, more and more talk about how complex the physiological process for the release of an egg from an already mature follicle, and this process is called “ovulation”. Speaking about this, I immediately want to pay attention to when ovulation occurs, and note that, on average, its onset occurs approximately on the fourteenth day after the last menstrual cycle, which is why it is called “averaged”. Developing the topic, we can distinguish that two different concepts are known, namely, late and premature ovulation. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
Early ovulation - this process occurs at the exit of the egg from the follicle, about 8-10 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Late ovulation occurs relatively later, namely on the eighteenth day after the last menstrual cycle (sometimes even later).
By the way, some experts believe that the concept of premature ovulation is correctly applied only when considering several cycles, and only for one specific woman. What does it mean? For example, this is as follows: for example, a woman constantly ovulates on the fourteenth day after the menstrual cycle, but suddenly one day, she does not occur on day 14, but on the eleventh, for example, in this particular case it will be premature ovulation.
For another woman, everything may look different, and for her, the norm will be eleven days. Hence the conclusion: when studying women's health, there can be no single opinion on a specific topic, that is, on the topic "premature ovulation." What affects ovulation, why does such instability occur in the body? In addition to fluctuations in hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, luteinizing hormones, even stresses (whether good or not) affect the general condition of a woman's body. A special influence is exerted by diseases, the rhythm of vital activity, a change in the usual environment for the body, and also nutrition.
Incidentally, the cause of early ovulation, and indeed late, can be a violation of brain activity. For example: if the hypothalamus emits a large amount of a hormone such as gonadotropin, the pituitary gland begins to tend to produce hormones that can trigger an early onset of ovulation. This, in turn, as often happens, leads to an unwanted pregnancy, or it may cause a missed egg release time. Speaking about an unwanted pregnancy, it is worth noting that there is a high probability of pregnancy when the method of contraception is used, which is associated with calculating the period of occurrence of normal ovulation.
It should be borne in mind that the use of various medications used in treatment affects ovulation. How to find out if there was ovulation or not? This is a separate issue, which should be given a little more time than in the framework of this article. In short, this can be determined through various tests, which are sold at any pharmacy. This test is very similar to a pregnancy test, the only difference is that there are several test strips in the package at once. There is another way to determine the ovulation cycle, namely measuring basal temperature. However, you can draw up a monthly schedule, and then through the analysis draw a conclusion when there was ovulation.
In conclusion, it is worth noting the following: you need to carefully monitor your health, and if any hormonal changes occur, then you should think about ovulation in order to properly respond to the changes. As a result, it will become much easier for you and your loved ones to live. Take care of yourself.