Recently, many animal owners have ignored vaccines. Among the reasons, many call the inefficiency of vaccines. There are times when a dog who has received the necessary vaccinations still gets plague or enteritis, and some owners believe that vaccination of dogs - Nothing but a waste of money and time. Meanwhile, experts say that compliance with the rules and timing of vaccination minimizes infection with viral infections.
The most common infectious diseases of dogs, such as parvovirus enteritis, contagious hepatitis, leptospirosis and, of course, plague. The course of these diseases, as a rule, is severe, cases of fatal outcomes are not uncommon. Rabies is much less common now. However, do not forget that this disease is fatal, and not only for dogs, but also for humans. Remember, vaccination of dogs against rabies is required.
What vaccines are used?
Recently, the volume of purchases of imported drugs has increased, while the production of high-quality domestic vaccines has been launched. Is there a difference between Russian and imported drugs? Vaccines are made from viruses that are prevalent in one locality or another, therefore, in Russia, preference is given to domestic drugs, or European ones, such as Hexadog and Nobi-vak. It is desirable that the first vaccination of dogs of large breeds was carried out with domestic drugs. In prosperous countries, stray dogs are monitored, and there is little spread of viral infections. Imported vaccines, especially American ones, often form less reliable immunity.
Against viral hepatitis and enteritis, the Russian bivalent vaccine Parvovak is successfully used. For anti-plague vaccination, puppies are given the EPM, 668-KF and Vaccum vaccines. Polyvalent vaccines are also popular, in particular, Trivak for plague, hepatitis and enteritis and Multikan-4 for coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, hepatitis and plague. Of the domestic rabies vaccines, the rabies phenol vaccine is worth noting . The Dutch multivalent vaccine Nobivac rz & Nobi-vac rz is also used against hepatitis, rabies, enteritis, plague and leptospirosis.
Dog vaccination schedule
Vaccination against hepatitis, coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis is done in 1.5 months. The vaccine is repeated after 10-14 days and after a year.
At the age of 2.5 months, puppies are vaccinated against the plague. Re-vaccination of dogs for plague is carried out at 7-8 months, when the change of teeth ends. Further vaccination is done once a year.
Dogs are vaccinated against leptospirosis after 4 months, and then once a year. After 8 months, rabies vaccination is given.
This is a classic dog vaccination schedule, although other schemes exist. It is important to remember that they must be quarantined for 2-3 weeks after vaccination - the dog cannot be bathed, care must be taken that the animal does not overwork. 10 days before vaccination, deworming should be performed. The interval between vaccinations should be at least three weeks. The vaccination schedule, as a rule, is coordinated with the timing of antiplague vaccinations. Particular attention should be paid to quality, dosage and compliance with vaccine storage rules.
Contraindications for vaccination:
If the dog is exhausted, its body temperature is elevated, it is better to postpone the vaccination. If your pet has worms, acute or chronic diseases, acquired immunodeficiency, vaccination is also not shown. If hyperimmune serum is administered to the dog within three weeks prior to the intended vaccination, the vaccine should also be rescheduled. Vaccination of dogs is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, and all recommendations must be strictly observed.