How many months does a child begin to hold his head: advice to parents

how many months the baby begins to hold his head

The first few months of the baby’s life is a very responsible and exciting period for new parents. Literally everything worries them, and very often they ask about how many months the child begins to hold the head in accordance with established standards. It should be said right away that the timing can fluctuate, but on average, peanuts master this skill in 1.5-3 months.

A newborn baby does not know how to hold his head due to muscle weakness. Therefore, it must be lifted carefully and carefully and not to tip the head, especially sharp. That is, you can slowly pull the child by the handles, but it is absolutely impossible to make sudden movements without supporting the head.

The question of how many months the baby begins to hold the head should be asked by the pediatrician who has been observing the baby from birth. Timing is fairly standard, but errors are quite possible. Most often, from about 1.5 months, babies begin to hold the head little by little, and also lift it, lying on their tummy, and turn to the sides. With each week of life, this skill is improved, and by 3 months the baby can already turn his head, holding it, standing "column" and lying on his stomach. By 4 months, the little one already knows how to lift and hold not only the head, but also the upper body (lying on his stomach).

the child holds his head poorly

If the child does not hold the head well at 3 months, this is not a reason for panic, but a good reason for additional consultation with specialists. If the baby hurried and was born ahead of time, then he may well be late, but in each specific situation, medical supervision and a set of measures are necessary. Late begin to hold the head and the little ones with impaired muscle tone (hypotension) and a number of neurological disorders.

When an infant holds its head very early, this is far from always a reason for joy. Of course, perhaps it just develops faster than most kids. However, if a baby holds his head well in a month and even earlier, you should definitely show it to specialists, optimally to a pediatrician and a neurologist, because this may be one of the manifestations of neurological disorders (hypertonicity).

when the baby holds the head

In order not to worry about how many months the child begins to hold his head, you should provide the baby with all the opportunities for harmonious development. To do this, lay it on the tummy, do a light massage and gymnastics. If you lay the crumbs on the tummy, it will turn the head to the side - this is the first training for the muscles! You can practice with the little one and on a large inflatable ball. It greatly strengthens muscles and trains the vestibular apparatus. In the first months, it is necessary to maintain the crumbs head when changing clothes, wearing on hands and feeding.

The question of how many months a child begins to hold his head is far from the only reason for parental experiences. Moms and dads should understand the main thing: each baby develops at its own pace, however, if he strongly gets out of the established norms and terms, you need to see a doctor. At least in order to make sure that everything is in order, and not to worry in vain. Or in order to find out about the existence of a particular problem and take all measures to eliminate it.

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